Blaze: Lightweight Html Generation


We've now got a little experience dealing with Haskell and HTML. In our last article we saw how to use some basic combinators within Reflex FRP to generate HTML. But let's take a step back and consider this problem in a simpler light. What if we aren't doing a full Reflex app? What if we just want to generate an HTML string in the context of a totally different application? Suppose we're using some other library to run our backend and want to send some HTML as a raw string. How can we generate this string?

We wouldn't go through the full effort of setting up a Nix application to run GHCJS and Reflex. We would like to do this with a simple Stack application. In the next couple weeks, we'll consider two simple libraries we can use to generate HTML code. This week, we'll look at the Blaze HTML library. Next week we'll consider Lucid. Then after that, we'll investigate how we can serve the HTML we generate from a Servant server.

For some more ideas of production-ready libraries, download our Production Checklist! Try out some other platforms for database management or frontend development!

Basic Combinators

Let's start with the basics. Blaze has a few things in common with the Reflex method of generating HTML data. It also uses a monadic type to produce the HTML tree. In Blaze, this monad is just called Html. Each new action produces a new element node in the tree. Most every basic HTML element has its own function in the library. So we can start our tree with the basic html tag, and then provide a head element as well as a body.

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

import Text.Blaze.Html5 as H
Import Text.Blaze.Html5.Attributes as A

basicHtml :: Html
basicHtml = html $ do
  H.head $ do
    H.title "My HTML page"
  body $ do
    h1 "Welcome to our site!"

In some cases, the HTML element names conflict with Haskell library functions. So we use a qualified import with the letter H or A to be more specific.

The above example will produce the following HTML:

    <title>My HTML Page</title>
    <h1>Welcome to our site!"</h1>

We can get this as a string by using renderHtml from one of a few different modules in the library. For instance the "Pretty" renderer will give the above format, which is more human readable:

import Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.Pretty

producePage :: String
producePage = renderHtml basicHtml

We can take our simple HTML now and add a few more elements. For instance, we can also add a "doctype" tag at the top, specifying that it is, in fact HTML. This saves us from needing the basic html combinator. We can also do nesting of different elements, such as lists:

basicHtml :: Html
basicHtml = docTypeHtml $ do
    H.head $ do
    H.title "My HTML page"
  body $ do
    h1 "Welcome to our site!"
    "This is just raw text"
    ul $ do
      li "First item"
      li "Second item"
      li "Third item"

One final observation here is that we can use raw strings as a monadic element. We need the OverloadedStrings extension for this to work. This just makes a raw text item in the HTML tree, without any wrapper. See how the raw text appears in our output here:


    <title>My HTML Page</title>
    <h1>Welcome to our site!"</h1>
    This is just raw text
      <li>First item</li>
      <li>Second item</li>
      <li>Third item</li>


Now a key component of HTML is, of course, to use attributes with different items. This allows us to customize them with styles and various other properties. For example, when we use an image element, we should provide a "source" file as well as alternate text. We add different attributes to our items with the ! operator. This operator composes so we can add more attributes. Here is an example:

logoImage :: Html
logoImage = img ! src "logo.png" ! alt "The website's logo"


<img src="logo.png" alt="The website's logo"/>

Naturally, we'll want to use CSS with our page. In the head element we can add a stylesheet using a link element. Then we can apply classes to individual components using class_.

styledHtml :: Html
styledHtml = docTypeHtml $ do
  H.head $ do
    link ! rel "stylesheet" ! href "styles.css"
  body $ do
    div ! class_ "style-1" $ do
      "One kind of div"
    div ! class_ "style-2" $ do
      "A second kind of div"

Using Haskell to Populate Types

Now since our Html elements are normal Haskell expressions, we can use any kind of Haskell type as an input. This can turn our elements into functions that depend on normal application data. For example, we can make a list out of different names:

renderNames :: [String] -> Html
renderNames names = do
  "Here are the names"
  ul $ forM_ names (li . toHtml)

We can also take a more complex data structure and use it as an input to our HTML elements. In this example, we'll show a user their points total if we have a User object. But if not, we'll encourage them to login instead.

data User = User
  { userName :: String
  , userPoints :: Int

pointsDisplay :: Maybe User -> Html
pointsDisplay Nothing = a ! href "/login" $ "Please login!"
pointsDisplay (Just (User name points)) = div ! class_ "user-points" $ do
  "Hi "
  toHtml name
  "You have "
  toHtml points
  " points!"

This sort of idea is at the heart of "server side rendering", which we'll explore later on in this series.

Making a Form

Here's one final example, where we'll provide two different forms. One for creating a user account, and one for logging in. They each link to separate actions:

multiformPage :: Html
multiformPage = do
  H.head $ do
    H.title "Our Page"
    link ! rel "stylesheet" ! href "styles.css"
  body $ do
    h1 "Welcome to our site!"
    h2 $ H.span "New user?"
    H.div ! class_ "create-user-form" $ do
      H.form ! action "createUser" $ do
        input ! type_ "text" ! name "username"
        input ! type_ "email" ! name "email"
        input ! type_ "password" ! name "password"
        input ! type_ "submit" ! name "submit"
    h2 $ H.span "Returning user?"
    H.div ! class_ "login-user-form" $ do
      H.form ! action "login" $ do
        input ! type_ "email" ! name "email"
        input ! type_ "password" ! name "password"
        input ! type_ "submit" ! name "submit"

As we can see, monadic syntax gives us a very natural way to work with this kind of "tree building" operation.


Now while we've reduced our dependencies from Reflex, this library does have limitations. There's no clear form of Haskell based dynamism. To make our page dynamic, we'd have to include Javascript files along with our generated HTML! And most of us Haskell developers don't want to be writing much Javascript if we can avoid it.

There are still other ways we can use functional means to get the Javascript we want, besides Reflex! We'll explore those a bit later on.

So Blaze has some limitations, but it serves its purpose well. It's a lightweight way of generating HTML in a very intuitive way. Next week, we'll explore another library, Lucid, that has a similar goal.

You can also take a look at our Github repository to see the full code example for this article!

Download our Production Checklist to learn more! If you liked this article, you might want to consider reading our series on Purescript and Elm!


Lucid: Another HTML Option


Reflex HTML Basics