James Bowen James Bowen

Diesel: A Rust-y ORM


Last week on Monday Morning Haskell we took our first step into some real world tasks with Rust. We explored the simple Rust Postgres library to connect to a database and run some queries. This week we're going to use Diesel, a library with some cool ORM capabilities. It's a bit like the Haskell library Persistent, which you can explore more in our Real World Haskell Series.

For a more in-depth look at the code for this article, you should take a look at our Github Repository! You'll want to look at the files referenced below and also at the executable here.

Diesel CLI

Our first step is to add Diesel as a dependency in our program. We briefly discussed Cargo "features" in last week's article. Diesel has separate features for each backend you might use. So we'll specify "postgres". Once again, we'll also use a special feature for the chrono library so we can use timestamps in our database.

diesel={version="1.4.4", features=["postgres", "chrono"]}

But there's more! Diesel comes with a CLI that helps us manage our database migrations. It also will generate some of our schema code. Just as we can install binaries with Stack using stack install, we can do the same with Cargo. We only want to specify the features we want. Otherwise it will crash if we don't have the other databases installed.

>> cargo install diesel_cli --no-default-features --features postgres

Now we can start using the program to setup our project to generate our migrations. We begin with this command.

>> diesel setup

This creates a couple different items in our project directory. First, we have a "migrations" folder, where we'll put some SQL code. Then we also get a schema.rs file in our src directory. Diesel will automatically generate code for us in this file. Let's see how!

Migrations and Schemas

When using Persistent in Haskell, we defined our basic types in a single Schema file using a special template language. We could run migrations on our whole schema programmatically, without our own SQL. But it is difficult to track more complex migrations as your schema evolves.

Diesel is a bit different. Unfortunately, we have to write our own SQL. But, we'll do so in a way that it's easy to take more granular actions on our table. Diesel will then generate a schema file for us. But we'll still need some extra work to get the Rust types we'll need. To start though, let's use Diesel to generate our first migration. This migration will create our "users" table.

>> diesel migration generate create_users

This creates a new folder within our "migrations" directory for this "create_users" migration. It has two files, up.sql and down.sql. We start by populating the up.sql file to specify the SQL we need to run the migration.

  email TEXT NOT NULL,

Then we also want the down.sql file to contain SQL that reverses the migration.


Once we've written these, we can run our migration!

>> diesel migration run

We can then undo the migration, running the code in down.sql with this command:

>> diesel migration redo

The result of running our migration is that Diesel populates the schema.rs file. This file uses the table macro that generates helpful types and trait instances for us. We'll use this a bit when incorporating the table into our code.

table! {
  users (id) {
    id -> Int4,
    name -> Text,
    email -> Text,
    age -> Int4,

While we're at it, let's make one more migration to add an articles table.

-- migrations/create_articles/up.sql
CREATE TABLE articles (
  title TEXT NOT NULL,
  author_id INTEGER REFERENCES users(id) NOT NULL

-- migrations/create_articles/down.sql
DROP TABLE articles;

Then we can once again use diesel migration run.

Model Types

Now, while Diesel will generate a lot of useful code for us, we still need to do some work on our own. We have to create our own structs for the data types to take advantage of the instances we get. With Persistent, we got these for free. Persistent also used a wrapper Entity type, which attached a Key to our actual data.

Diesel doesn't have the notion of an entity. We have to manually make two different types, one with the database key and one without. For the "Entity" type which has the key, we'll derive the "Queryable" class. Then we can use Diesel's functions to select items from the table.

pub struct UserEntity {
  pub id: i32
  pub name: String,
  pub email: String,
  pub age: i32

We then have to declare a separate type that implements "Insertable". This doesn't have the database key, since we don't know the key before inserting the item. This should be a copy of our entity type, but without the key field. We use a second macro to tie it to the users table.

pub struct User {
  pub name: String,
  pub email: String,
  pub age: i32

Note that in the case of our foreign key type, we'll use a normal integer for our column reference. In Persistent we would have a special Key type. We lose some of the semantic meaning of this field by doing this. But it can help keep more of our code separate from this specific library.

Making Queries

Now that we have our models in place, we can start using them to write queries. First, we need to make a database connection using the establish function. Rather than using the ? syntax, we'll use .expect to unwrap our results in this article. This is less safe, but a little easier to work with.

fn create_connection() -> PgConnection {
  let database_url = "postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost/rust_db";
    .expect("Error Connecting to database")

fn main() {
  let connection: PgConnection = create_connection();

Let's start now with insertion. Of course, we begin by creating one of our "Insertable" User items. We can then start writing an insertion query with the Diesel function insert_into.

Diesel's query functions are composable. We add different elements to the query until it is complete. With an insertion, we use values combined with the item we want to insert. Then, we call get_result with our connection. The result of an insertion is our "Entity" type.

fn create_user(conn: &PgConnection) -> UserEntity {
  let u = User
    { name = "James".to_string()
    , email: "james@test.com".to_string()
    , age: 26};

    .get_result(conn).expect("Error creating user!")

Selecting Items

Selecting items is a bit more complicated. Diesel generates a dsl module for each of our types. This allows us to use each field name as a value within "filters" and orderings. Let's suppose we want to fetch all the articles written by a particular user. We'll start our query on the articles table and call filter to start building our query. We can then add a constraint on the author_id field.

fn fetch_articles(conn: &PgConnection, uid: i32) -> Vec<ArticleEntity> {
  use rust_web::schema::articles::dsl::*;

We can also add an ordering to our query. Notice again how these functions compose. We also have to specify the return type we want when using the load function to complete our select query. The main case is to return the full entity. This is like SELECT * FROM in SQL lingo. Applying load will give us a vector of these items.

fn fetch_articles(conn: &PgConnection, uid: i32) -> Vec<ArticleEntity> {
  use rust_web::schema::articles::dsl::*;
    .expect("Error loading articles!")

But we can also specify particular fields that we want to return. We'll see this in the final example, where our result type is a vector of tuples. This last query will be a join between our two tables. We start with users and apply the inner_join function.

fn fetch_all_names_and_titles(conn: &PgConnection) -> Vec<(String, String)> {
  use rust_web::schema::users::dsl::*;
  use rust_web::schema::articles::dsl::*;

Then we join it to the articles table on the particular ID field. Because both of our tables have id fields, we have to namespace it to specify the user's ID field.

fn fetch_all_names_and_titles(conn: &PgConnection) -> Vec<(String, String)> {
  use rust_web::schema::users::dsl::*;
  use rust_web::schema::articles::dsl::*;


Finally, we load our query to get the results. But notice, we use select and only ask for the name of the User and the title of the article. This gives us our final values, so that each element is a tuple of two strings.

fn fetch_all_names_and_titles(conn: &PgConnection) -> Vec<(String, String)> {
  use rust_web::schema::users::dsl::*;
  use rust_web::schema::articles::dsl::*;

    .select((name, title)).load(conn).expect("Error on join query!")


For my part, I prefer the functionality provided by Persistent in Haskell. But Diesel's method of providing a separate CLI to handle migrations is very cool as well. And it's good to see more sophisticated functionality in this relatively new language.

If you're still new to Rust, we have some more beginner-related material. Read our Rust Beginners Series or better yet, watch our Rust Video Tutorial!

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James Bowen James Bowen

Basic Postgres Data in Rust


For our next few articles, we're going to be exploring some more advanced concepts in Rust. Specifically, we'll be looking at parallel ideas from our Real World Haskell Series. In these first couple weeks, we'll be exploring how to connect Rust and a Postgres database. To start, we'll use the Rust Postgres library. This will help us create a basic database connection so we can make simple queries. You can see all the code for this article in action by looking at our RustWeb repository. Specifically, you'll want to check out the file pg_basic.rs.

If you're new to Rust, we have a couple beginner resources for you to start out with. You can read our Rust Beginners Series to get a basic introduction to the language. Or for some more in-depth explanations, you can watch our Rust Video Tutorial!!

Creating Tables

We'll start off by making a client object to connect to our database. This uses a query string like we would with any Postgres library.

let conn_string = "host=localhost port=5432 user=postgres";
let mut client : Client = Client::connect(conn_string, NoTls)?;

Note that the connect function generally returns a Result<Client, Error>. In Haskell, we would write this as Either Error Client. By using ? at the end of our call, we can immediately unwrap the Client. The caveat on this is that it only compiles if the whole function returns some kind of Result<..., Error>. This is an interesting monadic behavior Rust gives us. Pretty much all our functions in this article will use this ? behavior.

Now that we have a client, we can use it to run queries. The catch is that we have to know the Raw SQL ourselves. For example, here's how we can create a table to store some users:

    CREATE TABLE users (
        name TEXT NOT NULL,
        email TEXT NOT NULL,
        age INTEGER NOT NULL

Inserting with Interpolation

A raw query like that with no real result is the simplest operation we can perform. But, any non-trivial program will require us to customize the queries programmatically. To do this we'll need to interpolate values into the middle of our queries. We can do this with execute (as opposed to batch_execute).

Let's try creating a user. As with batch_execute, we need a query string. This time, the query string will contain values like $1, $2 that we'll fill in with variables. We'll provide these variables with a list of references. Here's what it looks like with a user:

let name = "James";
let email = "james@test.com";
let age = 26;
    "INSERT INTO users (name, email, age) VALUES ($1, $2, $3)",
    &[&name, &email, &age],

Again, we're using a raw query string. All the values we interpolate must implement the specific class postgres_types::ToSql. We'll see this a bit later.

Fetching Results

The last main type of query we can perform is to fetch our results. We can use our client to call the query function, which returns a vector of Row objects:

for row: Row in client.query("SELECT * FROM users"), &[])? {

For more complicated SELECT statements we would interpolate parameters, as with insertion above. The Row has different Columns for accessing the data. But in our case it's a little easier to use get and the index to access the different fields. Like our Raw SQL calls, this is unsafe in a couple ways. If we use an out of bounds index, we'll get a crash. And if we try to cast to the wrong data type, we'll also run into problems.

for row: Row in client.query("SELECT * FROM users"), &[])? {
  let id: i32 = row.get(0);
  let name: &str = row.get(1);
  let email: &str = row.get(2);
  let age: i32 = row.get(3);


We could then use these individual values to populate whatever data types we wanted on our end.

Joining Tables

If we want to link two tables together, of course we'll also have to know how to do this with Raw SQL. For example, we can make our articles table:

  CREATE TABLE articles (
    title TEXT NOT NULL,
    body TEXT NOT NULL,
    author_id INTEGER REFERENCES users(id)

Then, after retrieving a user's ID, we can insert an article written by that user.

for row: Row in client.query("SELECT * FROM users"), &[])? {
  let id: i32 = row.get(0);
  let title: &str = "A Great Article!";
  let body: &str = "You should share this with friends.";
  let cur_time: DateTime<Utc> = Utc::now();
    "INSERT INTO articles (title, body, published_at, author_id) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4)",
    &[&title, &body, &cur_time, &id]

One of this tricky parts is that this won't compile if you only use the basic postgres dependency in Rust! There isn't a native ToSql instance for the DateTime<Utc> type. However, Rust dependencies can have specific "features". This concept doesn't really exist in Haskell, except through extra packages. You'll need to specify the with-chrono feature for the version of the chrono library you use. This feature, or sub-dependency contains the necessary ToSql instance. Here's what the structure looks like in our Cargo.toml:

postgres={version="0.17.3", features=["with-chrono-0_4"]}

After this, our code will compile!

Runtime Problems

Now there are lots of reasons we wouldn't want to use a library like this in a formal project. One of the big principles of Rust (and Haskell) is catching errors at compile time. And writing out functions with lots of raw SQL like this makes our program very prone to runtime errors. I encountered several of these as I was writing this small program! At one point, I started writing the SELECT query and absentmindedly forgot to complete it until I ran my program!

At another point, I couldn't decide what timestamp format to use in Postgres. I went back and forth between using a TIMESTAMP or just an INTEGER for the published_at field. I needed to coordinate the SQL for both the table creation query and the fetching query. I often managed to change one but not the other, resulting in annoying runtime errors. I finally discovered I needed TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE and not merely TIMESTAMP. This was a rather painful process with this setup.


Next week, we'll explore Diesel, a library that lets us use schemas to catch more of these issues at compile time. The framework is more comparable to Persistent in Haskell. It gives us an ORM (Object Relational Mapping) so that we don't have to write raw SQL. This approach is much more suited to languages like Haskell and Rust!

To try out tasks like this in Haskell, take a look at our Production Checklist! It includes a couple different libraries for interacting with databases using ORMs.

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James Bowen James Bowen

Preparing for Rust!


Next week, we're going to change gears a bit and start some interesting projects with Rust! Towards the end of last year, we dabbled a bit with Rust and explored some of the basics of the language. In our next series of blog articles, we're going to take a deep dive into some more advanced concepts.

We'll explore several different Rust libraries in various topics. We'll consider data serialization, web servers and databases, among other. We'll build a couple small apps, and compare the results to our earlier work with Haskell.

To get ready for this series, you should brush up on your Rust basics! To help, we've wrapped up our Rust content into a permanent series on the Beginners page! Here's an overview of that series:

Part 1: Basic Syntax

We start out by learning about Rust's syntax. We'll see quite a few differences to Haskell. But there are also some similarities in unexpected places.

Part 2: Memory Management

One of the major things that sets Rust apart from other languages is how it manages memory. In the second part, we'll learn a bit about how Rust's memory system works.

Part 3: Data Types

In the third part of the series, we'll explore how to make our own data types in Rust. We'll see that Rust borrows some of Haskell's neat ideas!

Part 4: Cargo Package Manager

Cargo is Rust's equivalent of Stack and Cabal. It will be our package and dependency manager. In part 4, we see how to make basic Rust projects using Cargo.

Part 5: Lifetimes and Collections

In the final part, we'll look at some more advanced collection types in Rust. Because of Rust's memory model, we'll need some special rules for handling items in collections. This will lead us to the idea of lifetimes.

If you prefer video content, our Rust Video Tutorial also provides a solid foundation. It goes through all the topics in this series, starting from installation. Either way, stay tuned for new blog content, starting next week!

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James Bowen James Bowen

Summer Course Sale!

newlogo3 (2).png

This week we have some exciting news! Back in March, we opened our Practical Haskell course for enrollment. The first round of students has had a chance to go through the course. So we're now opening it up for general enrollment!

This course goes through some more practical concepts and libraries you might use on a real world project. Here's a sneak peak at some of the skills you'll learn:

  1. Making a web server with Persistent and Servant
  2. Deploying a Haskell project using Heroku and Circle CI
  3. Making a web frontend with Elm, and connecting it to the Haskell backend
  4. Using Monad Transformers and Free Effects to organize our application
  5. Test driven development in Haskell

As a special bonus, for this week only, both of our courses are on sale, $100 off their normal prices! So if you're not ready for Practical Haskell, you can take a look at Haskell From Scratch. With that said, if you buy either course now, you'll have access to all the materials indefinitely! Prices will go back to normal after this Sunday, so head to the course pages now!

