James Bowen James Bowen

New Course: Solve.hs!

A few weeks ago I hinted that, while I hadn't been able to publish consistently for much of this year, I had been working on something important. And now, I'm finally ready for the big reveal!

Today I am excited to announce the release of Part 1 of my new course Solve.hs. This course is focused on problem solving in Haskell. This announcement also kicks off the Black Friday sale week for Monday Morning Haskell, where you can get 20% off any of our courses with the code BFSOLVE23. And if you subscribe to our mailing list, you'll get an even bigger discount, 30% off on everything, including Solve.hs!

Why Problem Solving?

I settled on problem solving as a great topic for a course because it occupies a good middle ground between, on the one hand, super basic setup and syntax (covered by Setup.hs and Haskell From Scratch, respectively), and on the other hand, more complex practical topics covered by courses like Practical Haskell, Effectful Haskell, and Haskell Brain.

Problem solving is a relatively quick and frictionless path to getting familiar with a language (especially one like Haskell that defies many conventions from more common languages). Once you have your toolchain set up, it's not hard to find problems that will quickly stretch your understanding of the language and even teach you some pretty tricky concepts! With problem solving, it's also easier to do a lot of different problems and get a lot of "reps" in, so to speak.

My actual Haskell career trajectory with Haskell went pretty quickly from learning the basics to jumping into practical applications like web servers. This is entirely doable, but it does run the risk of pigeon-holing you into some pretty specific areas of understanding, causing you to skip many of the fundamentals.

Problem solving is a great tool to fill this gap. It forces you to learn about new techniques that you might not need on a particular project, but which will help you grow and be able to apply to future projects. Let's learn a bit more about the course itself.

The Course

This course release is exciting for me because, even just considering the first part, it's the longest and most detailed course I've written since Practical Haskell. It doesn't appear to be that long, consisting of only two modules. But by several important metrics, it actually rivals the 7-module Haskell From Scratch. It has nearly as much lecture material, about as many practice problems, and the amount of code you'll actually have to write for the exercises is quite a bit more!

Course Lecture Time Practice Problems Solution LOC*
Haskell From Scratch 4h05m ~180 1316
Solve.hs 3h47m ~180 2587

*Solution LOC measures the GitHub diff comparing my answers branches to the original

Solve.hs is good for users with many levels of Haskell experience. Beginner and intermediate Haskellers will benefit a lot from learning the core patterns in this first part, and even experienced Haskellers will find some of the practice problems challenging. To see why, let's look at the two modules currently on offer!

Module 1: Lists and Loop Patterns

In the first module, we'll do extensive work with lists. Lists are one of the basic building blocks of Haskell - the simplest collection type you can have. To use them well, and so become "fluent" in Haskell, you need to familiarize yourself with a lot of different patterns of how to use them.

In Module 1, we'll explicitly name these patterns and draw helpful comparisons to code from other languages. This will help you finally understand how to answer questions like "how do I write a for-loop in Haskell?"

You'll learn large parts of the List API by implementing the type from scratch, as well as dozens of its helper functions. This will help you drill in the patterns of how lists work, and what operations we can (and cannot) do efficiently with them.

Module 2: Data Structures

Once you're well-versed in all the things Haskell can do with lists, it will be time to learn about other structures that allow for different efficient operations. This is the subject of Module 2. Now I've written plenty about Data Structures before. In fact there are a couple ebooks you can check out if you want.

But this module goes way deeper. In Solve.hs, we'll look into how some of these structures are implemented under the hood, and specifically how they're implemented differently in Haskell compared to other languages.

There are plenty of practice problems to help you get a feel for each structure. You'll learn about some of my favorite "derived structures" - abstract ideas that use the core structures under the hood, but express specific operations cleanly. On top of that, you'll get to implement a couple different data structures from scratch, which is super helpful for training yourself to understand how these structures perform in real life.

Part 2 - 2024

I wanted to release Part 1 of this course now, since these two modules on their own can be super impactful for beginning and intermediate Haskellers. Also, Advent of Code is coming up, a time when I have focused this blog's attention on problem solving anyway for the last couple years. So this course makes a perfect match for those of you who want to dive into Advent of Code this year, writing all your solutions in Haskell!

However, since problem solving is such a rich field with many areas to explore, I plan to add two more modules to this course in 2024. Module 3 will cover Essential Algorithms, with a special focus on graph algorithms in Haskell. Then Module 4 will go in-depth with Parsing, since many problem solving contests like Advent of Code do require you to parse your problem input, often from odd formats. I also intend to incorporate some material related to scale and performance testing.

After the full course release, Part 1 will continue to be its own option for purchase. There is, however, no risk in buying Part 1 now. Anyone who purchases Part 1 before the full release will receive a discount coupon for the full course based on what they paid for Part 1.

So, if you're interested, head to the course sales page to learn more and enroll in the course! But first make sure to subscribe to the Monday Morning Haskell mailing list, which will give you a 30% discount code for this and all of our other courses! This offer will only be good until Monday, November 27th, so don't wait!

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James Bowen James Bowen

Big News Soon!

If you’ve ever been a follower of this blog, you may have noticed that I have not been posting much this year - basically nothing in the last 5 months or so. This year I experienced the birth of my first child, and subsequently moved 2500 miles with my family. So unfortunately I haven’t been able to prioritize my weekly blog content.

