Functional Programming vs. Object Oriented Programming

Functional Programming (FP) and Object Oriented Programming (OOP) are the two most important programming paradigms in use today. In this article, we'll discuss these two different programming paradigms and compare their key differences, strengths and weaknesses. We'll also highlight a few specific ways Haskell fits into this discussion. Here's a quick outline if you want to skip around a bit!

What is a Programming Paradigm?

A paradigm is a way of thinking about a subject. It's a model against which we can compare examples of something.

In programming, there are many ways to write code to solve a particular task. Our tasks normally involve taking some kind of input, whether data from a database or commands from a user. A program's job is then to produce outputs of some kind, like updates in that database or images on the user's screen.

Programming paradigms help us to organize our thinking so that we can rapidly select an implementation path that makes sense to us and other developers looking at the code. Paradigms also provide mechanisms for reusing code, so that we don't have to start from scratch every time we write a new program.

The two dominant paradigms in programming today are Object Oriented Programming (OOP) and Functional Programming (FP).

The Object Oriented Paradigm

In object oriented programming, our program's main job is to maintain objects. Objects almost always store data, and they have particular ways of acting on other objects and being acted on by other objects (these are the object's methods). Objects often have mutable data - many actions you take on your objects are capable of changing some of the object's underlying data.

Object oriented programming allows code reuse through a system called inheritance. Objects belong to classes which share the same kinds of data and actions. Classes can inherit from a parent class (or multiple classes, depending on the language), so that they also have access to the data from the base class and some of the same code that manipulates it.

The Functional Paradigm

In functional programming, we think about programming in terms of functions. This idea is rooted in the mathematical idea of a function. A function in math is a process which takes some input (or a series of different inputs) and produces some kind of output. A simple example would be a function that takes an input number and produces the square of that number. Many functional languages emphasize pure functions, which produce the exact same output every time when given the same input.

In programming, we may view our entire program as a function. It is a means by which some kind of input (file data or user commands), is transformed into some kind of output (new files, messages on our terminal). Individual functions within our program might take smaller portions of this input and produce some piece of our output, or some intermediate result that is needed to eventually produce this output.

In functional programming, we still need to organize our data in some way. So some of the ideas of objects/classes are still used to combine separate pieces of data in meaningful ways. However, we generally do not attach "actions" to data in the same way that classes do in OOP languages.

Since we don't perform actions directly on our data, functional languages are more likely to use immutable data as a default, rather than mutable data. (We should note though that both paradigms use both kinds of data in their own ways).

Functional Programming vs. OOP

The main point of separation between these paradigms is the question of "what is the fundamental building block of my program?" In object oriented programming, our programs are structured around objects. Functions are things we can do to an object or with an object.

In functional programming, functions are always first class citizens - the main building block of our code. In object oriented programming, functions can be first class citizens, but they do not need to be. Even in languages where they can be, they often are not used in this way, since this isn't as natural within the object oriented paradigm.

Object Oriented Programming Languages

Many of the most popular programming languages are OOP languages. Java, for a long time the most widely used language, is perhaps the most archetypal OO language. All code must exist within an object, even in a simple "Hello World" program:

class MyProgram {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    System.out.println("Hello World!");

In this example, we could not write our 'main' function on its own, without the use of 'class MyProgram'.

Java has a single basic 'Object' class, and all other classes (including any new classes you write) must inherit from it for basic behaviors like memory allocation. Java classes only allow single inheritance. This means that a class cannot inherit from multiple different types. Thus, all Java classes you would use can be mapped out on a tree structure with 'Object' as the root of the tree.

Other object oriented languages use the general ideas of classes, objects, and inheritance, but with some differences. C++ and Python both allow multiple inheritance, so that a class can inherit behavior from multiple existing classes. While these are both OOP languages, they are also more flexible in allowing functions to exist outside of classes. A basic script in either of these languages need not use any classes. In Python, we'd just write:

if __name__ == "__main__":
  print("Hello World!")

In C++, this looks like:

int main() {
  std::cout << "Hello World!" << std::endl;

These languages also don't have such a strictly defined inheritance structure. You can create classes that do not inherit from anything else, and they'll still work.

FP Languages

Haskell is perhaps the language that is most identifiable with the functional paradigm. Its type system and compiler really force you to adopt functional ideas, especially around immutable data, pure functions, and tail call optimization. It also embraces lazy evaluation, which is aligned with FP principles, but not a requirement for a functional language.

There are several other programming languages that generally get associated with the functional paradigm include Clojure, OCaml, Lisp, Scala and Rust. These languages aren't all functional in the same way as Haskell; there are many notable differences. Lisp bills itself specifically as a multi-paradigm language, and Scala is built to cross-compile with Java! Meanwhile Rust's syntax looks more object oriented, but its inheritance system (traits) feel much more like Haskell. However, on balance, these languages express functional programming ideas much more than their counterparts.