Next week, we'll start getting back into the swing of things by reviewing some of our Rust basics!

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James Bowen James Bowen

Mid-Summer Break, Open AI Gym Series!


We're taking a little bit of a mid-summer break from new content here at MMH. But we have done some extra work in organizing the site! Last week we wrapped up our series on Haskell and the Open AI Gym. We've now added that series as a permanent fixture on the advanced section of the page!

Here's a quick summary of the series:

Part 1: Frozen Lake Primer

The first part introduces the Open AI framework and goes through the Frozen lake example. It presents the core concept of an environment.

Part 2: Frozen Lake in Haskell

In the second part, we write a basic version of Frozen Lake in Haskell.

Part 3: Blackjack

Next, we expand on our knowledge of games and environments to write a second game. This one based on casino Blackjack, and it will start to show us common elements in games.

Part 4: Q-Learning

Now we start getting into the ideas of reinforcement learning. We'll explore Q-Learning, one of the simplest techniques in this field. We'll apply this approach to both of our games.

Part 5: Generalized Environments

Now that we've seen the learning process in action, we can start generalizing our games. We'll create an abstract notion of what an Environment is. Just as Python has a specific API for their games, so will we! In true Haskell fashion, we'll represent this API with a type family!

Part 6: Q-Learning with Tensors in Python

In part 6, we'll take our Q-learning process a step further by using TensorFlow. We'll see how we can learn a more general function than we had before. We'll start this process in Python, where the mathematical operations are more clear.

Part 7: Q-Learning with Tensors in Haskell

Once we know how Q-Learning works with Python, we'll apply these techniques in Haskell as well! Once you get here, you'd better be ready to use your Haskell TensorFlow skills!

Part 8: Rendering with Gloss

In the final part of the series, we'll see how we can use the Gloss library to render our Haskell games!

You can take a look at the series summary page for more details!

In a couple weeks, we'll be back, this time with some fresh Rust content! Take a look at our Rust Video Tutorial to get a headstart on that!

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James Bowen James Bowen

Rendering Frozen Lake with Gloss!


We've spent the last few weeks exploring some of the ideas in the Open AI Gym framework. We made a couple games, generalized them, and applied some machine learning techniques. When it comes to rendering our games though, we're still relying on a very basic command line text format.

But if we want to design agents for more visually appealing games, we'll need a better solution! Last year, we spent quite a lot of time learning about the Gloss library. This library makes it easy to create simple games and render them using OpenGL. Take a look at this article for a summary of our work there and some links to the basics.

In this article, we'll explore how we can draw some connections between Gloss and our Open AI Gym work. We'll see how we can take the functions we've already written and use them within Gloss!

Gloss Basics

The key entrypoint for a Gloss game is the play function. At its core is the world type parameter, which we'll define for ourselves later.

play :: Display -> Color -> Int
  -> world
  -> (world -> Picture)
  -> (Event -> world -> world)
  -> (Float -> world -> world)
  -> IO ()

We won't go into the first three parameters. But the rest are important. The first is our initial world state. The second is our rendering function. It creates a Picture for the current state. Then comes an "event handler". This takes user input events and updates the world based on the actions. Finally there is the update function. This changes the world based on the passage of time, rather than specific user inputs.

This structure should sound familiar, because it's a lot like our Open AI environments! The initial world is like the "reset" function. Then both systems have a "render" function. And the update functions are like our stepEnv function.

The main difference we'll see is that Gloss's functions work in a pure way. Recall our "environment" functions use the "State" monad. Let's explore this some more.

Re-Writing Environment Functions

Let's take a look at the basic form of these environment functions, in the Frozen Lake context:

resetEnv :: (Monad m) => StateT FrozenLakeEnvironment m Observation
stepEnv :: (Monad m) =>
  Action -> StateT FrozenLakeEnvironment m (Observation, Double, Bool)
renderEnv :: (MonadIO m) => StateT FrozenLakeEnvironment m ()

These all use State. This makes it easy to chain them together. But if we look at the implementations, a lot of them don't really need to use State. They tend to unwrap the environment at the start with get, calculate new results, and then have a final put call.

This means we can rewrite them to fit more within Gloss's pure structure! We'll ignore rendering, since that will be very different. But here are some alternate type signatures:

resetEnv' :: FrozenLakeEnvironment -> FrozenLakeEnvironment
stepEnv' :: Action -> FrozenLakeEnvironment
  -> (FrozenLakeEnvironment, Double, Bool)

We'll exclude Observation as an output, since the environment contains that through currentObservation. The implementation for each of these looks like the original. Here's what resetting looks like:

resetEnv' :: FrozenLakeEnvironment -> FrozenLakeEnvironment
resetEnv' fle = fle
  { currentObservation = 0
  , previousAction = Nothing

Now for stepping our environment forward:

stepEnv' :: Action -> FrozenLakeEnvironment -> (FrozenLakeEnvironment, Double, Bool)
stepEnv' act fle = (finalEnv, reward, done)
    currentObs = currentObservation fle
    (slipRoll, gen') = randomR (0.0, 1.0) (randomGenerator fle)
    allLegalMoves = legalMoves currentObs (dimens fle)
    numMoves = length allLegalMoves - 1
    (randomMoveIndex, finalGen) = randomR (0, numMoves) gen'
    newObservation = ... -- Random move, or apply the action
    (done, reward) = case (grid fle) A.! newObservation of
      Goal -> (True, 1.0)
      Hole -> (True, 0.0)
      _ -> (False, 0.0)
    finalEnv = fle
      { currentObservation = newObservation
      , randomGenerator = finalGen
      , previousAction = Just act

What's even better is that we can now rewrite our original State functions using these!

resetEnv :: (Monad m) => StateT FrozenLakeEnvironment m Observation
resetEnv = do
  modify resetEnv'
  gets currentObservation

stepEnv :: (Monad m) =>
  Action -> StateT FrozenLakeEnvironment m (Observation, Double, Bool)
stepEnv act = do
  fle <- get
  let (finalEnv, reward, done) = stepEnv' act fle
  put finalEnv
  return (currentObservation finalEnv, reward, done)

Implementing Gloss

Now let's see how this ties in with Gloss. It might be tempting to use our Environment as the world type. But it can be useful to attach other information as well. For one example, we can also include the current GameResult, telling us if we've won, lost, or if the game is still going.

data GameResult =
  GameInProgress |
  GameWon |
  deriving (Show, Eq)

data World = World
  { environment :: FrozenLakeEnvironment
  , gameResult :: GameResult

Now we can start building the other pieces of our game. There aren't really any "time" updates in our game, except to update the result based on our location:

updateWorldTime :: Float -> World -> World
updateWorldTime _ w = case tile of
  Goal -> World fle GameWon
  Hole -> World fle GameLost
  _ -> w
    fle = environment w
    obs = currentObservation fle
    tile = grid fle A.! obs

When it comes to handling inputs, we need to start with the case of restarting the game. When the game isn't InProgress, only the "enter" button matters. This resets everything, using resetEnv':

handleInputs :: Event -> World -> World
handleInputs event w
  | gameResult w /= GameInProgress = case event of
      (EventKey (SpecialKey KeyEnter) Down _ _) ->
        World (resetEnv' fle) GameInProgress
      _ -> w

Now we handle each directional input key. We'll make a helper function at the bottom that does the business of calling stepEnv'.

handleInputs :: Event -> World -> World
handleInputs event w
  | gameResult w /= GameInProgress = case event of
      (EventKey (SpecialKey KeyEnter) Down _ _) ->
        World (resetEnv' fle) GameInProgress
  | otherwise = case event of
      (EventKey (SpecialKey KeyUp) Down _ _) ->
        w {environment = finalEnv MoveUp }
      (EventKey (SpecialKey KeyRight) Down _ _) ->
        w {environment = finalEnv MoveRight }
      (EventKey (SpecialKey KeyDown) Down _ _) ->
        w {environment = finalEnv MoveDown }
      (EventKey (SpecialKey KeyLeft) Down _ _) ->
        w {environment = finalEnv MoveLeft }
      _ -> w
    fle = environment w
    finalEnv action =
      let (fe, _, _) = stepEnv' action fle
      in  fe

The last step is rendering the environment with a draw function. This just requires a working knowledge of constructing the Picture type in Gloss. It's a little tedious, so I've included the full implementation as an appendix at the bottom. We can then combine all these pieces like so:

main :: IO ()
main = do
  env <- basicEnv
  play windowDisplay white 20
    (World env GameInProgress)

After we have all these pieces, we can run our game, moving our player around to reach the green tile while avoiding the black tiles!



With a little more plumbing, it would be possible to combine this with the rest of our "Environment" work. There are some definite challenges. Our current environment setup doesn't have a "time update" function. Combining machine learning with Gloss rendering would also be interesting. This is the end of our Open Gym series for now, but I'll definitely be working on this project more in the future! Next week we'll have a summary and review what we've learned!

Take a look at our Github repository to see all the code we wrote in this series! The code for this article is on the gloss branch. And don't forget to Subscribe to Monday Morning Haskell to get our monthly newsletter!

Appendix: Rendering Frozen Lake

A lot of numbers here are hard-coded for a 4x4 grid, where each cell is 100x100. Notice particularly that we have a text message if we've won or lost.

windowDisplay :: Display
windowDisplay = InWindow "Window" (400, 400) (10, 10)

drawEnvironment :: World -> Picture
drawEnvironment world
  | gameResult world == GameWon = Translate (-150) 0 $ Scale 0.12 0.25
      (Text "You've won! Press enter to restart!")
  | gameResult world == GameLost = Translate (-150) 0 $ Scale 0.12 0.25
      (Text "You've lost :( Press enter to restart.")
  | otherwise = Pictures [tiles, playerMarker]
    observationToCoords :: Word -> (Word, Word)
    observationToCoords w = quotRem w 4

    renderTile :: (Word, TileType) -> Picture
    renderTile (obs, tileType ) =
      let (centerX, centerY) = rowColToCoords . observationToCoords $ obs
          color' = case tileType of
            Goal -> green
            Hole -> black
            _ -> blue
       in Translate centerX centerY (Color color' (Polygon [(-50, -50), (-50, 50), (50, 50), (50, -50)]))

    tiles = Pictures $ map renderTile (A.assocs (grid . environment $ world))

    (px, py) = rowColToCoords . observationToCoords $ (currentObservation . environment $ world)
    playerMarker = translate px py (Color red (ThickCircle 10 3))

rowColToCoords :: (Word, Word) -> (Float, Float)
rowColToCoords (row, col) = (100 * (fromIntegral col - 1.5), 100 * (1.5 - fromIntegral row))
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James Bowen James Bowen

Training our Agent with Haskell!


In the previous part of the series, we used the ideas of Q-Learning together with TensorFlow. We got a more general solution to our agent that didn't need a table for every state of the game.

This week, we'll take the final step and implement this TensorFlow approach in Haskell. We'll see how to integrate this library with our existing Environment system. It works out quite smoothly, with a nice separation between our TensorFlow logic and our normal environment logic!

This article requires a working knowledge of the Haskell TensorFlow integration. If you're new to this, you should download our Guide showing how to work with this framework. You can also read our original Machine Learning Series for some more details! In particular, the second part will go through the basics of tensors.

Building Our TF Model

The first thing we want to do is construct a "model". This model type will store three items. The first will be the tensor for the weights we have. Then the second two will be functions in the TensorFlow Session monad. The first function will provide scores for the different moves in a position, so we can choose our move. The second will allow us to train the model and update the weights.

data Model = Model
  {  weightsT :: Variable Float
  , chooseActionStep :: TensorData Float -> Session (Vector Float)
  , learnStep :: TensorData Float -> TensorData Float -> Session ()

The input for choosing an action is our world observation state, converted to a Float and put in a size 16-vector. The result will be 4 floating point values for the scores. Then our learning step will take in the observation as well as a set of 4 values. These are the "target" values we're training our model on.

We can construct our model within the Session monad. In the first part of this process we define our weights and use them to determine the score of each move (results).

createModel :: Session Model
createModel = do
  -- Choose Action
  inputs <- placeholder (Shape [1, 16])
  weights <- truncatedNormal (vector [16, 4]) >>= initializedVariable
  let results = inputs `matMul` readValue weights
  returnedOutputs <- render results

Now we make our "trainer". Our "loss" function is the reduced, squared difference between our results and the "target" outputs. We'll use the adam optimizer to learn values for our weights to minimize this loss.

createModel :: Session Model
createModel = do
  -- Choose Action

  -- Train Nextwork
  (nextOutputs :: Tensor Value Float) <- placeholder (Shape [4, 1])
  let (diff :: Tensor Build Float) = nextOutputs `sub` results
  let (loss :: Tensor Build Float) = reduceSum (diff `mul` diff)
  trainer_ <- minimizeWith adam loss [weights]

Finally, we wrap these tensors into functions we can call using runWithFeeds. Recall that each feed provides us with a way to fill in one of our placeholder tensors.

createModel :: Session Model
createModel = do
  -- Choose Action

  -- Train Network

  -- Create Model
  let chooseStep = \inputFeed ->
        runWithFeeds [feed inputs inputFeed] returnedOutputs
  let trainStep = \inputFeed nextOutputFeed ->
        runWithFeeds [ feed inputs inputFeed
                     , feed nextOutputs nextOutputFeed
  return $ Model weights chooseStep trainStep

Our model now wraps all the different tensor operations we need! All we have to do is provide it with the correct TensorData. To see how that works, let's start integrating with our EnvironmentMonad!

Integrating With Environment

Our model's functions exist within the TensorFlow monad Session. So how then, do we integrate this with our existing Environment code? The answer is, of course, to construct a new monad! This monad will wrap Session, while still giving us our FrozenLakeEnvironment! We'll keep the environment within a State, but we'll also keep a reference to our Model.

newtype FrozenLake a = FrozenLake
  (StateT (FrozenLakeEnvironment, Model) Session a)
  deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad)

instance (MonadState FrozenLakeEnvironment) FrozenLake where
  get = FrozenLake (fst <$> get)
  put fle = FrozenLake $ do
    (_, model) <- get
    put (fle, model)

Now we can start implementing the actual EnvironmentMonad instance. Most of our existing types and functions will work with trivial modification. The only real change is that runEnv will need to run a TensorFlow session and create the model. Then it can use evalStateT.

instance EnvironmentMonad FrozenLake where
  type (Observation FrozenLake) = FrozenLakeObservation
  type (Action FrozenLake) = FrozenLakeAction
  type (EnvironmentState FrozenLake) = FrozenLakeEnvironment
  baseEnv = basicEnv
  currentObservation = currentObs <$> get
  resetEnv = resetFrozenLake
  stepEnv = stepFrozenLake
  runEnv env (FrozenLake action) = runSession $ do
    model <- createModel
    evalStateT action (env, model)

This is all we need to define the first class. But, with TensorFlow, our environment is only useful if we use the tensor model! This means we need to fill in LearningEnvironment as well. This has two functions, chooseActionBrain and learnEnv using our tensors. Let's see how that works.