But I haven’t been completely staying away from Haskell! In fact, one of the other items I decided to prioritize is a new, upcoming course - the largest and most detailed I’ve done since Practical Haskell!

It’s not quite ready for publishing yet, but will be coming soon! So keep your eyes on this space!

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James Bowen James Bowen

Haskell for High Schoolers: Paradigm Conference!

Here's a quick announcement today, aimed at those younger Haskellers out there. If you're in middle school or high school (roughly age 18 and below), you should consider signing up for Paradigm Conference this coming weekend (September 23-25)! This is a virtual event aimed at teaching younger students about functional programming.

The first day of the conference consists of a Hackathon where you'll get the chance to work in teams to solve a series of programming problems. I've been emphasizing this sort of problem solving a lot in my streaming sessions, so I think it will be a great experience for attendees!

On the second day, there will be some additional coding activities, as well as workshops and talks from speakers, including yours truly. Since I'll be offline the whole weekend, my talk will be pre-recorded, but it will connect a lot of the work I've been doing in the last couple of months with respect to Data Structures and Dijkstra's algorithm. So if you've enjoyed those series independently, you might enjoy the connections I try to make between these ideas. This video talk will include a special offer for Haskell newcomers!

So to sign up and learn more, head over to the conference site, and start getting ready!

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James Bowen James Bowen

New in ‘22!

Welcome to a new year of Monday Morning Haskell! I wanted to start the year off with a quick overview of my plans for the year. In 2021, I focused a bit less on blog content and quite a bit more on course content, my open source project Haskellings, as well as video and streaming content on our YouTube and Twitch pages.

For 2022 though, I'm renewing my focus on written content! The format will be a little different though. Instead of a lengthier piece once a week, I'm now going to be writing shorter-form articles twice a week, Monday AND Thursday. (So now you get Thursday morning Haskell in addition to Monday morning!)

Each of these articles will zero in on a few specific library functions. These will often be functions I hadn't necessarily known about during my first iterations of learning Haskell. In many cases I started to find some interesting uses as I ventured more into problem-solving on HackerRank over the last few months.

Each month will have a different theme. In January, we'll be exploring helpful list functions that are maybe a bit out of the ordinary.

Video Content

Now, speaking of problem-solving on HackerRank...

I'm going to continue with weekly streams whenever possible on my Twitch page, usually on Monday evenings. These will focus on solving technical problems on sites like HackerRank using Haskell. I want to explore the process of how to improve at these kinds of problems and see how this translates to other areas of my programming.

I plan on taking some of these sessions and making more YouTube videos out of them, but outside of this I probably won't be focusing too much on Haskell video content.

Announcement: Monday Morning Learning

Now in addition to all of this, I'm launching a new companion site, called Monday Morning Learning! Content on this site will go beyond Haskell and explore the general process of how to learn and improve at a new skill. If you enjoy Monday Morning Haskell, there's a good chance that you'll like this content as well!

Programming as a more general skill is definitely one of the focus areas of this site, but I'll also be exploring the learning process for completely different areas like playing games such as Chess and Go, or even becoming a better writer or making music.

This new site will have weekly content in both written and video form. In addition to my Haskell streams, I'll also do separate streams for learning-specific content.

I won't post too much more about Monday Morning Learning on this page, since I want to keep things Haskell-focused over here. But if you want to support these efforts, make sure to subscribe to all our pages!

Sign up for our Monday Morning Haskell newsletter!

Subscribe for notifications on our YouTube Channel!

For Monday Morning Learning, follow us on our newsletter, YouTube Channel, and Twitch page!

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James Bowen James Bowen

Last Day for Haskell Brain!

It's the last Monday of 2021, so of course this will be my last post of the year, which you can also watch on YouTube. This year was definitely a bit different from previous years. I focused a lot more on three things. The first was video content. I started using videos for a lot more of my Monday posts. You can take a look at those on my YouTube channel. And I also started streaming most Monday evenings on Twitch, which you can find right here. I'm on my winter vacation, so I won't be on for a couple weeks though. Next stream will be January 10th!

The second big item was Haskellings. This is now a fairly stable open-source project, so it's available for anyone who wants an interactive tutorial to learn how to write Haskell starting from the ground up!

Haskell Brain

The third focus this year has been on making some new courses for Monday Morning Haskell Academy. The new, smaller courses this year include Making Sense of Monads, as well as Effectful Haskell.

And last but not least of course, there is our newest course, Haskell Brain. Today, Monday the 27th, is the last day to enroll in our Haskell Brain course. This course will teach you the basics of using Haskell and Tensor Flow together so you can write your own machine learning programs totally in Haskell. Machine learning is a super important skill in the world today, and I think it would be so cool if we could prove that it can be done and that there might even be certain advantages to doing it in Haskell. So I hope you'll take this opportunity to learn these skills.

Cheers to 2022!

I have big plans for this upcoming year. Primarily, I'm going to go back to focusing on publishing new content on a regular basis. But there will definitely be some differences in my focus areas and how I present that content. If you're interested to see where Monday Morning Haskell goes from here I encourage you to subscribe to our mailing list, so you can stay up to date with all the latest news. I hope all of you have an excellent end to your year, and I'll see you in 2022!

