Refactored Game Play!
Last week, we implemented Q-learning for our Blackjack game. We found the solution looked a lot like Frozen Lake for the most part. So we created a new class EnvironmentMonad
to combine the steps these games have in common. This week, we'll see a full implementation of that class. Our goal is a couple generic gameLoop
functions we can use for different modes of our game.
As always, the code for this article is on our Github repository! You'll mainly want to explore any of the source files with Environment
in their name.
Expanding our Environment
Last time, we put together a basic idea of what a generic environment could look like. We made a couple separate "sub-classes" as well, for rendering and learning.
class (Monad m) => EnvironmentMonad m where
type Observation m :: *
type Action m :: *
resetEnv :: m (Observation m)
stepEnv :: (Action m) -> m (Observation m, Reward, Bool)
class (MonadIO m, EnvironmentMonad m) => RenderableEnvironment m where
renderEnv :: m ()
class (EnvironmentMonad m) => LearningEnvironment m where
learnEnv ::
(Observation m) -> (Observation m) -> Reward -> (Action m) -> m ()
There are still a couple extra pieces we can add that will make these classes more complete. One thing we're missing here is a concrete expression of our state. This makes it difficult to run our environments from normal code. So let's add a new type to the family for our "Environment" type, as well as a function to "run" that environment. We'll also want a generic way to get the current observation.
class (Monad m) => EnvironmentMonad m where
type Observation m :: *
type Action m :: *
type EnvironmentState m :: *
runEnv :: (EnvironmentState m) -> m a -> IO a
currentObservation :: m (Observation m)
resetEnv :: m (Observation m)
stepEnv :: (Action m) -> m (Observation m, Reward, Bool)
Forcing run
to use IO
is more restrictive than we'd like. In the future we might explore how to get our environment to wrap a monad parameter to fix this.
We can also add a couple items to our LearningEnvironment
for the exploration rate. This way, we don't need to do anything concrete to affect the learning process. We'll also make the function for choosing an action is a specific part of the environment.
class (EnvironmentMonad m) => LearningEnvironment m where
learnEnv ::
(Observation m) -> (Observation m) -> Reward -> (Action m) -> m ()
chooseActionBrain :: m (Action m)
explorationRate :: m Double
reduceExploration :: Double -> Double -> m ()
Game Loops
In previous iterations, we had gameLoop
functions for each of our different environments. We can now write these in a totally generic way! Here's a simple loop that plays the game once and produces a result:
gameLoop :: (EnvironmentMonad m) =>
m (Action m) -> m (Observation m, Reward)
gameLoop chooseAction = do
newAction <- chooseAction
(newObs, reward, done) <- stepEnv newAction
if done
then return (newObs, reward)
else gameLoop chooseAction
If we want to render the game between moves, we add a single renderEnv
call before selecting the move. We also need an extra IO
constraint and to render it before returning the final result.
gameRenderLoop :: (RenderableEnvironment m) =>
m (Action m) -> m (Observation m, Reward)
gameRenderLoop chooseAction = do
newAction <- chooseAction
(newObs, reward, done) <- stepEnv newAction
if done
then renderEnv >> return (newObs, reward)
else gameRenderLoop chooseAction
Finally, there are a couple different loops we can write for a learning environment. We can have a generic loop for one iteration of the game. Notice how we rely on the class function chooseActionBrain
. This means we don't need such a function as a parameter.
gameLearningLoop :: (LearningEnvironment m) =>
m (Observation m, Reward)
gameLearningLoop = do
oldObs <- currentObservation
newAction <- chooseActionBrain
(newObs, reward, done) <- stepEnv newAction
learnEnv oldObs newObs reward newAction
if done
then return (newObs, reward)
else gameLearningLoop
Then we can make another loop that runs many learning iterations. We reduce the exploration rate at a reasonable interval.