Choosing an Action

Choosing an action is straightforward. We'll once again start with the same format for sometimes choosing a random move:

chooseActionTensor :: FrozenLake FrozenLakeAction
chooseActionTensor = FrozenLake $ do
  (fle, model) <- get
  let (exploreRoll, gen') = randomR (0.0, 1.0) (randomGenerator fle)
  if exploreRoll < flExplorationRate fle
    then do
      let (actionRoll, gen'') = Rand.randomR (0, 3) gen'
      put $ (fle { randomGenerator = gen'' }, model)
      return (toEnum actionRoll)
    else do

As in Python, we'll need to convert an observation to a tensor type. This time, we'll create TensorData. This type wraps a vector, and our input should have the size 1x16. It has the format of a oneHot tensor. But it's easier to make this a pure function, rather than using a TensorFlow monad.

obsToTensor :: FrozenLakeObservation -> TensorData Float
obsToTensor obs = encodeTensorData (Shape [1, 16]) (V.fromList asList)
    asList = replicate (fromIntegral obs) 0.0 ++ 
               [1.0] ++
               replicate (fromIntegral (15 - obs)) 0.0

Since we've already defined our chooseAction step within the model, it's easy to use this! We convert the current observation, get the result values, and then pick the best index!

chooseActionTensor :: FrozenLake FrozenLakeAction
chooseActionTensor = FrozenLake $ do
  (fle, model) <- get
  -- Random move
    else do
      let obs1 = currentObs fle
      let obs1Data = obsToTensor obs1

      -- Use model!
      results <- lift ((chooseActionStep model) obs1Data)
      let bestMoveIndex = V.maxIndex results
      put $ (fle { randomGenerator = gen' }, model)
      return (toEnum bestMoveIndex)

Learning From the Environment

One unfortunate part of our current design is that we have to repeat some work in our learning function. To learn from our action, we need to use all the values, not just the chosen action. So to start our learning function, we'll call chooseActionStep again. This time we'll get the best index AND the max score.

learnTensor ::
  FrozenLakeObservation -> FrozenLakeObservation ->
  Reward -> FrozenLakeAction ->
  FrozenLake ()
learnTensor obs1 obs2 (Reward reward) action = FrozenLake $ do
  model <- snd <$> get
  let obs1Data = obsToTensor obs1

  -- Use the model!
  results <- lift ((chooseActionStep model) obs1Data)
  let (bestMoveIndex, maxScore) =
        (V.maxIndex results, V.maximum results)

We can now get our "target" values by substituting in the reward and max score at the proper index. Then we convert the second observation to a tensor, and we have all our inputs to call our training step!

learnTensor ::
  FrozenLakeObservation -> FrozenLakeObservation ->
  Reward -> FrozenLakeAction ->
  FrozenLake ()
learnTensor obs1 obs2 (Reward reward) action = FrozenLake $ do
  let (bestMoveIndex, maxScore) =
        (V.maxIndex results, V.maximum results)
  let targetActionValues = results V.//
        [(bestMoveIndex, double2Float reward + (gamma * maxScore))]
  let obs2Data = obsToTensor obs2
  let targetActionData = encodeTensorData
        (Shape [4, 1])

  -- Use the model!
  lift $ (learnStep model) obs2Data targetActionData

    gamma = 0.81

Using these two functions, we can now fill in our LearningEnvironment class!

instance LearningEnvironment FrozenLake where
  chooseActionBrain = chooseActionTensor
  learnEnv = learnTensor
  -- Same as before
  explorationRate = ..
  reduceExploration = ...

We'll then be able to run this code just as we would our other Q-learning examples!


This wraps up the machine learning part of this series. We'll have one more article about Open Gym next week. We'll compare our current setup and the Gloss library. Gloss offers much more extensive possibilities for rendering our game and accepting input. So using it would expand the range of games we could play!

We'll definitely continue to expand on the Open Gym concept in the future! Expect a more formal approach to this at some point! For now, take a look at our Github repository for this series! This article's code is on the tensorflow branch!

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James Bowen James Bowen

Q-Learning with Tensors


In our last article we finished refactoring our Gym code to use a type family. This would make it much easier to add new games to our framework in the future. We're now in the closing stages of this series on AI and agent development. This week we're going to incorporate TensorFlow and perform some more advanced techniques.

We've used Q-Learning to train some agents to play simple games like Frozen Lake and Blackjack. Our existing approach uses an exhaustive table from observations to expected rewards. But in most games we won't be able to construct such an exhaustive table. The observation space will be too large, or it will be continuous. So in this article, we're going to explore how to use TensorFlow to build a more generic function we can learn. We'll start this process in Python, where there's a bit less overhead.

Next up, we'll be using TensorFlow with our Haskell code. We'll explore an alternative form of our FrozenLake monad using this approach. To make sure you're ready for it, download our Haskell TensorFlow Guide.

A Q-Function

Our goal here will be to make a more general Q-Function, instead of using a table. A Q-Function provides another way of writing our chooseAction function. With the table approach, each of the 16 possible observations had 4 scores, one for each of the actions we can take. To choose an action, we just take the index with the highest score.

We now want to incorporate a simple neural network for chooseAction. In our example, this network will consist of a single matrix of weights. The input to our network will be a vector of size 16. This vector will have all zeroes, except for the index of the current observation, which will be 1. Then the output of the network will be a vector of size 4. These will give the scores for each move from that observation. So our "weights" will have size 16x4.

So one useful helper function we can write already will be to convert an observation to an input tensor. This will make use of the identity matrix.

def obs_to_tensor(obs):
  return np.identity(16)[obs:obs+1]

Building the Graph

We can now go ahead and start building our tensor graph. We'll start with the part that makes moves from an observation. For this quick Python script, we'll let the tensors live in the global namespace.

import gym
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf

env = gym.make('FrozenLake-v0')

inputs = tf.placeholder(shape=[1,16], dtype=tf.float32)
weights = tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([16, 4], 0, 0.01))
output = tf.matmul(inputs, weights)
prediction = tf.argmax(output, 1)

Each time we make a move, we'll pass the current observation tensor as the input placeholder. Then we multiply it by the weights to get scores for each different output action. Our final "prediction" is the output index with the highest weight. Notice how we initialize our network with random weights. This helps prevent our network from getting stuck early on.

We can use these tensors to construct our choose_action function. This will, of course take the current observation as an input. But it will also take an epsilon value for the random move probability. We use sess.run to run our prediction and output tensors. If we choose a random move instead, we'll replace the actual "action" with a sample from the action space.

def choose_action(input_obs, epsilon):
  action, all_outputs = sess.run(
    [prediction, output],
    feed_dict={inputs: obs_to_tensor(input_obs)})
  if np.random.rand(1) < epsilon:
    action[0] = env.action_space.sample()
  return action, all_outputs

The Learning Process

The first part of our graph tells us how to make moves, but we also need to update our weights so the network gets better! To do this, we'll add a few more tensors.

next_output = tf.placeholder(shape=[1,4], dtype=tf.float32)
loss = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(next_output - output))
trainer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate=0.1)
update_model = trainer.minimize(loss)

init = tf.initialize_all_variables()

Let's go through these one-by-one. We need to take an extra input for the target values, which incorporate the "next" state of the game. We want the values we get in the original state to be closer to those! So our "loss" function is the squared difference of our "current" output and the "target" output. Then we create a "trainer" that minimizes the loss function. Because our weights are the "variable" in the system, they'll get updated to minimize this loss.

We can use this section group of tensors to construct our "learning" function.

def learn_env(current_obs, next_obs, reward, action, all_outputs):
  gamma = 0.81
  _, all_next_outputs = choose_action(next_obs, 0.0)
  next_max = np.max(all_next_outputs)
  target_outputs = all_outputs
  target_outputs[0, action[0]] = reward + gamma * next_max
    [update_model, weights],
    feed_dict={inputs: obs_to_tensor(current_obs),
               next_output: target_outputs})

We start by choosing an action from the "next" position (without randomness). We get the largest value from that choice. We use this and the reward to inform our "target" of what the current input weights should be. In other words, taking our action should give us the reward and the best value we would get from the next position. Then we update our model!

Playing the Game

Now all that's left is to play out the game! This looks a lot like code from previous parts, so we won't go into too much depth. The key section is in the middle of the loop. We choose our next action, use it to step the environment, and use the reward to learn.

rewards_list = []

with tf.Session() as sess:
  epsilon = 0.9
  decay_rate = 0.9
  num_episodes = 10000
  for i in range(num_episodes):
      # Reset environment and get first new observation
      current_obs = env.reset()
      sum_rewards = 0
      done = False
      num_steps = 0
      while num_steps < 100:
        num_steps += 1

        # Choose, Step, Learn!
        action, all_outputs = choose_action(current_obs, epsilon)
        next_obs, reward, done, _ = env.step(action[0])
        learn_env(current_obs, next_obs, reward, action, all_outputs)

        sum_rewards += reward
        current_obs = next_obs
        if done == True:
          if i % 100 == 99:
            epsilon *= decay_rate

Our results won't be quite as good as the table approach. Using a tensor function allows our system to be a lot more general. But the consequence of this is that the results aren't stable. We could, of course, improve the results by using more advanced algorithms. But we'll get into that another time!


Now that we know the core ideas behind using tensors for Q-Learning, it's time to do this in Haskell. Next week, we'll do a refresher on how Haskell operates together with Tensor Flow. We'll see how we can work these ideas into our existing Environment framework.

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James Bowen James Bowen

Refactored Game Play!


Last week, we implemented Q-learning for our Blackjack game. We found the solution looked a lot like Frozen Lake for the most part. So we created a new class EnvironmentMonad to combine the steps these games have in common. This week, we'll see a full implementation of that class. Our goal is a couple generic gameLoop functions we can use for different modes of our game.

As always, the code for this article is on our Github repository! You'll mainly want to explore any of the source files with Environment in their name.

Expanding our Environment

Last time, we put together a basic idea of what a generic environment could look like. We made a couple separate "sub-classes" as well, for rendering and learning.

class (Monad m) => EnvironmentMonad m where
  type Observation m :: *
  type Action m :: *
  resetEnv :: m (Observation m)
  stepEnv :: (Action m) -> m (Observation m, Reward, Bool)

class (MonadIO m, EnvironmentMonad m) => RenderableEnvironment m where
  renderEnv :: m ()

class (EnvironmentMonad m) => LearningEnvironment m where
  learnEnv ::
    (Observation m) -> (Observation m) -> Reward -> (Action m) -> m ()

There are still a couple extra pieces we can add that will make these classes more complete. One thing we're missing here is a concrete expression of our state. This makes it difficult to run our environments from normal code. So let's add a new type to the family for our "Environment" type, as well as a function to "run" that environment. We'll also want a generic way to get the current observation.

class (Monad m) => EnvironmentMonad m where
  type Observation m :: *
  type Action m :: *
  type EnvironmentState m :: *
  runEnv :: (EnvironmentState m) -> m a -> IO a
  currentObservation :: m (Observation m)
  resetEnv :: m (Observation m)
  stepEnv :: (Action m) -> m (Observation m, Reward, Bool)

Forcing run to use IO is more restrictive than we'd like. In the future we might explore how to get our environment to wrap a monad parameter to fix this.

We can also add a couple items to our LearningEnvironment for the exploration rate. This way, we don't need to do anything concrete to affect the learning process. We'll also make the function for choosing an action is a specific part of the environment.

class (EnvironmentMonad m) => LearningEnvironment m where
  learnEnv ::
    (Observation m) -> (Observation m) -> Reward -> (Action m) -> m ()
  chooseActionBrain :: m (Action m)
  explorationRate :: m Double
  reduceExploration :: Double -> Double -> m ()

Game Loops

In previous iterations, we had gameLoop functions for each of our different environments. We can now write these in a totally generic way! Here's a simple loop that plays the game once and produces a result:

gameLoop :: (EnvironmentMonad m) =>
  m (Action m) -> m (Observation m, Reward)
gameLoop chooseAction = do
  newAction <- chooseAction
  (newObs, reward, done) <- stepEnv newAction
  if done
    then return (newObs, reward)
    else gameLoop chooseAction

If we want to render the game between moves, we add a single renderEnv call before selecting the move. We also need an extra IO constraint and to render it before returning the final result.

gameRenderLoop :: (RenderableEnvironment m) =>
  m (Action m) -> m (Observation m, Reward)
gameRenderLoop chooseAction = do
  newAction <- chooseAction
  (newObs, reward, done) <- stepEnv newAction
  if done
    then renderEnv >> return (newObs, reward)
    else gameRenderLoop chooseAction

Finally, there are a couple different loops we can write for a learning environment. We can have a generic loop for one iteration of the game. Notice how we rely on the class function chooseActionBrain. This means we don't need such a function as a parameter.

gameLearningLoop :: (LearningEnvironment m) =>
  m (Observation m, Reward)
gameLearningLoop = do
  oldObs <- currentObservation
  newAction <- chooseActionBrain
  (newObs, reward, done) <- stepEnv newAction
  learnEnv oldObs newObs reward newAction
  if done
    then return (newObs, reward)
    else gameLearningLoop

Then we can make another loop that runs many learning iterations. We reduce the exploration rate at a reasonable interval.

gameLearningIterations :: (LearningEnvironment m) => m [Reward]
gameLearningIterations = forM [1..numEpisodes] $ \i -> do
  when (i `mod` 100 == 99) $ do
    reduceExploration decayRate minEpsilon
  (_, reward) <- gameLearningLoop
  return reward
    numEpisodes = 10000
    decayRate = 0.9
    minEpsilon = 0.01

Concrete Implementations

Now we want to see how we actually implement these classes for our types. We'll show the examples for FrozenLake but it's an identical process for Blackjack. We start by defining the monad type as a wrapper over our existing state.

newtype FrozenLake a = FrozenLake (StateT FrozenLakeEnvironment IO a)
  deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad)

We'll want to make a State instance for our monads over the environment type. This will make it easier to port over our existing code. We'll also need a MonadIO instance to help with rendering.

instance (MonadState FrozenLakeEnvironment) FrozenLake where
  get = FrozenLake get
  put fle = FrozenLake $ put fle

instance MonadIO FrozenLake where
  liftIO act = FrozenLake (liftIO act)

Then we want to change our function signatures to live in the desired monad. We can pretty much leave the functions themselves untouched.

resetFrozenLake :: FrozenLake FrozenLakeObservation

stepFrozenLake ::
  FrozenLakeAction -> FrozenLake (FrozenLakeObservation, Reward, Bool)

renderFrozenLake :: FrozenLake ()

Finally, we make the actual instance for the class. The only thing we haven't defined yet is the runEnv function. But this is a simple wrapper for evalStateT.

instance EnvironmentMonad FrozenLake where
  type (Observation FrozenLake) = FrozenLakeObservation
  type (Action FrozenLake) = FrozenLakeAction
  type (EnvironmentState FrozenLake) = FrozenLakeEnvironment
  baseEnv = basicEnv
  runEnv env (FrozenLake action) = evalStateT action env
  currentObservation = FrozenLake (currentObs <$> get)
  resetEnv = resetFrozenLake
  stepEnv = stepFrozenLake

instance RenderableEnvironment FrozenLake where
  renderEnv = renderFrozenLake

There's a bit more we could do. We could now separate the "brain" portions of the environment without any issues. We wouldn't need to keep the Q-Table and the exploration rate in the state. This would improve our encapsulation. We could also make our underlying monads more generic.