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James Bowen James Bowen

Why Haskell?

Effectful Haskell Thumb.jpg

(This post is also available as a YouTube video!)

When I tell other programmers I do a lot of programming in Haskell, a common question is "Why"? What is so good about Haskell that it's worth learning a language that is so different from the vast majority of software. And there are a few different things I usually think of, but the biggest one that sticks out for me is the way Haskell structures effects. I think these structures have really helped me change the way I think about programming, and knowing these ideas has made me a more effective developer, even in other languages.

Defining Effects

Now you might be wondering, what exactly is an effect? Well to describe effects, let's first think about a "pure" function. A pure function has no inputs besides the explicit parameters, and the only way it impacts our program's behavior is through the value it returns.

// A simple, pure, function
public int addWith5(int x, int y) {
  int result = x + y + 5;
  return result;

We can define an effect as, well, anything outside of that paradigm. This can be as simple as an implicit mutable input to the function like a global variable.

// Global mutable variable as in "implicit" input
global int z;

public int addWith5(int x, int y) {
  int result = x + y + 5 + z; // < z isn't a function parameter!
  return result;

Or it can be something more complicated like writing something to the file system, or making an HTTP request to an API.

// More complicated effects (pseudo-code)
public int addWith5(int x, int y) {
  int result = x + y + 5;
  WriteFile("result.txt", result);
  return result;

Once our function does these kinds of operations, its behavior is significantly less predictable, and that can cause a lot of bugs.

Now a common misconception about Haskell is that it does not allow side effects. And this isn't correct. What is true about Haskell is that if a function has side effects, these must be part of its type signature, usually in the form of a monad, which describes the full computational context of the function.

A function in the State monad can update a shared global value in some way.

updateValue :: Int -> State Int Int

A function in the IO monad can write to the file system or even make a network call.

logAndSendRequest :: Req -> IO Result

Doing this type-level documentation helps avoid bugs and provide guarantees about parts of our program at compile time, and this can be a real lifesaver.

Re-thinking Code

In the last few years I've been writing about Haskell during my free time but using C++ and Python in my day job. And so I have a bigger appreciation for the lessons I learned from Haskell's effect structures and I've seen that my code in other languages is much better because I understand these lessons.

New Course: Effectful Haskell!

And this is why I'm excited to introduce my newest course on the Monday Morning Haskell Academy. This one is called Effectful Haskell, and I think it might be the most important course I've made so far, because it really zeroes in on this idea of effects. For me, this is the main idea that separates Haskell from other languages. But at the same time, it can also teach you to be a better programmer in these other languages.

This course is designed to give you hands-on experience with some of the different tools and paradigms Haskell has for structuring effects. It includes video lectures, screencasts, and in depth coding exercises that culminate with you launching a small but multi-functional web server.

If you've dabbled a bit in Haskell and you understand the core ideas, but you want to see what the language is really capable of, I highly recommend you try out this course. You can head to the course sales page to see an overview of the course as well as the FAQ. I'll mention a couple special items.

First, there is a 30-day refund guarantee if you decide you don't like the course.

And second, if you subscribe (or are already subscribed) to the Monday Morning Haskell newsletter, you'll get a 20% discount code for this and our other courses! So I hope you'll take a look and try it out.

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James Bowen James Bowen

Haskellings Demo Video!

Haskellings Intro.jpg

If you've been following my Twitch stream, you know I've been continuing to work quite a bit on the Haskellings automated tutorial. This week I'm releasing a short YouTube video demonstrating how to get started with this program and use it! If you've been waiting for the kick to get started with learning Haskell, this is it! Download Haskellings and get started!

And if you like it, don't forget to subscribe to Monday Morning Haskell for our subscriber-only resources!

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James Bowen James Bowen

Monday Evening Haskell!


We have an exciting announcement this week! Tonight, I'll be trying out a new form of content. I'll be streaming myself writing some Haskell. This will likely be a weekly event for quite a while. To see some Haskell in action, head to our Twitch Stream page from 7:30 PM until 9:30 PM Pacific Daylight Time (UTC-7).

Tonight's focus will be on updating Haskellings to use a library for file paths instead of its current custom system. The next few weeks will probably also be centered around Haskellings, but I'll also venture into some areas, like trying out some example coding problems with Haskell. I'll also change around the streaming time to give a chance to followers from around the world.

So don't miss out, head to our Twitch page, follow us, and tune in tonight at 7:30!

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James Bowen James Bowen

Summer Sale Ending!


Today is the last day of the Monday Morning Haskell summer sale! If you subscribe today, you'll get a discount code to use on all of our courses! This includes our new Making Sense of Monads course. If you're relatively new to Haskell, this is a great way to learn about this tricky topic that's a stumbling block for many newcomers. It's a short, one-module course covering these topics:

  1. Starting out with simpler functional structures (e.g. Functors)
  2. The syntactic elements involved in writing monadic functions
  3. The most common monads and how to combine them
  4. Bonus challenges to test your knowledge

You can get a closer overview of the content on the course page here. You can also look at our full course listings here. And if you subscribe today (July 26th) you'll get a discount code for all these courses! So don't wait!

