New Free Course: Setup.hs!

You can read all the Haskell articles you want, but unless you write the code for yourself, you'll never get anywhere! But there are so many different tools and ideas floating around out there, so how are you supposed to know what to do? How do you even get started writing a Haskell project? And how can you make your development process as efficient as possible?

The first course I ever made, Your First Haskell Project, was designed to help beginners answer these questions. But over the years, it's become a bit dated, and I thought it would be good to sunset that course and replace it with a new alternative, Setup.hs. Like its predecessor, Setup.hs is totally free!

Setup.hs is a short course designed for many levels of Haskellers! Newcomers will learn all the basics of building and running your code. More experienced Haskellers will get some new tools for managing all your Haskell-related programs, as well as some tips for integrating Haskell features into your code editor!

Here's what you'll learn in the course:

  1. How to install and manage all of the core Haskell tools (GHC, Cabal, Stack)
  2. What components you need in your Haskell project and how you can build and run them all
  3. How to get your editor to use advanced features, like flagging compilation errors and providing autocomplete suggestions.

We'll do all of this in a hands-on way with detailed, step-by-step exercises!


Setup.hs makes a few notable updates and improvements compared to Your First Haskell Project.

First, it uses GHCup to install all the necessary tools instead of the now-deprecated Haskell Platform. GHCup allows for seamless switching between the different versions of all our tools, which can be very useful when you have many projects on your system!

Second, it goes into more details about pretty much every topic, whether that's project organization, Stack snapshots, and extra dependencies.

Third and probably most importantly, Setup.hs will teach you how to get Haskell code hints in three of the most common code editors (VS Code, Vim & Emacs) using Haskell Language Server. Even if these lectures don't cover the particular editor you use, they'll give you a great idea of what you need to search for to learn how. I can't overstate how useful these kinds of integrations are. They'll massively speed up your development and, if you're a beginner, they'll rapidly accelerate your learning.

If all this sounds super interesting to you, head over to the course page and sign up!


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