gameLearningIterations :: (LearningEnvironment m) => m [Reward]
gameLearningIterations = forM [1..numEpisodes] $ \i -> do
when (i `mod` 100 == 99) $ do
reduceExploration decayRate minEpsilon
(_, reward) <- gameLearningLoop
return reward
numEpisodes = 10000
decayRate = 0.9
minEpsilon = 0.01
Concrete Implementations
Now we want to see how we actually implement these classes for our types. We'll show the examples for FrozenLake
but it's an identical process for Blackjack
. We start by defining the monad type as a wrapper over our existing state.
newtype FrozenLake a = FrozenLake (StateT FrozenLakeEnvironment IO a)
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad)
We'll want to make a State
instance for our monads over the environment type. This will make it easier to port over our existing code. We'll also need a MonadIO
instance to help with rendering.
instance (MonadState FrozenLakeEnvironment) FrozenLake where
get = FrozenLake get
put fle = FrozenLake $ put fle
instance MonadIO FrozenLake where
liftIO act = FrozenLake (liftIO act)
Then we want to change our function signatures to live in the desired monad. We can pretty much leave the functions themselves untouched.
resetFrozenLake :: FrozenLake FrozenLakeObservation
stepFrozenLake ::
FrozenLakeAction -> FrozenLake (FrozenLakeObservation, Reward, Bool)
renderFrozenLake :: FrozenLake ()
Finally, we make the actual instance for the class. The only thing we haven't defined yet is the runEnv
function. But this is a simple wrapper for evalStateT
instance EnvironmentMonad FrozenLake where
type (Observation FrozenLake) = FrozenLakeObservation
type (Action FrozenLake) = FrozenLakeAction
type (EnvironmentState FrozenLake) = FrozenLakeEnvironment
baseEnv = basicEnv
runEnv env (FrozenLake action) = evalStateT action env
currentObservation = FrozenLake (currentObs <$> get)
resetEnv = resetFrozenLake
stepEnv = stepFrozenLake
instance RenderableEnvironment FrozenLake where
renderEnv = renderFrozenLake
There's a bit more we could do. We could now separate the "brain" portions of the environment without any issues. We wouldn't need to keep the Q-Table and the exploration rate in the state. This would improve our encapsulation. We could also make our underlying monads more generic.
Playing the Game
Now, playing our game is simple! We get our basic environment, reset it, and call our loop function! This code will let us play one iteration of Frozen Lake, using our own input:
main :: IO ()
main = do
(env :: FrozenLakeEnvironment) <- basicEnv
_ <- runEnv env action
putStrLn "Done!"
action = do
(gameRenderLoop chooseActionUser
:: FrozenLake (FrozenLakeObservation, Reward))
Once again, we can make this code work for Blackjack with a simple name substitution.
We can also make this work with our Q-learning code as well. We start with a simple instance for LearningEnvironment
instance LearningEnvironment FrozenLake where
learnEnv = learnQTable
chooseActionBrain = chooseActionQTable
explorationRate = flExplorationRate <$> get
reduceExploration decayRate minEpsilon = do
fle <- get
let e = flExplorationRate fle
let newE = max minEpsilon (e * decayRate)
put $ fle { flExplorationRate = newE }
And now we use gameLearningIterations
instead of gameRenderLoop
main :: IO ()
main = do
(env :: FrozenLakeEnvironment) <- basicEnv
_ <- runEnv env action
putStrLn "Done!"
action = do
(gameLearningIterations :: FrozenLake [Reward])
We're still pulling in two "extra" pieces besides the environment class itself. We still have specific implementations for basicEnv
and action choosing. We could try to abstract these behind the class as well. There would be generic functions for choosing the action as a human and choosing at random. This would force us to make the action space more general as well.
But for now, it's time to explore some more interesting learning algorithms. For our current Q-learning approach, we make a table with an entry for every possible game state. This doesn't scale to games with large or continuous observation spaces! Next week, we'll see how TensorFlow allows us to learn a Q function instead of a direct table.
We'll start in Python, but soon enough we'll be using TensorFlow in Haskell. Take a look at our guide for help getting everything installed!