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James Bowen James Bowen

Hidden Identity: Using the Identity Monad

Last week we announced our new Making Sense of Monads course. If you subscribe to our mailing list in the next week, you can get a special discount for this and our other courses! So don't miss out!

But in the meantime, we've got one more article on monads! Last week, we looked at the "Function monad". This week, we're going to explore another monad that you might not think about as much. But even if we don't specifically invoke it, this monad is actually present quite often, just in a hidden way! Once again, you can watch the video to learn more about this, or just read along below!

On its face, the identity monad is very simple. It just seems to wrap a value, and we can retrieve this value by calling runIdentity:

newtype Identity a = Identity { runIdentity :: a }

So we can easily wrap any value in the Identity monad just by calling the Identity constructor, and we can unwrap it by calling runIdentity.

We can write a very basic instance of the monad typeclass for this type, that just incorporates wrapping and unwrapping the value:

instance Monad Identity where
  return = Identity
  (Identity a) >>= f = f a

A Base Monad

So what's the point or use of this? Well first of all, let's consider a lot of common monads. We might think of Reader, Writer and State. These all have transformer variations like ReaderT, WriterT, and StateT. But actually, it's the "vanilla" versions of these functions that are the variations!

If we consider the Reader monad, this is actually a type synonym for a transformer over the Identity monad!

type Reader a = ReaderT Identity a

In this way, we don't need multiple abstractions to deal with "vanilla" monads and their transformers. The vanilla versions are the same as the transformers. The runReader function can actually be written in terms of runReaderT and runIdentity:

runReader :: Reader r a -> r -> a
runReader action = runIdentity . (runReaderT action)

Using Identity

Now, there aren't that many reasons to use Identity explicitly, since the monad encapsulates no computational strategy. But here's one idea. Suppose that you've written a transformation function that takes a monadic action and runs some transformations on the inner value:

transformInt :: (Monad m) => m Int -> m (Double, Int)
transformInt action = do
  asDouble <- fromIntegral <$> action
  tripled <- (3 *) <$> action
  return (asDouble, tripled)

You would get an error if you tried to apply this to a normal unwrapped value. But by wrapping in Identity, we can reuse this function!

>> transformInt 5
>> transformInt (Identity 5)
Identity (5.0, 15)

We can imagine the same thing with a function constraint using Functor or Applicative. Remember that Identity belongs to these classes as well, since it is a Monad!

Of course, it would be possible in this case to write a normal function that would accomplish the simple task in this example. But no matter how complex the task, we could write a version relying on the Identity monad that will always work!

transformInt' :: Int -> (Double, Int)
transformInt' = runIdentity . transformToInt . Identity


>> transformInt' 5
(5.0, 15)

The Identity monad is just a bit of trivia regarding monads. If you've been dying to learn how to really use monads in your own programming, you should sign up for our new course Making Sense of Monads! For the next week you can subscribe to our mailing list and get a discount on this course as well as our other courses!

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James Bowen James Bowen

Making Sense of Monads!

We have a special announcement this week! We have a new course available at Monday Morning Haskell Academy! The course is called Making Sense of Monads, and as you might expect, it tackles the concept of monads! It's a short, one module course, but it goes into a good amount of detail about this vital topic, and includes a couple challenge projects at the end. Sign up here!. If you subscribe to our mailing list, you can get a special discount on this and our other courses!

In addition to this, we've also got some new blog content! Once again, there's a video, but you can also follow along by scrolling down!

Last week we discussed the function application operator, which I used for a long time as a syntactic crutch without really understanding it. This week we'll take another look at a function-related concept, but we'll relate it to our new monads course. We're going to explore the "function monad". That is, a single-argument function can act as a monad and call other functions which take the same input in a monadic fashion. Let's see how this works!

The Structure of Do Syntax

Let's start by considering a function in a more familiar monad like IO. Here's a function that queries the user for their name and writes it to a file.

ioFunc :: IO ()
ioFunc = do
  putStrLn "Please enter your name"
  name <- getLine
  handle <- openFile "name.txt" WriteMode
  hPutStrLn handle name
  hClose handle

Do syntax has a discernable structure. We can see this when we add all the type signatures in:

ioFunc :: IO String
ioFunc = do
  putStrLn "Please enter your name" :: IO ()
  (name :: String) <- getLine :: IO String
  (handle :: Handle) <- openFile "name.txt" WriteMode :: IO Handle
  hPutStrLn handle name :: IO ()
  hClose handle :: IO ()
  return name :: IO String

Certain lines have no result (returning ()), so they are just IO () expressions. Other lines "get" values using <-. For these lines, the right side is an expression IO a and the left side is the unwrapped result, of type a. And then the final line is monadic and must match the type of the complete expression (IO String in this case) without unwrapping it's result.