Playing the Game

Now, playing our game is simple! We get our basic environment, reset it, and call our loop function! This code will let us play one iteration of Frozen Lake, using our own input:

main :: IO ()
main = do
  (env :: FrozenLakeEnvironment) <- basicEnv
  _ <- runEnv env action
  putStrLn "Done!"
    action = do
      (gameRenderLoop chooseActionUser
        :: FrozenLake (FrozenLakeObservation, Reward))

Once again, we can make this code work for Blackjack with a simple name substitution.

We can also make this work with our Q-learning code as well. We start with a simple instance for LearningEnvironment.

instance LearningEnvironment FrozenLake where
  learnEnv = learnQTable
  chooseActionBrain = chooseActionQTable
  explorationRate = flExplorationRate <$> get
  reduceExploration decayRate minEpsilon = do
    fle <- get
    let e = flExplorationRate fle
    let newE = max minEpsilon (e * decayRate)
    put $ fle { flExplorationRate = newE }

And now we use gameLearningIterations instead of gameRenderLoop!

main :: IO ()
main = do
  (env :: FrozenLakeEnvironment) <- basicEnv
  _ <- runEnv env action
  putStrLn "Done!"
    action = do
      (gameLearningIterations :: FrozenLake [Reward])


We're still pulling in two "extra" pieces besides the environment class itself. We still have specific implementations for basicEnv and action choosing. We could try to abstract these behind the class as well. There would be generic functions for choosing the action as a human and choosing at random. This would force us to make the action space more general as well.

But for now, it's time to explore some more interesting learning algorithms. For our current Q-learning approach, we make a table with an entry for every possible game state. This doesn't scale to games with large or continuous observation spaces! Next week, we'll see how TensorFlow allows us to learn a Q function instead of a direct table.

We'll start in Python, but soon enough we'll be using TensorFlow in Haskell. Take a look at our guide for help getting everything installed!

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James Bowen James Bowen

Generalizing Our Environments


In our previous episode, we used Q-Learning to find a solution for the Frozen Lake scenario. We also have a Blackjack game that shares a lot of core ideas with Frozen Lake.

So in this part, we're going to start by applying our Q-Learning solution to the Blackjack game. This will highlight the similarities in the code between the two games. But we'll also see a few differences. The similarities will lead us to create a typeclass for our environment concept. Each "difference" in the two systems will suggest an expression that must be part of the class. Let's explore the implications of this.

Adding to the Environment

Once again, we will need to express our Q-table and the exploration rate as part of the environment. But this time, the index of our Q-Table will need to be a bit more complex. Remember our observation now has three different parts: the user's score, whether the player has an ace, and the dealer's show-card. We can turn each of these into a Word, and combine them with the action itself. This gives us an index with four Word values.

We want to populate this array with bounds to match the highest value in each of those fields.

data BlackjackEnvironment = BlackjackEnvironment
  { ...
  , qTable :: A.Array (Word, Word, Word, Word) Double
  , explorationRate :: Double
  } deriving (Show)

basicEnv :: IO BlackjackEnvironment
basicEnv = do
  gen <- Rand.getStdGen
  let (d, newGen) = shuffledDeck gen
  return $ BlackjackEnvironment
    (A.listArray ((0,0,0,0), (30, 1, 12, 1)) (repeat 0.0))

While we're at it, let's create a function to turn an Observation/Action combination into an index.

makeQIndex :: BlackjackObservation -> BlackjackAction
  -> (Word, Word, Word, Word)
makeQIndex (BlackjackObservation pScore hasAce dealerCard) action =
  ( pScore
  , if hasAce then 1 else 0
  , fromIntegral . fromEnum $ dealerCard
  , fromIntegral . fromEnum $ action

With the help of this function, it's pretty easy to re-use most of our code from last time! The action choice function and the learning function look almost the same! So review last week's article (or the code on Github) for details.

Using the Same Game Loop

With our basic functions out of the way, let's now turn our attention to the game loop and running functions. For the game loop, we don't have anything too complicated. It's a step-by-step process.

  1. Retrieve the current observation
  2. Choose the next action
  3. Use this action to step the environment
  4. Use our "learning" function to update the Q-Table
  5. If we're done, return the reward. Otherwise recurse.

Here's what it looks like. Recall that we're taking our action choice function as an input. All our functions live in a similar monad, so this is pretty easy.

gameLoop :: (MonadIO m) =>
  StateT BlackjackEnvironment m BlackjackAction ->
  StateT BlackjackEnvironment m (BlackjackObservation, Double)
gameLoop chooseAction = do
  oldObs <- currentObservation <$> get
  newAction <- chooseAction
  (newObs, reward, done) <- stepEnv newAction
  learnQTable oldObs newObs reward newAction
  if done
    then do
      if reward > 0.0
        then liftIO $ putStrLn "Win"
        else liftIO $ putStrLn "Lose"
      return (newObs, reward)
    else gameLoop chooseAction

Now to produce our final output and run game iterations, we need a little wrapper code. We create (and reset) our initial environment. Then we pass it to an action that runs the game loop and reduces the exploration rate when necessary.

playGame :: IO ()
playGame = do
  env <- basicEnv
  env' <- execStateT resetEnv env
  void $ execStateT stateAction env'
    numEpisodes = 10000
    decayRate = 1.0
    minEpsilon = 0.01

    stateAction :: StateT BlackjackEnvironment IO ()
    stateAction = do
      rewards <- forM [1..numEpisodes] $ \i -> do
        when (i `mod` 100 == 99) $ do
          bje <- get
          let e = explorationRate bje
          let newE = max minEpsilon (e * decayRate)
          put $ bje { explorationRate = newE }
        (_, reward) <- gameLoop chooseActionQTable
        return reward
      lift $ print (sum rewards)

Now we can play our game! Even with learning, we'll still only get around 40% of the points available. Blackjack is a tricky, luck-based game, so this isn't too surprising.

Constructing a Class

Now if you look very carefully at the above code, it should almost work for Frozen Lake as well! We'd only need to make a few adjustments to naming types. This tells us we have a general structure between our different games. And we can capture that structure with a class.

Let's look at the common elements between our environments. These are all functions we call from the game loop or runner:

  1. Resetting the environment
  2. Stepping the environment (with an action)
  3. Rendering the environment (if necessary)
  4. Apply some learning method on the new data
  5. Diminish the exploration rate

So our first attempt at this class might look like this, looking only at the most important fields:

class Environment e where
  resetEnv :: (Monad m) => StateT e m Observation
  stepEnv :: (Monad m) => Action
    -> StateT e m (Observation, Double, Bool)
  renderEnv :: (MonadIO m) => StateT e m ()
  learnEnv :: (Monad m) =>
    Observation -> Observation -> Double -> Action -> StateT e m ()

instance Environment FrozenLakeEnvironment where

instance Environment BlackjackEnvironment where

We can make two clear observations about this class. First, we need to generalize the Observation and Action types! These are different in our two games and this isn't reflected above. Second, we're forcing ourselves to use the State monad over our environment. This isn't necessarily wise. It might force us to add extra fields to the environment type that don't belong there.

The solution to the first issue is to make this class a type family! Then we can associate the proper data types for observations and actions. The solution to the second issue is that our class should be over a monad instead of the environment itself.

Remember, a monad provides the context in which a computation takes place. So in our case, our game, with all its stepping and learning, is that context!

Doing this gives us more flexibility for figuring out what data should live in which types. It makes it easier to separate the game's internal state from auxiliary state, like the exploration rate.

Here's our second try, with associated types and a monad.

newtype Reward = Reward Double

class (MonadIO m) => EnvironmentMonad m where
  type Observation m :: *
  type Action m :: *
  resetEnv :: m (Observation m)
  currentObservation :: m (Observation m)
  stepEnv :: (Action m) -> m (Observation m, Reward, Bool)
  renderEnv :: m ()
  learnEnv :: 
    (Observation m) -> (Observation m) ->
    Reward -> (Action m) -> m () 
  explorationRate :: m Double
  reduceExploration :: Double -> Double -> m ()

There are a couple undesirable parts of this. Our monad has to be IO to account for rendering. But it's possible for us to play the game without needing to render. In fact, it's also possible for us to play the game without learning!

So we can separate this into more typeclasses! We'll have two "subclasses" of our Environment. We'll make a separate class for rendering. This will be the only class that needs an IO constraint. Then we'll have a class for learning functionality. This will allow us to "run" the game in different contexts and limit the reach of these effects.

newtype Reward = Reward Double

class (Monad m) => EnvironmentMonad m where
  type Observation m :: *
  type Action m :: *
  currentObservation :: m (Observation m) 
  resetEnv :: m (Observation m)
  stepEnv :: (Action m) -> m (Observation m, Reward, Bool)

class (MonadIO m, EnvironmentMonad m) => 
  RenderableEnvironment m where
    renderEnv :: m ()

class (EnvironmentMonad m) => LearningEnvironment m where
  learnEnv ::
    (Observation m) -> (Observation m) ->
    Reward -> (Action m) -> m () 
  explorationRate :: m Double
  reduceExploration :: Double -> Double -> m ()


Next week we'll explore how to implement these classes for our different games! We'll end up with a totally generic function for playing the game. We'll have a version with learning and a version without!

The next step after this will be to attach more sophisticated learning mechanisms. Soon, we'll explore how to expand our Q-Learning beyond simple discrete states. The way to do this is to use tensors! So in a couple weeks, we'll explore how to use TensorFlow to construct a function for Q-Learning. To get ready, download our Haskell TensorFlow Guide!

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James Bowen James Bowen

Frozen Lake with Q-Learning!


In the last few weeks, we've written two simple games in Haskell: Frozen Lake and Blackjack. These games are both toy examples from the Open AI Gym. Now that we've written the games, it's time to explore more advanced ways to write agents for them.

In this article, we'll explore the concept of Q-Learning. We've talked about this idea on the MMH blog before. But now we'll see it in action in a simpler context than we did before. We'll write a little bit of Python code, following some examples for Frozen Lake. Then we'll try to implement the same ideas in Haskell. Along the way, we'll see more patterns emerge about our games' interfaces.

We won't be using Tensorflow in the article. But we'll soon explore ways to augment our agent's capabilities with this library! To learn about Haskell and Tensorflow, download our TensorFlow guide!

Making a Q-Table

Let's start by taking a look at this basic Python implementation of Q-Learning for Frozen Lake. This will show us the basic ideas of Q-Learning. We start out by defining a few global parameters, as well as Q, a variable that will hold a table of values.

epsilon = 0.9
min_epsilon = 0.01
decay_rate = 0.9
Total_episodes = 10000
max_steps = 100
learning_rate = 0.81
gamma = 0.96

env = gym.make('FrozenLake-v0')
Q = numpy.zeros((env.observation_space.n, env.action_space.n))

Recall that our environment has an action space and an observation space. For this basic version of the Frozen Lake game, an observation is a discrete integer value from 0 to 15. This represents the location our character is on. Then the action space is an integer from 0 to 3, for each of the four directions we can move. So our "Q-table" will be an array with 16 rows and 4 columns.

How does this help us choose our move? Well, each cell in this table has a score. This score tells us how good a particular move is for a particular observation state. So we could define a choose_action function in a simple way like so:

def choose_action(observation):
  return numpy.argmax(Q[observation, :])

This will look at the different values in the row for this observation, and choose the highest index. So if the "0" value in this row is the highest, we'll return 0, indicating we should move left. If the second value is highest, we'll return 1, indicating a move down.

But we don't want to choose our moves deterministically! Our Q-Table starts out in the "untrained" state. And we need to actually find the goal at least once to start back-propagating rewards into our maze. This means we need to build some kind of exploration into our system. So each turn, we can make a random move with probability epsilon.

def choose_action(observation):
  action = 0
  if np.random.uniform(0, 1) < epsilon:
    action = env.action_space.sample()
    action = numpy.argmax(Q[observation, :])
  return action

As we learn more, we'll diminish the exploration probability. We'll see this below!

Updating the Table

Now, we also want to be able to update our table. To do this, we'll write a function that follows the Q-learning rule. It will take two observations, the reward for the second observation, and the action we took to get there.

def learn(observation, observation2, reward, action):
  prediction = Q[observation, action]
  target = reward + gamma * numpy.max(Q[observation2, :])
  Q[observation, action] = Q[observation, action] +
                              learning_rate * (target - prediction)

For more details on what happens here, read our Q-Learning primer. But there's one general rule.

Suppose we move from Observation O1 to Observation O2 with action A. We want the Q-table value for the pair (O1, A) to be closer to the best value we can get from O2. And we want to factor in the potential reward we can get by moving to O2. Thus our goal square should have the reward of 1. And squares near it should have values close to this reward!

Playing the Game

Playing the game now is straightforward, following the examples we've done before. We'll have a certain number of episodes. Within each episode, we make our move, and use the reward to "learn" for our Q-table.

for episode in range(total_episodes):
  obs = env.reset()
  t = 0
  if episode % 100 == 99:
    epsilon *= decay_rate
    epsilon = max(epsilon, min_epsilon)

  while t < max_steps:
    action = choose_action(obs)
    obs2, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
    learn(obs, obs2, reward, action)
    obs = obs2
    t += 1

    if done:
      if reward > 0.0:

Notice also how we drop the exploration rate epsilon every 100 episodes or so. We can run this, and we'll observe that we lose a lot at first. But by the end we're winning more often than not! At the end of the series, it's a good idea to save the Q-table in some sensible way.

Haskell: Adding a Q-Table

To translate this into Haskell, we first need to account for our new pieces of state. Let's extend our environment type to include two more fields. One will be for our Q-table. We'll use an array for this as well, as this gives convenient accessing and updating syntax. The other will be the current exploration rate:

data FrozenLakeEnvironment = FrozenLakeEnvironment
  { ...
  , qTable :: A.Array (Word, Word) Double
  , explorationRate :: Double

Now we'll want to write two primary functions. First, we'll want to choose our action using the Q-Table. Second, we want to be able to update the Q-Table so we can "learn" a good path.

