Fixing Haskellings Filepaths

Hey folks! I'm experimenting with a new content format for Monday Morning Haskell. Every Monday Evening now, I'm going to stream myself writing some Haskell or working on a Haskell problem, and then the following Monday I'll post an overview of that stream on YouTube.

Last week was the first streaming session, where I was working on an issue with Haskellings. So this video will have some highlights from that. For broader context, I was looking to replace some custom functions I had built for filepath manipulation with the more well tested System.Filepath library.

This being the first stream, I hope you'll understand things are still a bit rough around the edges, but I hope you enjoy it! If you want to tune in to watch me on Monday Evenings, head over to my Twitch page!


New Quicksort Video!


Monday Evening Haskell!