Here's how we might expression that pattern in more general terms, with a generic monad m:

combine :: a -> b -> Result

monadFunc :: m Result
monadFunc = do
  (result1 :: a) <- exp1 :: m a
  (result2 :: b) <- exp2 :: m b
  exp3 :: m ()
  return (combine result1 result2) :: m Result

Using a Function

It turns out there is also a monad instance for (->) r, which is to say, a function taking some type r. To make this more concrete, let's suppose the r type is Int. Let's rewrite that generic expression, but instead of expressions like m Result, we'll instead have Int -> Result.

monadFunc :: Int -> Result
monadFunc = do
  (result1 :: a) <- exp1 :: Int -> a
  (result2 :: b) <- exp2 :: Int -> b
  exp3 :: Int -> ()
  return (combine result1 result2) :: Int -> Result

So on the right, we see an expression "in the monad", like Int -> a. Then on the left is the "unwrapped" expression, of type a! Let's make this even more concrete! We'll remove exp3 since the function monad can't have any side effects, so a function returning () can't do anything the way IO () can.

monadFunc :: Int -> Int
monadFunc = do
  result1 <- (+) 5
  result2 <- (+) 11
  return (result1 * result2)

And we can run this function like we could run any other Int -> Int function! We don't need a run function like some other functions (Reader, State, etc.).

>> monadFunc 5
>> monadFunc 10

Each line of the function uses the same input argument for its own input!

Now what does return mean in this monadic context? Well the final expression we have there is a constant expression. It must be a function to fit within the monad, but it doesn't care about the second input to the function. Well this is the exact definition of the const expression!

const :: a -> b -> a
const a _ = a -- Ignore second input!

So we could replace return with const and it would still work!

monadFunc :: Int -> Int
monadFunc = do
  result1 <- (+) 5
  result2 <- (+) 11
  const (result1 * result2)

Now we could also use the implicit input for the last line! Here's an example where we don't use return:

monadFunc :: Int -> Int
monadFunc = do
  result1 <- (+) 5
  result2 <- (+) 11
  (+) (result1 * result2)

>> monadFunc 5
>> monadFunc 10

And of course, we could define multiple functions in this monad and call them from one another:

monadFunc2 :: Int -> String
monadFunc2 = do
  result <- monadFunc
  showInput <- show
  const (show result ++ " " ++ showInput)

Like a Reader?

So let's think about this monad more abstractly. This monadic unit gives us access to a single read-only input for each computation. Does this sound familiar to you? This is actually exactly like the Reader monad! And, in fact, there's an instance of the MonadReader typeclass for the function monad!

instance MonadReader r ((->) r) where

So without changing anything, we can actually call Reader functions like local! Let's rewrite our function from above, except double the input for the call to monadFunc:

monadFunc2 :: Int -> String
monadFunc2 = do
  result <- local (*2) monadFunc
  showInput <- show
  const (show result ++ " " ++ showInput)


>> func2 5
"325 5"
>> func2 10
"795 10"

This isomorphism is one reason why you might not use the function monad explicitly so much. The Reader monad is a bit more canonical and natural. But, it's still useful to have this connection in mind, because it might be useful if you have a lot of different functions that take the same input!

If you're not super familiar with monads yet, hopefully this piqued your interest! To learn more, you can sign up for Making Sense of Monads! And if you subscribe to Monday Morning Haskell you can get a special discount, so don't wait!

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James Bowen James Bowen

Haskellings Beta!

We spent a few months last year building the groundwork for Haskellings in this YouTube series. Now after some more hard work, we're happy to announce that Haskellings is now available in the beta stage. This program is meant to be an interactive tutorial for learning the Haskell language. If you've never written a line of Haskell in your life, this program is designed to help you take those first steps! You can take a look at the Github repository to learn all the details of using it, but here's a quick overview.


Haskellings gives you the chance to write Haskell code starting from the very basics with a quick evaluation loop. It currently has 50 different exercises for you to work with. In each exercise, you can read about a Haskell concept, make appropriate modifications, and then run the code with a single command to check your work!


You can do exercises individually, but the easiest way to do everything in order is to run the program in Watcher mode. In this mode, it will automatically tell you which exercise is next. It will also re-run each exercise every time you save your work.


Haskellings covers a decent amount of ground on basic language concepts. It starts with the very basics of expressions, types and functions, and goes through the basic usage of monads.

Haskellings is an open source project! If you want to report issues or contribute, learn how by reading this document! So go ahead, give it a try!

Don't Forget: Haskell From Scratch

Haskellings is a quick and easy way to learn the language basics, but it only touches on the surface of a lot of elements. To get a more in-depth look at the language, you should consider our Haskell From Scratch video course. This course includes:

  1. Hours of video lectures explaining core language concepts and syntax
  2. Dozens of practice problems to help you hone your skills
  3. Access to our Slack channel, so you can get help and have your questions answered
  4. A final mini-project, to help you put the pieces together

This course will help you build a rock-solid foundation for your future Haskell learnings. And even better, we've now cut the price in half! So don't miss out!

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James Bowen James Bowen

Advanced Series Updated!


We're back again with some more site improvements, this time to our Advanced Content. All of these series now have improved syntax highlighting and code blocks for better readability. In addition, we've revised three of them with updated companion code! Here's a summary.

Real World Haskell Series

Once you've mastered the foundations of the language, this series should be your first stop! It will walk you through several different libraries demonstrating how you can perform some real-world tasks with Haskell, like connecting to a database and running a web server. You can follow along with all the code here on GitHub.

Parsing Series

As a functional language, Haskell thrives on being able to seemlessly compose smaller pieces of code together into a large, coherent whole. Parsing libraries are one area where this paradigm fits very well. In this series, we go through a few different parsing libraries and compare them. The code is available in this repository if you want to try it out yourself!