Both of these will use this helper function. It takes an Observation and the current Q-Table and produces the best score we can get from that location. It also provides us the action index. Note the use of a tuple section to produce indices.

maxScore ::
  Observation ->
  A.Array (Word, Word) Double ->
  (Double, (Word, Word))
maxScore obs table = maximum valuesAndIndices
    indices = (obs, ) <$> [0..3]
    valuesAndIndices = (\i -> (table A.! i, i)) <$> indices

Using the Q-Table

Now let's see how we produce our actions using this table. As with most of our state functions, we'll start by retrieving the environment. Then we'll get our first roll to see if this is an exploration turn or not.

chooseActionQTable ::
  (MonadState FrozenLakeEnvironment m) => m Action
chooseActionQTable = do
  fle <- get
  let (exploreRoll, gen') = randomR (0.0, 1.0) (randomGenerator fle)
  if exploreRoll < explorationRate fle

If we're exploring, we do another random roll to pick an action and replace the generator. Otherwise we'll get the best scoring move and derive the Action from the returned index. In both cases, we use toEnum to turn the number into a proper Action.

chooseActionQTable ::
  (MonadState FrozenLakeEnvironment m) => m Action
chooseActionQTable = do
  fle <- get
  let (exploreRoll, gen') = randomR (0.0, 1.0) (randomGenerator fle)
  if exploreRoll < explorationRate fle
    then do
      let (actionRoll, gen'') = Rand.randomR (0, 3) gen'
      put $ fle { randomGenerator = gen'' }
      return (toEnum actionRoll)
    else do
      let maxIndex = snd $ snd $
                       maxScore (currentObservation fle) (qTable fle)
      put $ fle {randomGenerator = gen' }
      return (toEnum (fromIntegral maxIndex))

The last big step is to write our learning function. Remember this takes two observations, a reward, and an action. We start by getting our predicted value for the original observation. That is, what score did we expect when we made this move?

learnQTable :: (MonadState FrozenLakeEnvironment m) =>
  Observation -> Observation -> Double -> Action -> m ()
learnQTable obs1 obs2 reward action = do
  fle <- get
  let q = qTable fle
      actionIndex = fromIntegral . fromEnum $ action
      prediction = q A.! (obs1, actionIndex)

Now we specify our target. This combines the reward (if any) and the greatest score we can get from our new observed state. We use these values to get a newValue, which we put into the Q-Table at the original index. Then we put the new table into our state.

learnQTable :: (MonadState FrozenLakeEnvironment m) =>
  Observation -> Observation -> Double -> Action -> m ()
learnQTable obs1 obs2 reward action = do
  fle <- get
  let q = qTable fle
      actionIndex = fromIntegral . fromEnum $ action
      prediction = q A.! (obs1, actionIndex)
      target = reward + gamma * (fst $ maxScore obs2 q)
      newValue = prediction + learningRate * (target - prediction)
      newQ = q A.// [((obs1, actionIndex), newValue)]
  put $ fle { qTable = newQ }
    gamma = 0.96
    learningRate = 0.81

And just like that, we're pretty much done! We can slide these new functions right into our existing functions!


The rest of the code is straightforward enough. We make a couple tweaks as necessary to our gameLoop so that it actually calls our training function. Then we just update the exploration rate at appropriate intervals. Take a look at our code our Github for more details! This week's code is in FrozenLake2.hs.

We've now got an agent that can play Frozen Lake coherently using Q-Learning! Next time, we'll try to adopt this agent for Blackjack as well. We'll see the similarities between the two games. Then we'll start formulating some ideas to combine the approaches.

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James Bowen James Bowen

Blackjack: Following the Patterns


For a couple weeks now, we've been exploring the basics of Open AI Gym. The Frozen Lake example has been our basic tool so far, and we've now written it in Haskell. We'd like to start training agents for this game soon. But first, we want to make sure we're set up to generalize our idea of an environment.

So this week, we're going to make another small example game. This time, we'll play Blackjack. This will give us an example of an environment that needs a more complex observation state. When we're done with this example, we'll be able to compare our two examples. The end goal is to be able to use the same code to train an algorithm for either of them.

If you want to dive into machine learning, you'll need to understand TensorFlow first! Read this guide to learn how to use TensorFlow with Haskell!

Basic Rules

If you don't know the basic rules of casino blackjack, take a look here. Essentially, we have a deck of cards, and each card has a value. We want to get as high a score as we can without exceeding 21 (a "bust"). Each turn, we want to either "hit" and add another card to our hand, or "stand" and take the value we have.

After we get all our cards, the dealer must then draw cards under specific rules. The dealer must "hit" until their score is 17 or higher, and then "stand". If the dealer busts or our score beats the dealer, we win. If the scores are the same it's a "push".

Here's a basic Card type we'll work with to represent the card values, as well as their scores.

data Card =
  Two | Three | Four | Five |
  Six | Seven | Eight | Nine |
  Ten | Jack | Queen | King | Ace
  deriving (Show, Eq, Enum)

cardScore :: Card -> Word
cardScore Two = 2
cardScore Three = 3
cardScore Four = 4
cardScore Five = 5
cardScore Six = 6
cardScore Seven = 7
cardScore Eight = 8
cardScore Nine = 9
cardScore Ten = 10
cardScore Jack = 10
cardScore Queen = 10
cardScore King = 10
cardScore Ace = 1

The Ace can count as 1 or 11. We account for this in our scoring functions:

-- Returns the base sum, as well as a boolean if we have
-- a "usable" Ace.
baseScore :: [Card] -> (Word, Bool)
baseScore cards = (score, score <= 11 && Ace `elem` cards)
    score = sum (cardScore <$> cards)

scoreHand :: [Card] -> Word
scoreHand cards = if hasUsableAce then score + 10 else score
    (score, hasUsableAce) = baseScore cards

Core Environment Types

As in Frozen Lake, we need to define types for our environment. The "action" type is straightforward, giving only two options for "hit" and "stand":

data BlackjackAction = Hit | Stand
  deriving (Show, Eq, Enum)

Our observation is more complex than in Frozen Lake. We have more information that can guide us than just knowing our location. We'll boil it down to three elements. First, we need to know our own score. Second, we need to know if we have an Ace. This isn't clear from the score, and it can give us more options. Last, we need to know what card the dealer is showing.

data BlackjackObservation = BlackjackObservation
  { playerScore :: Word
  , playerHasAce :: Bool
  , dealerCardShowing :: Card
  } deriving (Show)

Now for our environment, we'll once again store the "current observation" as one of its fields.

data BlackjackEnvironment = BlackjackEnvironment
  { currentObservation :: BlackjackObservation

The main fields are about the cards in play. We'll have a list of cards for our own hand. Then we'll have the main deck to draw from. The dealer's cards will be a 3-tuple. The first is the "showing" card. The second is the hidden card. And the third is a list for extra cards the dealer draws later.

data BlackjackEnvironment = BlackjackEnvironment
  { currentObservation :: BlackjackObservation
  , playerHand :: [Card]
  , deck :: [Card]
  , dealerHand :: (Card, Card, [Card])

The last pieces of this will be a boolean for whether the player has "stood", and a random generator. The boolean helps us render the game, and the generator helps us reset and shuffle without using IO.

data BlackjackEnvironment = BlackjackEnvironment
  { currentObservation :: BlackjackObservation
  , playerHand :: [Card]
  , deck :: [Card]
  , dealerHand :: (Card, Card, [Card])
  , randomGenerator :: Rand.StdGen
  , playerHasStood :: Bool
  } deriving (Show)

Now we can use these to write our main game functions. As in Frozen Lake, we'll want functions to render the environment and reset it. We won't go over those in this article. But we will focus on the core step function.

Playing the Game

Our step function starts out simply enough. We retrieve our environment and analyze the action we get.

stepEnv :: (Monad m) => BlackjackAction ->
  StateT BlackjackEnvironment m (BlackjackObservation, Double, Bool)
stepEnv action = do
  bje <- get
  case action of
    Stand -> ...
    Hit -> ...

Below, we'll write a function to play the dealer's hand. So for the Stand branch, we'll update the state variable for the player standing, and call that helper.

stepEnv action = do
  bje <- get
  case action of
    Stand -> do
      put $ bje { playerHasStood = True }
    Hit -> ...

When we hit, we need to determine the top card in the deck. We'll add this to our hand to get the new player score. All this information goes into our new observation, and the new state of the game.

stepEnv action = do
  bje <- get
  case action of
    Stand -> ...
    Hit -> do
      let (topCard : remainingDeck) = deck bje
          pHand = playerHand bje
          currentObs = currentObservation bje
          newPlayerHand = topCard : pHand
          newScore = scoreHand newPlayerHand
          newObservation = currentObs
            { playerScore = newScore
            , playerHasAce = playerHasAce currentObs ||
                             topCard == Ace}
      put $ bje { currentObservation = newObservation
                , playerHand = newPlayerHand
                , deck = remainingDeck }

Now we need to analyze the player's score. If it's greater than 21, we've busted. We return a reward of 0.0 and we're done. If it's exactly 21, we'll treat that like a "stand" and play out the dealer. Otherwise, we'll continue by returning False.

stepEnv action = do
  bje <- get
  case action of
    Stand -> ...
    Hit -> do
      if newScore > 21
        then return (newObservation, 0.0, True)
        else if newScore == 21
          then playOutDealerHand
          else return (newObservation, 0.0, False)

Playing out the Dealer

To wrap up the game, we need to give cards to the dealer until their score is high enough. So let's start by getting the environment and scoring the dealer's current hand.

playOutDealerHand :: (Monad m) =>
  StateT BlackjackEnvironment m (BlackjackObservation, Double, Bool)
playOutDealerHand = do
  bje <- get
  let (showCard, hiddenCard, restCards) = dealerHand bje
      currentDealerScore = scoreHand (showCard : hiddenCard : restCards)

If the dealer's score is less than 17, we can draw the top card, add it to their hand, and recurse.

playOutDealerHand :: (Monad m) => StateT BlackjackEnvironment m (BlackjackObservation, Double, Bool)
playOutDealerHand = do
  if currentDealerScore < 17
    then do
      let (topCard : remainingDeck) = deck bje
      put $ bje { dealerHand =
                    (showCard, hiddenCard, topCard : restCards)
                , deck = remainingDeck}
    else ...

Now all that's left is analyzing the end conditions. We'll score the player's hand and compare it to the dealer's. If the dealer has busted, or the player has the better score, we'll give a reward of 1.0. If they're the same, the reward is 0.5. Otherwise, the player loses. In all cases, we return the current observation and True as our "done" variable.

playOutDealerHand :: (Monad m) => StateT BlackjackEnvironment m (BlackjackObservation, Double, Bool)
playOutDealerHand = do
  bje <- get
  let (showCard, hiddenCard, restCards) = dealerHand bje
      currentDealerScore = scoreHand
        (showCard : hiddenCard : restCards)
  if currentDealerScore < 17
    then ...
    else do
      let playerScore = scoreHand (playerHand bje)
          currentObs = currentObservation bje
      if playerScore > currentDealerScore || currentDealerScore > 21
        then return (currentObs, 1.0, True)
        else if playerScore == currentDealerScore
          then return (currentObs, 0.5, True)
          else return (currentObs, 0.0, True)

Odds and Ends

We'll also need code for running a loop and playing the game. But that code though looks very similar to what we used for Frozen Lake. This is a promising sign for our hopes to generalize this with a type class. Here's a sample playthrough of the game. As inputs, 0 means "hit" and 1 means "stand".

So in this first game, we start with a King and 9, and see the dealer has a 6 showing. We "stand", and the dealer busts.

6 X

K 9
19 # Our current score
1   # Stand command

1.0 # Reward
Episode Finished

6 9 8 # Dealer's final hand
23  # Dealer's final (busted) score

K 9

In this next example, we try to hit on 13, since the dealer has an Ace. We bust, and lose the game.


3 J

Episode Finished


K 3 J


Of course, there are a few ways we could make this more complicated. We could do iterated blackjack to allow card-counting. Or we could add advanced moves like splitting and doubling down. But that's not necessary for our purposes. The main point is that we have two fully functional games we can work with!

Next time, we'll start digging into the machine learning process. We'll see what techniques we can use with the Open Gym in Python and start translating those to Haskell.

We left out quite a bit of code in this example, particularly around setup. Take a look at our Github repository to see all the details!

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James Bowen James Bowen

Frozen Lake in Haskell


Last time on MMH, we began our investigation into Open AI Gym. We started by using the Frozen Lake toy example to learn about environments. An environment is a basic wrapper that has a specific API for manipulating the game.

Last week's work was mostly in Python. But this week, we're going to do a deep dive into Haskell and consider how to write the Frozen Lake example. We'll see all the crucial functions from the Environment API as well as how to play the game. Take a look at our Github repository to see any extra details about this code!

This process will culminate with training agents to complete these games with machine learning. This will involve TensorFlow. So if you haven't already, download our Haskell Tensor Flow Guide. It will teach you how to get the framework up and running on your machine.

Core Types

In the previous part, we started defining our environment with generic values. For example, we included the action space and observation space. For now, we're actually going to make things more specific to the Frozen Lake problem. This will keep our example much simpler for now. In the coming weeks, we'll start examining how to generalize the idea of an environment and spaces.

We need to start with the core types of our application. We'll begin with a TileType for our board, as well as observations and actions.

data TileType =
  Start |
  Goal |
  Frozen |
  deriving (Show, Eq)

type Observation = Word

data Action =
  MoveLeft |
  MoveDown |
  MoveRight |
  deriving (Show, Eq, Enum)

As in Python, each observation will be a single number indicating where we are on the board. We'll have four different actions. The Enum instance will help us convert between these constructors and numbers.

