Haskell API Integrations


Haskell claims to have functional purity, and hence lacks side effects. This is of course a bit of a simplication that lends itself to many jokes. Of course we can do lots of interesting communication tasks with Haskell, as long as we know the right libraries! In this series, we explore a variety of ways we can interact with our users over the internet!

Part 1: Twilio and Text Messages

In part 1 of this series, we'll connect to the Twilio service and use it to send text messages from our Haskell code. We'll also set up a server to receive and reply to text messages from our users!

Part 2: Sending Emails with Mailgun

Once we can send text messages, we can explore other types of effects as well. For instance, we can use the Mailgun service to send emails to our users! Find out how in part 2 of the series!

Part 3: Mailchimp and Building Our Own Integration

In the last two parts, we used existing libraries to connect to other services. We could also do this for the mailchimp service, that helps us handle a subscriber list. But instead we'll learn how to use Servant to construct our own integration! See how it all works in part 3.

Extra Bonus: Production Checklist

This series goes over some cool libraries, but there's still so much more to explore! Check out our Production Checklist and explore a ton of other libraries you can use for various tasks when making a production system in Haskell!