API Integrations Series

A lot of coding projects involved connected with outside services and APIs. Luckily, Haskell has a few libraries for interacting with these services! In this series, we'll explore integrations with Twilio and Mailgun so that we can send text messages and emails to your users! You can get a detailed breakdown of the code on GitHub. You can even fork the repository and run the code for yourself!

What's Coming Up?

Our next area of focus will be working on a first release of Haskellings, an interactive beginner tutorial for the language. We built this over the course of the last few months of 2020 in an extended video series that you can catch here on YouTube. The project is Open Source and currently available for contributions! Stay tuned for more updates on it!

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James Bowen James Bowen

Beginners Series Updated!


Where has Monday Morning Haskell been? Well, to ring in 2021, we've been making some big improvements to the permanent content on the site. So far we've focused on the Beginners section of the site. All the series here are updated with improved code blocks and syntax highlighting. In addition, we've fully revised most of them and added companion Github repositories so you can follow along!


Our Liftoff Series is our first stop for Haskell beginners. If you've never written a line of Haskell in your life but want to learn, this is the place to start! You can follow along with all the code in the series by using this Github repository.

Monads Series

Monads are a big "barrier" topic in Haskell. They don't really exist much in most other languages, but they're super important in Haskell. Our Monads Series breaks them down, starting with simpler functional structures so you can understand more easily! The code for this series can be found on Github here.

Testing Basics

You can't do serious production development in any language until you've mastered the basics of unit testing. Our Testing Series will school you on the basics of writing and running your first unit tests in Haskell. It'll also teach you about profiling your code so you can see improvements in its runtime! And you can follow along with the code right here on Github!

Haskell Data Basics

Haskell's data types are one of the first things that made me enjoy Haskell more than other languages. In this series we explore the ins and outs of Haskell's data declaration syntax and related topics like typeclasses. We compare it side-by-side with other languages and see how much easier it is to express certain concepts! Take a look at the code here!

What's Next?

Next up we'll be going through the same process for some of our more advanced series. So in the next couple weeks you can look forward to improvements there! Stay tuned!

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James Bowen James Bowen

Countdown to 2021!


At last. 2020 is nearly over. It's been a tumultuous year for the entire world, and I think most of us are glad to be turning over a new page, even if the future is still uncertain. As I always do, I'll sign off the year with a review of the different concepts we've looked at this year, and give a preview of what to expect in 2021.

2020 In Review

There were three major themes we covered this year. For much of the start of this year, we focused on AI. The main product of this was our work on a Haskell version of Open AI Gym. We explored ways to generalize the idea of an AI agent, including cool integrations of Haskell ideas like type families. We even wrote this in such a way that we could incorporate Tensor Flow! You can read about that work in our Open AI Series.

Over the summer, we switched gears a bit and focused on Rust. In our Rust Web Series we solved some more interesting problems to parallel our Real World Haskell Series. This included building a simple web server and connecting to a database.

Then our final work area was on our Haskellings program. Modeled after Rustlings, this is intended to be an automated beginner tutorial for the Haskell language. For the first time, I changed up the content a bit and did a video series, rather than a written blog series. So you can find the videos for that series on our YouTube Channel!

We're looking for people to contribute exercises (and possibly other code) to the Haskellings project, so definitely visit the repository if you'd like to help!

Looking Forward

There will be some big changes to the blog in 2021. Here are some of the highlights I'm looking forward to:

Spending more time on how Haskell fits into the broader programming ecosystem and what role it can play for those new to the industry. What can beginning programmers learn from the Haskell language and toolchain? What lessons of Haskell are applicable across many different languages? More exploration of different content types and media. As mentioned above, I spent the last part of 2020 experimenting with video blogs. I expect to do more of this type of experimenting this year. Upgrading the site's appearance and organization. Things have been pretty stagnant for a while, and there are a lot of improvements I'd like to make. For one example, I'd like to make coding sections more clear and interactive in blog posts. New, lighter-weight course material. Right now, our course page has 2 rather large courses. This year I'm going to look at breaking the material in these out into smaller, more manageable chunks, as well as adding a couple totally new course offerings at this smaller size.

I've set a lot of these goals before and fallen short. Unfortunately, I've found that these priorities often get pushed aside due to my desire to publish new content weekly, as I've been doing for over 4 years now (how time flies!). But starting in 2021, I'm going to focus on quality over quantity. I do not plan on publishing every week, and a lot of the blogs I do publish will highlight improvements to old content, rather than being new, detailed technical tutorials. I hope these changes will take the most important content on the blog and make it much more useful to the intended audiences.

I also have a tendency of creating projects to demonstrate concepts, but leave the projects behind once I am done writing about those concepts. This year, I hope to take a couple of my projects, specifically Open AI Gym and the Haskellings Beginner Tutorial and turn them into polished products that other developers will want to use. This will take a lot of focused time and effort, but I think it will be worth it.

So even though you might not see a new post every Monday, never fear! Monday Morning Haskell is here to stay! I hope all of you have a happy and safe new year!

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James Bowen James Bowen

Open Sourcing Haskellings!