Now let's consider the different elements we actually need within the environment. The game's main information is the grid of tiles. We'll store this as an Array. The indices will be our observation values, and the elements will be the TileType. For convenience, we'll also store the dimensions of our grid:

data FrozenLakeEnvironment = FrozenLakeEnvironment
  { grid :: Array Word TileType
  , dimens :: (Word, Word) -- Rows, Columns

We also need some more information. We need the current player location, an Observation. We'll want to know the previous action, for rendering purposes. The game also stores the chance of slipping each turn. The last piece of state we want is the random generator. Storing this within our environment lets us write our step function in a pure way, without IO.

data FrozenLakeEnvironment = FrozenLakeEnvironment
  { grid :: Array Word TileType
  , dimens :: (Word, Word) -- Rows, Cols
  , currentObservation :: Observation
  , previousAction :: Maybe Action
  , slipChance :: Double
  , randomGenerator :: Rand.StdGen

API Functions

Now our environment needs its API functions. We had three main ones last time. These were reset, render, and step. Last week we wrote these to take the environment as an explicit parameter. But this time, we'll write them in the State monad. This will make it much easier to chain these actions together later. Let's start with reset, the simplest function. All it does is set the observation as 0 and remove any previous action.

resetEnv :: (Monad m) => StateT FrozenLakeEnvironment m Observation
resetEnv = do
  let initialObservation = 0
  fle <- get
  put $ fle { currentObservation = initialObservation
            , previousAction = Nothing }
  return initialObservation

Rendering is a bit more complicated. When resetting, we can use any underlying monad. But to render, we'll insist that the monad allows IO, so we can print to console. First, we get our environment and pull some key values out of it. We want the current observation and each row of the grid.

renderEnv :: (MonadIO m) => StateT FrozenLakeEnvironment m ()
renderEnv = do
  fle <- get
  let currentObs = currentObservation fle
      elements = A.assocs (grid fle)
      numCols = fromIntegral . snd . dimens $ fle
      rows = chunksOf numCols elements

We use chunksOf with the number of columns to divide our grid into rows. Each element of each row-list is the pairing of the "index" with the tile type. We keep the index so we can compare it to the current observation. Now we'll write a helper to render each of these rows. We'll have another helper to print a character for each tile type. But we'll print X for the current location.

renderEnv :: (MonadIO m) => StateT FrozenLakeEnvironment m ()
renderEnv = do
    renderRow currentObs row = do
      forM_ row (\(idx, t) -> liftIO $ if idx == currentObs
        then liftIO $ putChar 'X'
        else liftIO $ putChar (tileToChar t))
      putChar '\n'

tileToChar :: TileType -> Char

Then we just need to print a line for the previous action, and render each row:

renderEnv :: (MonadIO m) => StateT FrozenLakeEnvironment m ()
renderEnv = do
  fle <- get
  let currentObs = currentObservation fle
      elements = A.assocs (grid fle)
      numCols = fromIntegral . snd . dimens $ fle
      rows = chunksOf numCols elements
  liftIO $ do
    putStrLn $ case (previousAction fle) of
      Nothing -> ""
      Just a -> "    " ++ show a
    forM_ rows (renderRow currentObs)
    renderRow = ...


Now let's see how we update our environment! This will also be in our State monad (without any IO constraint). It will return a 3-tuple with our new observation, a "reward", and a boolean for if we finished. Once again we start by gathering some useful values.

stepEnv :: (Monad m) => Action
  -> StateT FrozenLakeEnvironment m (Observation, Double, Bool)
stepEnv act = do
  fle <- get
  let currentObs = currentObservation fle
  let (slipRoll, gen') = Rand.randomR (0.0, 1.0) (randomGenerator fle)
  let allLegalMoves = legalMoves currentObs (dimens fle)
  let (randomMoveIndex, finalGen) =
          randomR (0, length AllLegalMoves - 1) gen'

-- Get all the actions we can do, given the current observation
-- and the number of rows and columns
legalMoves :: Observation -> (Word, Word) -> [Action]

We now have two random values. The first is for our "slip roll". We can compare this with the game's slipChance to determine if we try the player's move or a random move. If we need to do a random move, we'll use randomMoveIndex to figure out which random move we'll do.

The only other check we need to make is if the player's move is "legal". If it's not we'll stand still. The applyMoveUnbounded function tells us what the next Observation should be for the move. For example, we add 1 for moving right, or subtract 1 for moving left.

stepEnv :: (Monad m) => Action
  -> StateT FrozenLakeEnvironment m (Observation, Double, Bool)
stepEnv act = do
  let newObservation = if slipRoll >= slipChance fle
        then if act `elem` allLegalMoves
          then applyMoveUnbounded
                  act currentObs (snd . dimens $ fle)
          else currentObs
        else applyMoveUnbounded
               (allLegalMoves !! nextIndex)
               (snd . dimens $ fle)

applyMoveUnbounded ::
  Action -> Observation -> Word -> Observation

To wrap things up we have to figure out the consequences of this move. If it lands us on the goal tile, we're done and we get a reward! If we hit a hole, the game is over but our reward is 0. Otherwise there's no reward and the game isn't over. We put all our new state data into our environment and return the necessary values.

stepEnv :: (Monad m) => Action
  -> StateT FrozenLakeEnvironment m (Observation, Double, Bool)
stepEnv act = do
  let (done, reward) = case (grid fle) A.! newObservation of
        Goal -> (True, 1.0)
        Hole -> (True, 0.0)
        _ -> (False, 0.0)
  put $ fle { currentObservation = newObservation
            , randomGenerator = finalGen
            , previousAction = Just act }
  return (newObservation, reward, done)

Playing the Game

One last step! We want to be able to play our game by creating a gameLoop. The final result of our loop will be the last observation and the game's reward. As an argument, we'll pass an expression that can generate an action. We'll give two options. One for reading a line from the user, and another for selecting randomly. Notice the use of toEnum, so we're entering numbers 0-3.

gameLoop :: (MonadIO m) =>
  StateT FrozenLakeEnvironment m Action ->
  StateT FrozenLakeEnvironment m (Observation, Double)
gameLoop chooseAction = do

chooseActionUser :: (MonadIO m) => m Action
chooseActionUser = (toEnum . read) <$> (liftIO getLine)

chooseActionRandom :: (MonadIO m) => m Action
chooseActionRandom = toEnum <$> liftIO (Rand.randomRIO (0, 3))

Within each stage of the loop, we render the environment, generate a new action, and step the game. Then if we're done, we return the results. Otherwise, recurse. The power of the state monad makes this function quite simple!

gameLoop :: (MonadIO m) =>
  StateT FrozenLakeEnvironment m Action ->
  StateT FrozenLakeEnvironment m (Observation, Double)
gameLoop chooseAction = do
  newAction <- chooseAction
  (newObs, reward, done) <- stepEnv newAction
  if done
    then do
      liftIO $ print reward
      liftIO $ putStrLn "Episode Finished"
      return (newObs, reward)
    else gameLoop chooseAction

And now to play our game, we start with a simple environment and execute our loop!

basicEnv :: IO FrozenLakeEnvironment
basicEnv = do
  gen <- Rand.getStdGen
  return $ FrozenLakeEnvironment
    { currentObservation = 0
    , grid = A.listArray (0, 15) (charToTile <$> "SFFFFHFHFFFHHFFG")
    , slipChance = 0.0
    , randomGenerator = gen
    , previousAction = Nothing
    , dimens = (4, 4)

playGame :: IO ()
playGame = do
  env <- basicEnv
  void $ execStateT (gameLoop chooseActionUser) env


This example illustrates two main lessons. First, the state monad is very powerful for managing any type of game situation. Second, defining our API makes implementation straightforward. Next week, we'll explore another toy example with a different state space. This will lead us on the path to generalizing our data structure.

Remember, if you need any more details about these code samples, take a look at the full code on Github! You should also subscribe to Monday Morning Haskell! You'll get our monthly newsletter and access to our subscriber resources!

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James Bowen James Bowen

Open AI Primer: Frozen Lake!


Last year, we spent quite a bit of time on this blog creating a game using the Gloss library. This process culminated in trying to use machine learning to train an agent to play our Maze Game well. The results were not particularly successful. But I've always wanted to come back to the idea of reinforcement learning for game agents.

The Open AI Gym is an open source project for teaching the basics of reinforcement learning. It provides a framework for understanding how we can make agents that evolve and learn. It's written in Python, so this first article will be mostly in Python. But we can (and will) try to implement many of the ideas in Haskell. This week, we'll start exploring some of the core concepts. We'll examine what exactly an "environment" is and how we can generalize the concept. In time, we'll also see how Gloss can help us.

We'll ultimately use machine learning to train our agents. So you'll want some guidance on how to do that in Haskell. Read our Machine Learning Series and download our Tensor Flow guide to learn more!

Frozen Lake

To start out our discussion of AI and games, let's go over the basic rules of one of the simplest examples, Frozen Lake. In this game, our agent controls a character that is moving on a 2D "frozen lake", trying to reach a goal square. Aside from the start square ("S") and the goal zone ("G"), each square is either a frozen tile ("F") or a hole in the lake ("H"). We want to avoid the holes, moving only on the frozen tiles. Here's a sample layout:


So a safe path would be to move down twice, move right twice, down again, and then right again. What complicates the matter is that tiles can be "slippery". So each turn, there's a chance we won't complete our move, and will instead move to a random neighboring tile.

Playing the Game

Now let's see what it looks like for us to actually play the game using the normal Python code. This will get us familiar with the main ideas of an environment. We start by "making" the environment and setting up a loop where the user can enter their input move each turn:

import gym
env = gym.make('FrozenLake-v0')

while True:
  move = input("Please enter a move:")

There are several functions we can call on the environment to see it in action. First, we'll render it, even before making our move. This lets us see what is going on in our console. Then we have to step the environment using our move. The step function makes our move and provides us with 4 outputs. The primary ones we're concerned with are the "done" value and the "reward". These will tell us if the game is over, and if we won.

while True:
  move = input("Please enter a move:")
  action = int(move)
  observation, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
  if done:
    print("Episode finished")

We use numbers in our moves, which our program converts into the input space for the game. (0 = Left, 1 = Down, 2 = Right, 3 = Up).

We can also play the game automatically, for several iterations. We'll select random moves by using action_space.sample(). We'll discuss what the action space is in the next part. We can also use reset on our environment at the end of each iteration to return the game to its initial state.

for i in range(20):
  observation = env.reset()
  for t in range(100):
    action = env.action_space.sample()
    observation, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
    if done:
      print("Episode finished after {} timesteps".format(t + 1))


These are the basics of the game. Let's go over some of the details of how an environment works, so we can start imagining how it will work in Haskell.

Observation and Action Spaces

The first thing to understand about environments is that each environment has an "observation" space and an "action" space. The observation space gives us a numerical representation of the state of the game. This doesn't include the actual layout of our board, just the mutable state. For our frozen lake example, this is only the player's current position. We could use two numbers for the player's row and column. But in fact we use a single number, the row number multiplied by the column number.

Here's an example where we print the observation after moving right twice, and then down. We have to call reset before using an environment. Then calling this function gives us an observation we can print. Then, after each step, the first return value is the new observation.

import gym
env = gym.make('FrozenLake-v0')
o = env.reset()
o, _, _, _ = env.step(2)
o, _, _, _ = env.step(2)
o, _, _, _ = env.step(1)

# Console output

So, with a 4x4 grid, we start out at position 0. Then moving right increases our position index by 1, and moving down increases it by 4.

This particular environment uses a "discrete" environment space of size 16. So the state of the game is just a number from 0 to 15, indicating where our agent is. More complicated games will naturally have more complicated state spaces.

The "action space" is also discrete. We have four possible moves, so our different actions are the integers from 0 to 3.

import gym
env = gym.make('FrozenLake-v0')

# Console Output

The observation space and the action space are important features of our game. They dictate the inputs and outputs of the each game move. On each turn, we take a particular observation as input, and produce an action as output. If we can do this in a numerical way, then we'll ultimately be able to machine-learn the program.

Towards Haskell

Now we can start thinking about how to represent an environment in Haskell. Let's think about the key functions and attributes we used when playing the game.

  1. Observation space
  2. Action space
  3. Reset
  4. Step
  5. Render

How would we represent these in Haskell? To start, we can make a type for the different numeric spaces can have. For now we'll provide a discrete space option and a continuous space option.

data NumericSpace =
  Discrete Int |
  Continuous Float

Now we can make an Environment type with fields for these spaces. We'll give it parameters for the observation type and the action type.

data Environment obs act = Environment
  { observationSpace :: NumericSpace
  , actionSpace :: NumericSpace

We don't know yet all the rest of the data our environment will hold. But we can start thinking about certain functions for it. Resetting will take our environment and return a new environment and an observation. Rendering will be an IO action.

resetEnv :: Environment obs act -> (obs, Environment obs act)

renderEnv :: Environment obs act -> IO ()

The step function is the most important. In Python, this returns a 4-tuple. We don't care about the 4th "info" element there yet. But we do care to return our environment type itself, since we're in a functional language. So we'll return a different kind of 4-tuple.

stepEnv :: Environment obs act -> act
  -> (obs, Float, Bool, Environment obs act)

It's also possible we'll use the state monad here instead, as that could be cleaner. Now this isn't the whole environment obviously! We'd need to store plenty of unique internal state. But what we see here is the start of a typeclass that we'll be able to generalize across different games. We'll see how this idea develops!


Hopefully you've got a basic idea now of what makes up an environment we can run. Next time, we'll push a bit further with our Haskell and implement Frozen Lake there!

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James Bowen James Bowen

Adding Interactivity with Elm!


A couple weeks ago, we learned how we could serve HTML code from a Haskell server using Servant. Doing this without a system like Reflex left us with a quandry. We still want interactivity on our web pages. But we'd like to do this in a functional way, without writing a lot of Javascript.

Reflex FRP is only one of several options for writing frontend code in a functional language. A while back we considered how to do this with Elm. In this final part of our series, we'll combine Servant with Elm to produce an interactive page.

There are, of course, other options both for frontend and backend when making web apps. Take a look at our Production Checklist to learn more!

A Basic Counter

For a more in depth look at Elm, you should explore our full series on the topic. But for now, let's go over a quick and simple application that we could put in a browser. This app will have a "model" and we will pass "messages" using UI components.

The model will just be an integer counter. And we'll pass "increment" and "decrement" messages by clicking a couple of buttons. We start an Elm application by defining our model and message types. We'll use an alias for the integer model.

type alias Model = Int
type Msg = Increment | Decrement

Now we need to specify how each message type updates our model. An increment message will increase it, and a decrement message will decrease it.

update : Msg -> Model -> Model
update msg model =
  case msg of
    Increment -> model + 1
    Decrement -> model - 1

Next we generate the HTML elements for our page with a view function. This takes our Model and returns Html to display. We'll have two buttons to send the increment and decrement messages. Then we'll also display the current count.

import Html exposing (Html, button, div, text)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick)

view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
  div []
    [ button [onClick Decrement] [text "-"]
    , div [] [text (String.fromInt model) ]
    , button [onClick Increment] [text "+"]

Finally, we generate our final application as a "main" expression. We use Browser.sandbox, and pass an initial model value, as well as our update and view expressions.

import Browser

main = Browser.sandbox { init = 0, update = update, view = view}

Compiling Our Elm

Supposing we've written this code in an Elm project as Main.elm, it's now quite easy to compile it into a full HTML file. We run this command:

elm make src/Main.elm

This produces a file index.html that contains our full Elm application. The file requires a lot of boilerplate to get Elm working, so it's over 5000 lines long! But if we return that from our server instead of a blaze-generated HTML file, our app will work!

