Resources and "Bracket"

During our focus on the IO Monad, we learned a few things about opening and closing file handles. One useful tidbit we learned from this process was the "bracket" pattern. This pattern allows us to manage the acquisition and release of resources in our system. The IO monad is very often concerned with external resources, whether files on our filesystem or operating system resources like thread locks and process IDs.

The general rule behind these kinds of resources is that we do not want our program to be in a state where they are unreachable by code. Another way of saying this is that any code that acquires a release must make sure to release it. For the example of file handles, we can acquire the resource with openFile and release it with hClose.

processFile :: FilePath -> IO ()
processFile fp = do
  -- Acquire resource
  fileHandle <- openFile fp ReadMode
  -- ... Do something with the file
  -- Release the resource
  hClose fileHandle

Now we might want to call this function with an exception handler so that our program doesn't crash if we encounter a serious problem:

main :: IO ()
main = do
  handle ioHandler (processFile "my_file.txt"
    ioHandler :: IOError -> IO ()
    ioHandler e = putStr "Handled Exception: " >> print e

However, this error handler doesn't have access to the file handle. So it can't actually ensure the handle gets closed. So if our error occurs during the "do something" part of the function, this file handle will still be open.

But now suppose we need to do a second operation on this file that appends to it. If we still have a "Read Mode" handle open, we're not going to be able to open it for appending. So if our handler doesn't close the file, we'll encounter a potentially unnecessary error.

main :: IO ()
main = do
  handle ioHandler (processFile "my_file.txt")
  -- Might fail!
  appendOperation "my_file.txt"
    ioHandler :: IOError -> IO ()
    ioHandler e = putStr "Handled Exception: " >> print e

The solution to this problem is to use the "bracket" pattern of resource usage. Under this pattern, our IO operation has 3 stages:

  1. Acquire the resource
  2. Use the resource
  3. Release the resource

The bracket function has three input arguments for these stages, though the order is 1 -> 3 -> 2:

  :: IO a -- 1. Acquire the resource
  -> (a -> IO b) -- 3. Release the resource
  -> (a -> IO c) -- 2. Use the resource
  -> IO c -- Final result

Let's add some semantic clarity to this type:

  :: IO resource -- 1. Acquire
  -> (resource -> IO extra) -- 3. Release
  -> (resource -> IO result) -- 2. Use
  -> IO result -- Result

The "resource" is often a Handle object, thread ID, or an object representing a concurrent lock. The "extra" type is usually the unit (). Most operations that release resources have no essential return value. So no other part of our computation takes this "extra" type as an input.

Now, even if an exception is raised by our operation, the "release" part of the code will be run. So if we rewrite our code in the following way, the file handle will get closed and we'll be able to perform the append operation, even if an exception occurs:

processFile :: FilePath -> IO ()
processFile fp = bracket
  (openFile fp ReadMode) -- 1. Acquire resource
  hClose -- 3. Release resource
  (\fileHandle -> do ... -- 2. Use resource)

main :: IO ()
main = do
  handle ioHandler (processFile "my_file.txt")
  appendOperation "my_file.txt"
    ioHandler :: IOError -> IO ()
    ioHandler e = putStr "Handled Exception: " >> print e

As we discussed in May, the withFile helper does this for you automatically.

Now there are a few different variations you can use with bracket. If you don't need the resource as part of your computation, you can use bracket_ with an underscore. This follows the pattern of other monad functions like mapM_ and forM_ where the underscore indicates we don't use part of the result of a computation.

  :: IO resource -- 1. Acquire
  -> (IO extra) -- 3. Release
  -> (IO result) -- 2. Use
  -> IO result -- Result

If you're passing around some kind of global manager object of data and state, this function may simplify your code.

There is also bracketOnError. This will only run the "release" action if an error is encountered. If the "do something" step succeeds, the release step is skipped. So it might apply more if you're trying to use this function as an alternative to handle.

  :: IO resource -- 1. Acquire
  -> (resource -> IO extra) -- 3. Release if error
  -> (resource -> IO result) -- 2. Use the resource
  -> IO result -- Result

The last example is finally.

  :: IO result
  -> IO extra
  -> IO result

This function is less directly related to resource management. It simply specifies a second action (returning "extra") that will be run once the primary computation ("result") is done, no matter if it succeeds or fails with an exception.

This might remind us of the pattern in other languages of "try/catch/finally". In Haskell, bracket will give you the behavior of the "finally" concept. But if you don't need the resource acquisition step, then you use the finally function.

Hopefully these tricks are helping you to write cleaner Haskell code. We just have a couple more exception patterns to go over this month. If you think you've missed something, you can scroll back on the blog. But you can also subscribe to our mailing list to get a summary at the end of every month!


Catching Before Production: Assert Statements in Haskell


Further Filtering