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In the last couple months we've been working on "Haskellings", an automated Haskell tutorial inspired by Rustlings. This week, I'm happy to announce that this project is now open source! You can find the (very early) version here on Github. I'll be working on making the project more complete throughout 2021, but I would really value any contributions the community has to this project! In this article, I'll list a few specific areas that would be good to work on!

More Exercises

The first and most important thing is that we need more exercises! I've done a couple simple examples to get started, but I'd like to crowd-source the creation of exercises. You can use the set of Rustlings exercises as some sort of inspiration. The most important topics to start out with would be things that explain the Haskell type system, so the different sorts of types, expressions and functions, as well as making our own data types. Other good concepts include things like syntax elements (think "where" and "case") and type classes.

Operating System Compatibility

I've definitely cut a few corners when it comes to the MVP of this project. I've only been working on Linux, so it's quite possible that there are some Linux-specific assumptions in the file-system level code. There will need to be some testing of the application on Windows and Mac platforms, and some adjustments will likely be necessary.

GHC Precision

Another area that will need some attention is the configuration section. Is there a cleaner way to determine where the GHC executable lives? What about finding the package database that corresponds to our Stack snapshot? My knowledge of Stack and package systems is limited, so it's very likely that there are some edge cases where the logic doesn't work out.

Exercise Cleanup

Right now, we list all the exercises explicitly in the ExerciseList module. But they're listed in two different places in the file. It would be good to clean this up, and potentially even add a feature for automated detection of exercise features. For example, we can figure out the filename, the directory, and whether or not it's runnable just by examining the file at its path! Right now the only thing that would need to be specified in "code" would be the order of exercises and their hints.


If you're interested in contributing to this project, you can fork the repository, put up a pull request, and email me at james@mondaymorninghaskell.me! I'll be working on this periodically throughout 2021, hoping to have a more complete version to publish by the end.

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James Bowen James Bowen

Preparing for Rust!


Next week, we're going to change gears a bit and start some interesting projects with Rust! Towards the end of last year, we dabbled a bit with Rust and explored some of the basics of the language. In our next series of blog articles, we're going to take a deep dive into some more advanced concepts.

We'll explore several different Rust libraries in various topics. We'll consider data serialization, web servers and databases, among other. We'll build a couple small apps, and compare the results to our earlier work with Haskell.

To get ready for this series, you should brush up on your Rust basics! To help, we've wrapped up our Rust content into a permanent series on the Beginners page! Here's an overview of that series:

Part 1: Basic Syntax

We start out by learning about Rust's syntax. We'll see quite a few differences to Haskell. But there are also some similarities in unexpected places.

Part 2: Memory Management

One of the major things that sets Rust apart from other languages is how it manages memory. In the second part, we'll learn a bit about how Rust's memory system works.

Part 3: Data Types

In the third part of the series, we'll explore how to make our own data types in Rust. We'll see that Rust borrows some of Haskell's neat ideas!

Part 4: Cargo Package Manager

Cargo is Rust's equivalent of Stack and Cabal. It will be our package and dependency manager. In part 4, we see how to make basic Rust projects using Cargo.

Part 5: Lifetimes and Collections

In the final part, we'll look at some more advanced collection types in Rust. Because of Rust's memory model, we'll need some special rules for handling items in collections. This will lead us to the idea of lifetimes.

If you prefer video content, our Rust Video Tutorial also provides a solid foundation. It goes through all the topics in this series, starting from installation. Either way, stay tuned for new blog content, starting next week!

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James Bowen James Bowen

Summer Course Sale!

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This week we have some exciting news! Back in March, we opened our Practical Haskell course for enrollment. The first round of students has had a chance to go through the course. So we're now opening it up for general enrollment!

This course goes through some more practical concepts and libraries you might use on a real world project. Here's a sneak peak at some of the skills you'll learn:

  1. Making a web server with Persistent and Servant
  2. Deploying a Haskell project using Heroku and Circle CI
  3. Making a web frontend with Elm, and connecting it to the Haskell backend
  4. Using Monad Transformers and Free Effects to organize our application
  5. Test driven development in Haskell

As a special bonus, for this week only, both of our courses are on sale, $100 off their normal prices! So if you're not ready for Practical Haskell, you can take a look at Haskell From Scratch. With that said, if you buy either course now, you'll have access to all the materials indefinitely! Prices will go back to normal after this Sunday, so head to the course pages now!

Next week, we'll start getting back into the swing of things by reviewing some of our Rust basics!

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James Bowen James Bowen

Mid-Summer Break, Open AI Gym Series!


We're taking a little bit of a mid-summer break from new content here at MMH. But we have done some extra work in organizing the site! Last week we wrapped up our series on Haskell and the Open AI Gym. We've now added that series as a permanent fixture on the advanced section of the page!

Here's a quick summary of the series:

Part 1: Frozen Lake Primer

The first part introduces the Open AI framework and goes through the Frozen lake example. It presents the core concept of an environment.

Part 2: Frozen Lake in Haskell

In the second part, we write a basic version of Frozen Lake in Haskell.

Part 3: Blackjack

Next, we expand on our knowledge of games and environments to write a second game. This one based on casino Blackjack, and it will start to show us common elements in games.