Referencing Elm

We could make manual modifications to this HTML file to do other things like adding our own CSS. But often times it's easier to compile the Elm into a Javascript file we can include with our other assets. To do this, we just have to tweak our command by outputting to a .js file:

elm make src/Main.elm --output elm.js

This output file now contains all 5000 lines of our compiled Elm. Now we can make our own HTML file that looks like this:

    <div id="elm"></div>
    <script src="/static/elm.js"/>
      var app = Elm.Main.init({node: document.getElementById("elm")});

The first script includes our compiled app. The second, shorter script does the work of embedding the app in the preceding div. In this way, we can embed a smaller Elm application in along with other HTML components if we want to. It's much easier to swap out our other assets without having to re-compile our whole frontend!

Of course, for this to work, we have to use the techniques from our earlier article. Our Servant server must serve its static content from a particular directory. This will allow us to include elm.js and any other scripts we make. And then it has to serve our HTML page for the desired endpoints.


You should now have enough tools at your disposal to make a simple web app using only functional tools! Our Real World Haskell Series will give you a good tutorial on some other parts of the stack. If you need any other tools, take a look at our Production Checklist. You can also take a look at all the code for this brief series on Github.

Starting next week, we're going to transition a bit. We've explored the idea of Haskell and machine learning before on this blog. Next time, we'll start looking at some ideas in game AI and agent development. This will set the stage for a combination of Open AI Gym and Haskell code.

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James Bowen James Bowen

Servant Testing Helpers!


We've been looking at Haskell and HTML code for a few weeks now. Last time, we introduced the idea of serving HTML content from a Servant server. Testing any server can be a little tricky. In our Real World Haskell Series, we explored some of the complications in testing such a server.

This week, we're going to look at a couple shortcuts we can take that will make testing our server a little easier. We'll examine some helpers from the Hspec.Wai library, as well as some Quickcheck expressions we can use with Servant.

For more useful Haskell tools, download our Haskell Production Checklist. It goes through a few other libraries you can use besides Servant for your web apps!

Simple Server

Let's start with the same basic user endpoint we had from last time. This takes a User ID, and returns a User if the ID exists in our "database" (an in-memory map for our example).

data User = ...

instance ToJSON User where

type MyAPI = "users"  :> Capture "uid" Int :> Get '[JSON] (Maybe User)

userHandler :: Int -> Handler (Maybe User)
userHandler uid = return $ M.lookup uid userDB

We've got a server to run this API, which we can use to make an Application.

myServer :: Server MyAPI
myServer = userHandler

myApi :: Proxy MyAPI
myApi = Proxy

myApp :: Application
myApp = serve myApi myServer

runServer :: IO ()
runServer = run 8080 myApp

But, as with any IO action, testing the behavior of this server is tricky. In our earlier article, we had to jump through several hoops to run some tests using the Hspec library. As a pre-condition of the test, we had to start the IO action. Then we had to construct requests using Servant's client functionality. Unwrapping and analyzing the responses was a bit annoying. Finally, we had to ensure we killed the server at the end. Luckily, there's a simpler way to go through this process.

Test Assertions

The HSpec Wai library attempts to simplify this process. As before, we write our tests in conjunction with Hspec syntax. This gives us the opportunity to put more descriptive information into our tests. Even better, we can use simple functions to send network requests to our server.

The expression we'll construct is a normal Spec, so it can fit right in with any other tests we write using Hspec. The key to this process is the with function, which takes our Application as a parameter:

apiSpec :: Spec
apiSpec = with (return myApp) $ do

The next key is the get combinator. This creates a test assertion we can use within one of our it statements. It takes a string for the "route" of the request we are sending to our server. The simplest assertion we can make is to check the status code of the reply.

apiSpec :: Spec
apiSpec = with (return myApp) $ do
  Describe "GET /users/1" $ do
    it "responds with 200" $ do
      get "users/1" `shouldRespondWith` 200

The assertion statement shouldRespondWith takes a ResponseMatcher type. We can make this matcher in a few different ways. Passing a simple number will make it only worry about the status code. If we pass a string, it will verify that the response body matches that string. Here's how we can verify that we receive a full user string when the user exists, and a "null" result when they don't.

apiSpec :: Spec
apiSpec = with (return myApp) $ do
  describe "GET /users/1" $ do
    it "responds with 200" $ do
      get "/users/1" `shouldRespondWith` 200
    it "responds with a user" $ do
      get "/users/1" `shouldRespondWith` 
  describe "GET /users/5" $ do
    it "responds with null" $ do
      get "/users/5" `shouldRespondWith` "null"

Unfortunately there don't seem to be great mechanisms for verifying individual fields. You'll have to build any kind of custom matcher from scratch. It's certainly sub-optimal to have to match the JSON string exactly. We can reduce this burden a bit by using the JSON helper library. This let's us specify the object within a quasi-quoter so we don't have to be as precise in specifying the string:

{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}

apiSpec :: Spec
apiSpec = with (return myApp) $ do
  describe "GET /users/1" $ do
    it "responds with a user" $ do
      get "/users/1" `shouldRespondWith`
        {email: "james@test.com", age: 25, name: "James", id: 1}

So there are definitely areas to improve this library. But it does provide some useful functionality.

Servant Quick Check

Another helpful way to test our API is to incorporate some of the techniques of Quickcheck. The servant-quickcheck library allows us to make blanket assertions about our API . It does this by sending many arbitrary requests to it.

We can actually incorporate these assertions into Hspec code as well. We start with a single assertion and withServantServer:

quickcheckSpec :: Spec
quickcheckSpec =
  it "API has good properties" $
    withServantServer myApi (return myServer) ...

Our key function takes a proxy for our API as well as an action returning our server. The next part is a function taking a "URL" parameter. We'll then use the serverSatisfies argument with our API and some defaultArgs.

quickcheckSpec :: Spec
quickcheckSpec =
  it "API has good properties" $
    withServantServer myApi (return myServer) $ \burl ->
      serverSatisfies myApi burl defaultArgs

The final piece is to build our actual assertions. We combine these with <%> and need to use mempty as a base. For a simple example, we can test that our endpoint never returns a 500 status code. We can also check that it never takes longer than a second (1e9 nanoseconds). Here's our complete assertion:

quickcheckSpec :: Spec
quickcheckSpec =
  it "API has good properties" $
    withServantServer myApi (return myServer) $ \burl ->
      serverSatisfies myApi burl defaultArgs
        (not500 <%> notLongerThan 1e9 <%> mempty)

Another assertion we can make is that our API only returns full JSON objects. The client code might depend on parsing these, rather than loose strings or some other format. In our case, this will actually fail with our API, because it can return null.

quickcheckSpec :: Spec
quickcheckSpec =
  it "API has good properties" $
    withServantServer myApi (return myServer) $ \burl ->
      serverSatisfies myApi burl defaultArgs
        -- Check JSON as well!
        (onlyJsonObjects <%> 
         not500 <%> 
         notLongerThan 1000000000 <%> 

This suggests we could reconsider how our API works. We could, for example, have it return a 404 instead of a null object if the user doesn't exist. These are some of the simplest functions in the You can take a look at the documentation for a complete listing.


Next week will be our last article on web applications for a little while. We'll explore what it will take to have "functional frontend" code. We'll use Purescript to generate Javascript and use this code within the HTML we send from our server!

Don't forget to subscribe to Monday Morning Haskell! This will give you access to our monthly newsletter as well as our subscriber resources!

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James Bowen James Bowen

Serving HTML with Servant


We now have several different ways of generating HTML code from Haskell. Our last look at this issue explored the Lucid library. But in most cases you won't be writing client side Haskell code.

You'll have to send the HTML you generate to your end-user, typically over a web server. So in this article we're going to explore the most basic way we can do that. We'll see how we can use the Servant library to send HTML in response to API requests.

For a more in-depth tutorial on making a web app with Servant, read our Real World Haskell series! You can also get some more ideas for Haskell libraries in our Production Checklist.

Servant Refresher

Suppose we have a basic User type, along with JSON instances for it:

data User = User
  { userId :: Int
  , userName :: String
  , userEmail :: String
  , userAge :: Int

instance FromJSON User where

instance ToJSON User where

In Servant, we can expose an endpoint to retrieve a user by their database ID. We would have this type in our API definition, and a handler function.

type MyAPI =
  "users" :> Capture "uid" Int :> Get '[JSON] (Maybe User) :<|>
  ... -- other endpoints

userHandler :: Int -> Handler (Maybe User)

myServer :: Server MyAPI
myServer =
  userHandler :<|>
  ... -- Other handlers

Our endpoint says that when we get a request to /users/:uid, we'll return a User object, encoded in JSON. The userHandler performs the logic of retrieving this user from our database.

We would then let client side Javascript code actually to the job of rendering our user as HTML. But let's flip the script a bit and embrace the idea of "server side rendering." Here, we'll gather the user information and generate HTML on our server. Then we'll send the HTML back in reply. First, we'll need a couple pieces of boilerplate.

A New Content Type

In the endpoint above, the type list '[JSON] refers to the content type of our output. Servant knows when we have JSON in our list, it should include a header in the response indicating that it's in JSON.

We now want to make a content type for returning HTML. Servant doesn't have this by default. If we try to return a PlainText HTML string, the browser won't render it! It will display the raw HTML string on a blank page!

So to make this work, we'll start with two types. The first will be HTML. This will be our equivalent to JSON, and it's a dummy type, with no actual data! The second will be RawHtml, a simple wrapper for an HTML bytestring.

import Data.ByteString.Lazy as Lazy

data HTML = HTML

newtype RawHtml = RawHtml { unRaw :: Lazy.ByteString }

We'll use the HTML type in our endpoints as we currently do with JSON. It's a content type, and our responses need to know how to render it. This means making an instance of the Accept class. Using some helpers, we'll make this instance use the content-type: text/html header.

import Network.HTTP.Media ((//), (/:))
import Servant.API (Accept(..))

instance Accept HTML where
  contenType _ = "text" // "html" /: ("charset", "utf-8")

Then, we'll link our RawHtml type to this HTML class with the MimeRender class. We just unwrap the raw bytestring to send in the response.

instance MimeRender HTML RawHtml where
  mimeRender _ = unRaw

This will let us use the combination of HTML content type and RawHtml result type in our endpoints, as we'll see. This is like making a ToJSON instance for a different type to use with the JSON content type.

An HTML Endpoint

Now we can rewrite our endpoint so that it returns HTML instead! First we'll make a function that renders our User. We'll use Lucid in this case:

import Lucid

renderUser :: Maybe User -> Html ()
renderUser maybeUser = html_ $ do
  head_ $ do
    title_ "User Page"
    link_ [rel_ "stylesheet", type_ "text/css", href_ "/styles.css"]
  body_ $ userBody
    userBody = case maybeUser of
      Nothing -> div_ [class_ "login-message"] $ do
        p_ "You aren't logged in!"
        br_ []
        a_ [href_ "/login"] "Please login"
      Just u -> div_ [class_ "user-message"] $ do
        p_ $ toHtml ("Name: " ++ userName u)
        p_ $ toHtml ("Email: " ++ userEmail u)
        p_ $ toHtml ("Age: " ++ show (userAge u))

Now we'll need to re-write our endpoint, so it uses our new type:

type MyAPI = "users" :> Capture "uid" Int :> Get '[HTML] RawHtml :<|>

Finally, we would rewrite our handler function to render the user immediately!

userHandler :: Int -> Handler RawHtml
userHandler uid = do
  maybeUser <- fetchUser uid -- DB lookup or something
  return (RawHtml $ renderHtml (renderUser maybeUser))

Our server would now work, returning the HTML string, which the browser would render!

Serving Static Files

There's one more thing we need to handle! Remember that HTML by itself is not typically enough. Our HTML files almost always reference other files, like CSS, Javascript, and images. When the user loads the HTML we send, they'll make another immediate request for those files. As is, our server won't render any styles for our user HTML. How do we serve these?

In Servant, the answer is the serveDirectoryWebApp function. This allows us to serve out the files from a particular file as static files. The first piece of this puzzle is to add an extra endpoint to our server definition. This will catch all patterns and return a Raw result. This means the contents of a particular file.

type MyAPI =
  "users" :> Capture "uid" Int :> Get '[HTML] RawHtml :<|>

This endpoint must come last out of all our endpoints, even if we compose MyAPI with other API types. Otherwise it will catch every request and prevent other handlers from operating! This is like when you use a catch-all too early in a case statement.

Now for our "handler", we'll use the special serve function.

myServer :: Server MyAPI
myServer =
  userHandler <|>:
  serveDirectoryWebApp "static"

And now, if we have styles.css with appropriate styles, they'll render correctly!


It's a useful exercise to go through the process of making our HTML content type manually. But Blaze and Lucid both have their own helper libraries to simplify this. Take a look at servant-blaze and servant-lucid. You can import the corresponding modules and this will handle the boilerplate for you.

Next week, we'll explore a few extra things we can do with Servant. We'll see some neat combinators that allow us to test our Servant API with ease!

Don't forget you can take a look at our Github repository for more details! This week's code is in `src/BasicServant.hs.

And also remember to subscribe to Monday Morning Haskell! You'll get our monthly newsletter and access to our subscriber resources!

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James Bowen James Bowen

Lucid: Another HTML Option


We're currently looking at different Haskell libraries for generating HTML code. We've already explored how to do this a bit in Reflex FRP and using the Blaze library. This week, we'll consider one more library, Lucid. Then next week we'll start looking at some more complex things we can do with our generated code.

The approaches from Reflex and Blaze have a lot of similarities. In particular, both use monadic composition for building the tree. Lucid will continue this theme as well, and it will generally have a lot in common with Blaze. But there are a few differences as well, and we'll explore those a bit.

If you want to play around with the code from this article a bit more, you should clone our Github repository! This repo contains the simpler Blaze and Html code, as well as some ways we'll use it. If you're ready to work on a full web application, you can also read our Real World Haskell series. This will walk you through the basics of building a web backend with a particular library stack. You can also download our Production Checklist to learn about more options!

Similar Basics

Hopefully, you've already gotten familiar with Blaze's syntax. But even if you're not, we're going to dive straight into Lucid. This syntax is pretty straightforward, as long as you know the basic HTML markup symbols. Here's the input form example we did last time, only now, using Lucid:

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module LucidLib where

import Lucid

mainHtml :: Html ()
mainHtml = html_ $ do
  head_ $ do
    title_ "Random Stuff"
    link_ [rel_ "stylesheet", type_ "text/css", href_ "screen.css"]
  body_ $ do
    h1_ "Welcome to our site!"
    h2_ $ span_ "New user?"
    div_ [class_ "create-user-form"] $ do
      form_ [action_ "createUser"] $ do
        input_ [type_ "text", name_ "username"]
        input_ [type_ "email", name_ "email"]
        input_ [type_ "password", name_ "password"]
        input_ [type_ "submit", name_ "submit"]
    br_ []
    h2_ $ span_ "Returning user?"
    div_ [class_ "login-user-form"] $ do
      form_ [action_ "login"] $ do
        input_ [type_ "email", name_ "email"]
        input_ [type_ "password", name_ "password"]
        input_ [type_ "submit", name_ "submit"]
    br_ []

Right away things look pretty similar. We use a monad to compose our HTML tree. Each new action we add in the monad adds a new item in the tree. Our combinators match the names of HTML elements.

