Using Temporary Files

In the last article we learned about seeking. Today we'll see another context where we can use these tools while learning about another new idea: temporary files.

Our "new" function for today is openTempFile. Its type signature looks like this:

openTempFile :: FilePath -> String -> IO (FilePath, Handle)

The first argument is the directory in which to create the file. The second is a "template" for the file name. The template can look like a normal file name, like name.extension. The name of the file that will actually be created will have some random digits appended to the name. For example, we might get name1207-5.extension.

The result of the function is that Haskell will create the file and pass a handle to us in ReadWrite mode. So our two outputs are the full path to the file and its handle.

Despite the name openTempFile, this function won't do anything to delete the file when it's done. You'll still have to do that yourself. However, it does have some useful built-in mechanics. It is guaranteed to not overwrite an existing file on the system, and it also gives limited file permissions so it can't be used by an attacker.

How might we use such a file? Well let's suppose we have some calculation that we break into multiple stages, so that it uses an intermediate file in between. As a contrived example, let's suppose we have two functions. One that writes fibonacci numbers to a file, and another that takes the sum of numbers in a file. We'll have both of these operate on a pre-existing Handle object:

writeFib :: Integer -> Handle -> IO ()
writeFib n handle = writeNum (0, 1) 0
    writeNum :: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer -> IO ()
    writeNum (a, b) x = if x > n then return ()
      else hPutStrLn handle (show a) >> writeNum (b, a + b) (x + 1)

sumNumbers :: Handle -> IO Integer
sumNumbers handle = do
  hSeek handle AbsoluteSeek 0
  nums <- (fmap read . lines) <$> hGetContents handle
  return $ sum nums

Notice how we "seek" to the beginner of the file in our reading function. This means we can use the same handle for both operations, assuming the handle has ReadWrite mode. So let's see how we put this together with openTempFile:

main :: IO ()
main = do
  n <- read <$> getLine
  (file, handle) <- openTempFile "/tmp/fib" "calculations.txt"
  writeFib n handle
  sum <- sumNumbers handle
  print sum
  hClose handle
  removeFile file

A couple notes here. First, if the directory passed to openTempFile doesn't exist, this will cause an error. We also need to print the sum before closing the handle, or else Haskell will not actually try to read anything until after closure due to laziness!

But aside from these caveats, our function works! If we don't remove the file, then we'll be able to see the file at a location like /tmp/fib/calculations6132-6.txt.

This example doesn't necessarily demonstrate why we would use openTempFile instead of just giving the file the name calculations.txt. The answer to that is our process is now safer with respect to concurrency. We could run this same operation on different threads in parallel, and there would be no file conflicts. We'll see exactly how to do that later this year!

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Finding What You Seek