Amongst the languages mentioned in the object oriented section, Python has the most FP features. It is more natural to write functions outside of your class objects, and concepts like higher order functions and lambda expressions are more idiomatic than in C++ or Java. This is part of the reason Python is often recommended for beginners, with another reason being that its syntax makes it a relatively simple language to learn.

Advantages of Functional Programming

Fewer Bugs

FP code has a deserved reputation for having fewer bugs. Anecdotally, I certainly find I have a much easier time writing bug free code in Haskell than Python. Many bugs in object oriented code are caused by the proliferation of mutable state. You might pass an object to a method and expect your object to come back unchanged...only to find that the method does in fact change your object's state. With objects, it's also very easy for unstated pre-conditions to pop up in class methods. If your object is not in the state you expect when the method is called, you'll end up with behavior you didn't intend.

A lot of function-based code makes these errors impossible by imposing immutable objects as the default, if not making it a near requirement, as Haskell does. When the function is the building block of your code, you must specify precisely what the inputs of the function are. This gives you more opportunities to determine pre-conditions for this data. It also ensures that the return results of the function are the primary way you affect the rest of your program.

Functions also tend to be easier to test than objects. It is often tricky to create objects with the precise state you want to assess in a unit test, whereas to test a function you only need to reproduce the inputs.

More Expressive, Reasonable Design

The more you work with functions as your building blocks, and the more you try to fill your code with pure functions, the easier it will be to reason about your code. Imagine you have a couple dozen fields on an object in OO code. If someone calls a function on that object, any of those fields could impact the result of the method call.

Functions give you the opportunity to narrow things down to the precise values that you actually need to perform the computation. They let you separate the essential information from superfluous information, making it more obvious what the responsibilities are for each part of your code.


You can do parallel programming no matter what programming language you're using, but the functional programming paradigm aligns very well with parallel processing. To kick off a new thread in any language, you pretty much always have to pass a function as an argument, and this is more natural in FP. And with pure functions that don't modify shared mutable objects, FP is generally much easier to break into parallelizable pieces that don't require complex locking schemes.

Disadvantages of Functional Programming

Intuition of Complete Objects

Functional programming can feel less intuitive than object oriented programming. Perhaps one reason for this is that object oriented programming allows us to reason about "complete" objects, whose state at any given time is properly defined.

Functions are, in a sense, incomplete. A function is not a what that you can hold as a picture in your head. A function is a how. Given some inputs, how do you produce the outputs? In other words, it's a procedure. And a procedure can only really be imagined as a concrete object once you've filled in its inputs. This is best exemplified by the fact that functions have no native 'Show' instance in Haskell.

>> show (+)
No instance for Show (Integer -> Integer -> Integer) arising from a use of 'show'

If you apply the '+' function to arguments (and so create what could be called an "object"), then we can print it. But until then, it doesn't make much sense. If objects are the building block of your code though, you could, hypothetically, print the state of the objects in your code every step of the way.

Mutable State can be Useful!

As much as mutable state can cause a lot of bugs, it is nonetheless a useful tool for many problems, and decidedly more intuitive for certain data structures. If we just imagine something like the "Snake" game, it has a 2D grid that remains mostly the same from tick to tick, with just a couple things updating. This is easier to capture with mutable data.

Web development is another area where mutable objects are extremely useful. Anytime the user enters information on the page, some object has to change! Web development in FP almost requires its own paradigm (see "Functional Reactive Programming"). Haskell can represent mutable data, but the syntax is more cumbersome; you essentially need a separate data structure. Likewise, other functional languages might make mutability easier than Haskell, but mutability is still, again, more intuitive when objects are your fundamental building block, rather than functions on those objects.

We can see this even with something as simple as loops. Haskell doesn't perform "for-loops" in the same way as other languages, because most for loops essentially rely on the notion that there is some kind of state updating on each iteration of the loop, even if that state is only the integer counter. To write loops in Haskell, you have to learn concepts like maps and folds, which require you to get very used to writing new functions on the fly.

A Full Introduction to Haskell (and its Functional Aspects)

So functional programming languages are perhaps a bit more difficult to learn, but can offer a significant payoff if you put in the time to master the skills. Ultimately, you can use either paradigm for most kinds of projects and keep your development productive. It's down to your personal preference which you try while building software.

If you really want to dive into functional programming though, Haskell is a great language, since it will force you to learn FP principles more than other functional languages. For a complete introduction to Haskell, you should take a look at Haskell From Scratch, our beginner-level course for those new to the language. It will teach you everything you need to know about syntax and fundamental concepts, while providing you with a ton of hands-on practice through exercises and projects.

Haskell From Scratch also includes Making Sense of Monads, our course that shows the more functional side of Haskell by teaching you about the critical concept of monads. With these two courses under your belt, you'll be well on your way to mastery of functional programming! Head over here to learn more about these courses!


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