Part 4: Q-Learning

Now we start getting into the ideas of reinforcement learning. We'll explore Q-Learning, one of the simplest techniques in this field. We'll apply this approach to both of our games.

Part 5: Generalized Environments

Now that we've seen the learning process in action, we can start generalizing our games. We'll create an abstract notion of what an Environment is. Just as Python has a specific API for their games, so will we! In true Haskell fashion, we'll represent this API with a type family!

Part 6: Q-Learning with Tensors in Python

In part 6, we'll take our Q-learning process a step further by using TensorFlow. We'll see how we can learn a more general function than we had before. We'll start this process in Python, where the mathematical operations are more clear.

Part 7: Q-Learning with Tensors in Haskell

Once we know how Q-Learning works with Python, we'll apply these techniques in Haskell as well! Once you get here, you'd better be ready to use your Haskell TensorFlow skills!

Part 8: Rendering with Gloss

In the final part of the series, we'll see how we can use the Gloss library to render our Haskell games!

You can take a look at the series summary page for more details!

In a couple weeks, we'll be back, this time with some fresh Rust content! Take a look at our Rust Video Tutorial to get a headstart on that!

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James Bowen James Bowen

Making the Jump to Real World Haskell

Last week, we announced our Practical Haskell course. Enrollments are still open, but not for much longer! They will close at midnight Pacific time on Wednesday, March 11th, only a couple days from now!

I've always hoped to provide content that would help people make the jump from beginners to seasoned Haskell developers. I want to show that Haskell can be useful for "Real World" applications. Those are the main goals of this course. So in this article, I wanted to share some of the mistakes I made when I was trying to make that jump. These are what motivated me to make this course, so I hope you can learn from them.

Package Management is Key

My Haskell career started with a side project, one you can still see on Github. There were some cool things about the project, but my process had several flaws. The first one was that I had no idea how to organize a Haskell project.

My early work involved writing all my code in .hs source files and running manual tests with runghc. Installing dependencies was a mess (I put everything in the global package database). I eventually learned to use Cabal, but without sandboxing. Dependency hell ensued. It was only after months of working through that process that I learned about Stack. Stack made everything easier, but I could have used it from the start!

Don't repeat my mistake! Learn how to use Stack, or just Cabal, or even Nix! This will solve so many of your early problems. It will also streamline the rest of your development process. Speaking of...

Test First, Integrate Completely

When it comes to making a project, the first question you should ask is, "How will my customer use this?" When it comes to writing code within that project, you should always then ask, "How will I know this code works?"

These two questions will guide your development and help avoid unnecessary rework. It's a natural tendency of developers that we want to jump in on the "meat" of the problem. It's exactly the mistake I made on that first project. I just wanted to write Haskell! I didn't want to worry about scripting or package non-sense. But these issues will ultimately get in the way of what you really want to do. So it's worth putting in the effort to overcome them.

The first step of the project as a whole should be to build out your end-to-end pipeline. That is, how will you put this code out there on the web? How will someone end up using your code? There will often be tedious scripting involved, and dealing with services (CI, AWS, etc.). But once that work is out of the way, you can make real progress.

Then when developing a particular component, always know how you'll test it. Most often, this will be through unit testing. But sometimes you'll find it's more complicated than that. Nothing's more frustrating than thinking you're done coding and finding problems later. So it's important to take the time to learn about the frameworks that let you test things with ease. Keep practicing over and over again until testing is second nature.

Start Simple

Another important thing when it comes to the learning process is knowing how to start small. I learned this over the course of my machine learning series last fall. My methods were often so ineffective that I didn't know if the algorithm I was trying to implement worked at all. But the problem I was trying to solve was too difficult! I've found more success in machine learning by starting with simpler problems. This way, you'll know the general approach works, and you can scale up accordingly.

This also makes it much easier to follow the advice above! If your system is large and complicated, the scripting and running process will be harder. You'll have to spend more time getting everything up and running. For a smaller project, this is not so difficult. So you'll get valuable practice at a smaller scale. This will make bigger projects smoother once you get there.

Use Both Documentation and Examples

None of us were born knowing how to write Haskell. The first time you use a library, you won't know the best practices. The documentation can help you. It'll list everything you need, but often a lot more. It can be hard to know what's necessary and what's not.

So another great thing to do when starting out is to find a project that has used the library before. You need to establish some baseline of "something that works". This way, you'll have a more solid foundation to build on. You'll have specific examples to work from, which will help build your "end-to-end experience".

In my first project, I used the Parsec library without using any examples! My code was sloppy and repetitive. There were many shortcuts I didn't know about hiding in the docs. And I could have avoided that if I had first looked for a project that also used the library. Then I could have started from there and built my knowledge.

Documentation and examples work in tandem with each other. If you use the docs without examples, you'll miss a lot of shortcuts and practical uses. If you use examples without the docs, you'll miss the broader picture of what else you can do! So both are necessary to your development as a programmer.


Haskell has developed a lot in the last few years, so this is a great time to learn what the language is capable of! Our Practical Haskell course aims to help you become a more seasoned developer. It'll help you avoid all the mistakes I outlined in this article. So if you've got the basics down and want to learn more, this is your chance!

And if you're not as confident in your skills yet, you can also check out our Beginners course! It requires no experience and will walk you through the basics!

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