Advanced Series Updated!


We're back again with some more site improvements, this time to our Advanced Content. All of these series now have improved syntax highlighting and code blocks for better readability. In addition, we've revised three of them with updated companion code! Here's a summary.

Real World Haskell Series

Once you've mastered the foundations of the language, this series should be your first stop! It will walk you through several different libraries demonstrating how you can perform some real-world tasks with Haskell, like connecting to a database and running a web server. You can follow along with all the code here on GitHub.

Parsing Series

As a functional language, Haskell thrives on being able to seemlessly compose smaller pieces of code together into a large, coherent whole. Parsing libraries are one area where this paradigm fits very well. In this series, we go through a few different parsing libraries and compare them. The code is available in this repository if you want to try it out yourself!

API Integrations Series

A lot of coding projects involved connected with outside services and APIs. Luckily, Haskell has a few libraries for interacting with these services! In this series, we'll explore integrations with Twilio and Mailgun so that we can send text messages and emails to your users! You can get a detailed breakdown of the code on GitHub. You can even fork the repository and run the code for yourself!

What's Coming Up?

Our next area of focus will be working on a first release of Haskellings, an interactive beginner tutorial for the language. We built this over the course of the last few months of 2020 in an extended video series that you can catch here on YouTube. The project is Open Source and currently available for contributions! Stay tuned for more updates on it!


Haskellings Beta!


Beginners Series Updated!