But there are, of course, a few differences. For example, we see lists for attributes instead of using the ! operator. Every combinator and attribute name has underscores. Each of these differences has a reason, as outlined by the author Chris Done in his blog post. Feel free to read this for some more details. Let's go over some of these differences.

Naming Consistency

Let's first consider the underscores in each element name. What's the reason behind this? In a word, the answer is consistency. Let's recall what blaze looks like:

import Text.Blaze.Html5 as H
import Text.Blaze.Html5.Attributes as A

blazeHtml :: Html
blazeHtml = docTypeHtml $ do
  H.head $ do
    H.title "Our web page"
  body $ do
    h1 "Welcome to our site!"
    H.div ! class_ "form" $ do
      p "Hello"

Notice first the qualified imports. Some of the elements conflict with Prelude functions. For example, we use head with normal lists and div for mathematics. Another one, class_, conflicts with a Haskell keyword, so it needs an underscore. Further, we can use certain combinators, like style, either as a combinator or as an attribute. This is why we have two imports at the top of our page. It allows us to use H.style as a combinator or A.style as an attribute.

Just by adding an underscore to every combinator, Lucid simplifies this. We only need one import, Lucid, and we have consistency. Nothing needs qualifying.

Attribute Lists

Another difference is attributes. In Blaze, we used the ! operator to compose attributes. So if we want several attributes on an item, we can keep adding them like so:

-- Blaze
stylesheet :: Html
stylesheet =
  link ! rel "stylesheet" ! href "styles.css" ! type_ "text/css"

Lucid's approach rejects operators. Instead we use a list to describe our different attributes. Here's our style element in Lucid:

-- Lucid
stylesheet :: Html ()
stylesheet =
  link_ [rel_ "stylesheet", type_ "text/css", href_ "screen.css"]

In a lot of ways this syntax is cleaner. It's easier to have lists as extra expressions we can reuse. It's much easier to append a new attribute to a list than to compose a new expression with operators. At least, you're much more likely to get the type signature correct. Ultimately this is a matter of taste.

One reason for Blaze's approach is to avoid empty parameters on a large number of combinators. If a combinator can take a list as a parameter, what do you do if there are no attributes? You either have [] expressions everywhere or you make a whole secondary set of functions.

Lucid gets around this with some clever test machinery. The following two expressions have the same type, even though the first one has no attributes!

aDiv :: Html ()
aDiv = div_ $ p "Hello"

aDiv2 :: Html ()
aDiv2 = div_ [class_ "hello-div"] $ p_ "Hello"

Due to the class Term, we can both have a normal Html element follow our div, or we can list some attributes first. Certain empty combinators like br_ don't fit this pattern as well. They can't have sub-elements, so we need the extra [] parameter, as you can see above. This pattern is also what enables us to use the same style combinator in both situations.


There are other details as well. The Monad instance for Html is better defined in Lucid. Lucid's expressions also have a built-in Show instance, which makes simple debugging better.

For Blaze's part, I'll note one advantage comes in the rendering functionality. It has a "pretty print" renderer, that makes the HTML human readable. I wasn't able to find a function to do this from poking around with Lucid. You can render in Lucid like so:

import Lucid

main :: IO ()
main = renderToFile "hello.html" mainHtml

mainHtml :: Html ()
mainHtml = ...

You'll get the proper HTML, but it won't look very appetizing.


So at the end of the day, Blaze and Lucid are more similar than they are different. So the choice is more one of taste. Now, we never want to produce HTML in isolation. We almost always want to serve it out to users of a more complete system. Next week, we'll start looking at some options for using the Servant library to send HTML to our end users.

There are many different pieces to building a web application! For instance, you'll need a server backend and a database! Download our Production Checklist to learn some more libraries you can use for those!

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James Bowen James Bowen

Blaze: Lightweight Html Generation


We've now got a little experience dealing with Haskell and HTML. In our last article we saw how to use some basic combinators within Reflex FRP to generate HTML. But let's take a step back and consider this problem in a simpler light. What if we aren't doing a full Reflex app? What if we just want to generate an HTML string in the context of a totally different application? Suppose we're using some other library to run our backend and want to send some HTML as a raw string. How can we generate this string?

We wouldn't go through the full effort of setting up a Nix application to run GHCJS and Reflex. We would like to do this with a simple Stack application. In the next couple weeks, we'll consider two simple libraries we can use to generate HTML code. This week, we'll look at the Blaze HTML library. Next week we'll consider Lucid. Then after that, we'll investigate how we can serve the HTML we generate from a Servant server.

For some more ideas of production-ready libraries, download our Production Checklist! Try out some other platforms for database management or frontend development!

Basic Combinators

Let's start with the basics. Blaze has a few things in common with the Reflex method of generating HTML data. It also uses a monadic type to produce the HTML tree. In Blaze, this monad is just called Html. Each new action produces a new element node in the tree. Most every basic HTML element has its own function in the library. So we can start our tree with the basic html tag, and then provide a head element as well as a body.

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

import Text.Blaze.Html5 as H
Import Text.Blaze.Html5.Attributes as A

basicHtml :: Html
basicHtml = html $ do
  H.head $ do
    H.title "My HTML page"
  body $ do
    h1 "Welcome to our site!"

In some cases, the HTML element names conflict with Haskell library functions. So we use a qualified import with the letter H or A to be more specific.

The above example will produce the following HTML:

    <title>My HTML Page</title>
    <h1>Welcome to our site!"</h1>

We can get this as a string by using renderHtml from one of a few different modules in the library. For instance the "Pretty" renderer will give the above format, which is more human readable:

import Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.Pretty

producePage :: String
producePage = renderHtml basicHtml

We can take our simple HTML now and add a few more elements. For instance, we can also add a "doctype" tag at the top, specifying that it is, in fact HTML. This saves us from needing the basic html combinator. We can also do nesting of different elements, such as lists:

basicHtml :: Html
basicHtml = docTypeHtml $ do
    H.head $ do
    H.title "My HTML page"
  body $ do
    h1 "Welcome to our site!"
    "This is just raw text"
    ul $ do
      li "First item"
      li "Second item"
      li "Third item"

One final observation here is that we can use raw strings as a monadic element. We need the OverloadedStrings extension for this to work. This just makes a raw text item in the HTML tree, without any wrapper. See how the raw text appears in our output here:


    <title>My HTML Page</title>
    <h1>Welcome to our site!"</h1>
    This is just raw text
      <li>First item</li>
      <li>Second item</li>
      <li>Third item</li>


Now a key component of HTML is, of course, to use attributes with different items. This allows us to customize them with styles and various other properties. For example, when we use an image element, we should provide a "source" file as well as alternate text. We add different attributes to our items with the ! operator. This operator composes so we can add more attributes. Here is an example:

logoImage :: Html
logoImage = img ! src "logo.png" ! alt "The website's logo"


<img src="logo.png" alt="The website's logo"/>

Naturally, we'll want to use CSS with our page. In the head element we can add a stylesheet using a link element. Then we can apply classes to individual components using class_.

styledHtml :: Html
styledHtml = docTypeHtml $ do
  H.head $ do
    link ! rel "stylesheet" ! href "styles.css"
  body $ do
    div ! class_ "style-1" $ do
      "One kind of div"
    div ! class_ "style-2" $ do
      "A second kind of div"

Using Haskell to Populate Types

Now since our Html elements are normal Haskell expressions, we can use any kind of Haskell type as an input. This can turn our elements into functions that depend on normal application data. For example, we can make a list out of different names:

renderNames :: [String] -> Html
renderNames names = do
  "Here are the names"
  ul $ forM_ names (li . toHtml)

We can also take a more complex data structure and use it as an input to our HTML elements. In this example, we'll show a user their points total if we have a User object. But if not, we'll encourage them to login instead.

data User = User
  { userName :: String
  , userPoints :: Int

pointsDisplay :: Maybe User -> Html
pointsDisplay Nothing = a ! href "/login" $ "Please login!"
pointsDisplay (Just (User name points)) = div ! class_ "user-points" $ do
  "Hi "
  toHtml name
  "You have "
  toHtml points
  " points!"

This sort of idea is at the heart of "server side rendering", which we'll explore later on in this series.

Making a Form

Here's one final example, where we'll provide two different forms. One for creating a user account, and one for logging in. They each link to separate actions:

multiformPage :: Html
multiformPage = do
  H.head $ do
    H.title "Our Page"
    link ! rel "stylesheet" ! href "styles.css"
  body $ do
    h1 "Welcome to our site!"
    h2 $ H.span "New user?"
    H.div ! class_ "create-user-form" $ do
      H.form ! action "createUser" $ do
        input ! type_ "text" ! name "username"
        input ! type_ "email" ! name "email"
        input ! type_ "password" ! name "password"
        input ! type_ "submit" ! name "submit"
    h2 $ H.span "Returning user?"
    H.div ! class_ "login-user-form" $ do
      H.form ! action "login" $ do
        input ! type_ "email" ! name "email"
        input ! type_ "password" ! name "password"
        input ! type_ "submit" ! name "submit"

As we can see, monadic syntax gives us a very natural way to work with this kind of "tree building" operation.


Now while we've reduced our dependencies from Reflex, this library does have limitations. There's no clear form of Haskell based dynamism. To make our page dynamic, we'd have to include Javascript files along with our generated HTML! And most of us Haskell developers don't want to be writing much Javascript if we can avoid it.

There are still other ways we can use functional means to get the Javascript we want, besides Reflex! We'll explore those a bit later on.

So Blaze has some limitations, but it serves its purpose well. It's a lightweight way of generating HTML in a very intuitive way. Next week, we'll explore another library, Lucid, that has a similar goal.

You can also take a look at our Github repository to see the full code example for this article!

Download our Production Checklist to learn more! If you liked this article, you might want to consider reading our series on Purescript and Elm!

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James Bowen James Bowen

Reflex HTML Basics


Last week we used Nix to create a very simple application using the Reflex FRP framework. This framework uses the paradigm of Functional Reactive Programming to create web pages. It allows us to use functional programming techniques in a problem space with a lot of input and output.

In this week's article, we're going to start explore this framework some more. We'll start getting a feel for the syntax Reflex uses for making different HTML elements. Once we're familiar with these basics, we can compare Reflex with other frontend Haskell tools.

There are several different options you can explore for making these kinds of pages. For some more ideas, download our Production Checklist. This will also suggest some different libraries you can use for your web app's backend!

A Main Function

Let's start out by looking at the code for the very basic page we made last week. It combines a few of the simplest functions we'll need to be familiar with in Reflex.

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Frontend.Index where

runIndex :: main ()
runIndex = mainWidget $ el "div" $ text "Welcome to Reflex!"

There are three different functions here: mainWidget, el, and text. The mainWidget function is our interface between Reflex types and the IO monad. It functions a bit like a runStateT function, allowing us to turn our page into a normal program we can run. Here is its type signature:

mainWidget :: (forall t. Widget t ()) -> IO ()

We provide an input in some kind of a Widget monad and it will convert it to an IO action. The t parameter is one we'll use throughout our type signatures. Reflex FRP will implicitly track a lot of different events on our page over time. This parameter signifies a particular "timeline" of events.

We won't need to get into too much detail about the parameter. There's only one case where different expressions can have different t parameters. This would be if we have multiple Reflex apps at the same time, and we won't get into this case.

There are other main functions we can use. Most likely, we would want to use mainWidgetWithCss for an full project. This takes a CSS string to apply over our page. We'll want to use the embedFile template function here. This converts a provided filepath into the actual CSS ByteString.

mainWidgetWithCss :: ByteString -> (forall t. Widget t()) -> IO ()

runIndex = do
  let cssString = $(embedFile "static/styles.css")
  mainWidgetWithCss cssString $ el "div" $ text "Hello, Reflex!"

Static Elements

The rest of our combinators will have HTML oriented types. We'll start with our two simple combinators, text and el. These are both different kinds of "widgets" we can use.

The first of these is straightforward enough. It takes a string (Text) and produces an element in a DomBuilder monad. The result of this will be a simple text element appearing on our webpage with nothing wrapping it.

text :: (DomBuilder t m) => Text -> m ()

So for example if we omitted the use of el above, the HTML for our web page body would look like:

  Welcome to Reflex!

The el combinator then provides us with the chance to wrap one HTML element within another. We provide a first argument with a string for the type of element we're wrapping with. Then we give the monadic action for the HTML element within. In the case of our page, we wrap our original text element with a div.

el :: (DomBuilder t m) => Text -> m () -> m ()

runIndex = mainWidget $ el "div" $ text "Welcome to Reflex!"

This produces the following HTML in our body:

  <div>Welcome to Reflex!</div>

Now, because an element takes a monad, we can compose more elements within it as deeply as we want. Here's an example with a couple nested lists:

runIndex = mainWidget $ el "div" $ do
  el "p" (text "Two Lists")
  el "ol" $ do
    el "li" (text "Number One")
    el "li" (text "Number Two")
    el "li" (text "Number Three")
  el "ul" $ do
    el "li" (text "First Item")
    el "li" (text "Second Item")
    el "li" (text "Third Item")

Adding Attributes

Of course, there's more to HTML than creating elements. We'll also want to assign properties to our elements to customize their appearance.

One simple way to do this is to use the elAttr combinator instead of el. This allows us to provide a map of attributes and values. Here's an example where we provide the filename, width, and height of an image element. Note that blank is the same as text "", an empty HTML element:

imageElement = elAttr "image"
  ("src" =. "checkmark.jpg" <> "height" =. "300" <> "width" =. "300")

-- Produced HTML
<img src="checkmark.jpg" height="300" width="300"></img>

Reflex has some specific combinators we can use to build an attribute map. The =. operator combines two elements to create a singleton map. We can append different maps with the monoid operator <>.

In general, we should handle CSS with static files elsewhere. We would create CSS classes that contain many different properties. We can then apply these classes to our HTML elements. The elClass combinator is an easy way to do thing in Reflex.

styledText = elClass "p" "fancy" (text "Hello")

-- Produced HTML
<p class="fancy">Hello</p>

Now we don't need to worry about styling every individual element.


We already have quite a few opportunities available to us to build our page. Still, it was a big hassle to use Nix and Reflex just to write some Html. Next week, we'll start exploring more lightweight options for doing this in Haskell.

For more resources on building Haskell web tools, download our Production Checklist!

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