Checking it's all in Place: Placeholders and Dependent Types
Last week we dove into the world of dependent types. We linked tensors with their shapes at the type level. This gave our program some extra type safety and allowed us to avoid certain runtime errors.
This week, we’re going to solve another runtime conundrum: missing placeholders. We’ll add some more dependent type machinery to ensure we've plugged in all the necessary placeholders! But we’ll see this is not as straightforward as shapes.
To follow along with the code in this article, take a look at this branch on my Haskell Tensor Flow Github repository. All the code for this article is in DepShape.hs. As usual, I've listed the necessary compiler extensions and imports at the bottom of this article. If you want to run the code yourself, you'll have to get Haskell and Tensor Flow running first. Take a look at our Haskell Tensor Flow guide for that!
Now to start, let’s remind ourselves what placeholders are in Tensor Flow and how we use them.
Placeholder Review
Placeholders represent tensors that can have different values on different application runs. This is often the case when we’re training on different samples of data. Here’s our very simple example in Python. We’ll create a couple placeholder tensors by providing their shapes and no values. Then when we actually run the session, we’ll provide a value for each of those tensors.
node1 = tf.placeholder(tf.float32)
node2 = tf.placeholder(tf.float32)
adderNode = tf.add(node1, node2)
sess = tf.Session()
result1 =, {node1: 3, node2: 4.5 })
The weakness here is that there’s nothing forcing us to provide values for those tensors! We could try running our program without them and we’ll get a runtime crash:
sess = tf.Session()
result1 =
Terminal Output:
InvalidArgumentError (see above for traceback): You must feed a value for placeholder tensor 'Placeholder' with dtype float
[[Node: Placeholder = Placeholder[dtype=DT_FLOAT, shape=[], _device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/cpu:0"]()]]
Unfortunately, the Haskell Tensor Flow library doesn’t actually do any better here. When we want to fill in placeholders, we provide a list of “feeds”. But our program will still compile even if we pass an empty list! We’ll encounter similar runtime errors:
(node1 :: Tensor Value Float) <- placeholder [1]
(node2 :: Tensor Value Float) <- placeholder [1]
let adderNode = node1 `add` node2
let runStep = \node1Feed node2Feed -> runWithFeeds [] adderNode
runStep (encodeTensorData [1] input1) (encodeTensorData [1] input2)
Terminal Output:
TensorFlowException TF_INVALID_ARGUMENT "You must feed a value for placeholder tensor 'Placeholder_1' with dtype float and shape [1]\n\t [[Node: Placeholder_1 = Placeholder[dtype=DT_FLOAT, shape=[1], _device=\"/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/cpu:0\"]()]]"
In the Iris and MNIST examples, we bury the call to runWithFeeds
within our neural network API. We only provide a Model
object. This model object forces us to provide the expected input and output tensors. So anyone using our model wouldn't make a manual runWithFeeds
data Model = Model
{ train :: TensorData Float
-> TensorData Int64
-> Session ()
, errorRate :: TensorData Float
-> TensorData Int64
-> SummaryTensor
-> Session (Float, ByteString)
This isn’t a bad solution! But it’s interesting to see how we can push the envelope with dependent types, so let’s try that!
Adding More “Safe” Types
The first step we’ll take is to augment Tensor Flow’s TensorData
type. We’ll want it to have shape information like SafeTensor
and SafeShape
. But we’ll also attach a name to each piece of data. This will allow us to identify which tensor to substitute the data in for. At the type level, we refer to this name as a Symbol
data SafeTensorData a (n :: Symbol) (s :: [Nat]) where
SafeTensorData :: (TensorType a) => TensorData a -> SafeTensorData a n s
Next, we’ll need to make some changes to our SafeTensor
type. First, each SafeTensor
will get a new type parameter. This parameter refers to a mapping of names (symbols) to shapes (which are still lists of naturals). We'll call this a placeholder list. So each tensor will have type-level information for the placeholders it depends on. Each different placeholder has a name and a shape.
data SafeTensor v a (s :: [Nat]) (p :: [(Symbol, [Nat])]) where
SafeTensor :: (TensorType a) => Tensor v a -> SafeTensor v a s p
Now, recall when we substituted for placeholders, we used a list of feeds. But this list had no information about the names or dimensions of its feeds. Let's create a new type containing the different elements we need for our feeds. It should also contain the correct type information about the placeholder list. The first step of to define the type so that it has the list of placeholders it contains, like the SafeTensor
data FeedList (pl :: [(Symbol, [Nat])]) where
This structure will look like a linked list, like our SafeShape
. Thus we’ll start by defining an “empty” constructor:
data FeedList (pl :: [(Symbol, [Nat])]) where
EmptyFeedList :: FeedList '[]
Now we’ll add a “Cons”-like constructor by creating yet another type operator :--:
. Each “piece” of our linked list will contain two different items. First, the tensor we are substituting for. Next, it will have the data we’ll be using for the substitution. We can use type parameters to force their shapes and data types to match. Then we need the resulting placeholder type. We have to append the type-tuple containing the symbol and shape to the previous list. This completes our definition.
data FeedList (pl :: [(Symbol, [Nat])]) where
EmptyFeedList :: FeedList '[]
(:--:) :: (KnownSymbol n)
=> (SafeTensor Value a s p, SafeTensorData a n s)
-> FeedList pl
-> FeedList ( '(n, s) ': pl)
infixr 5 :--:
Note that we force the tensor to be a Value
tensor. We can only substitute data for rendered tensors, hence this restriction. Let's add a quick safeRender
so we can render our SafeTensor
safeRender :: (MonadBuild m) => SafeTensor Build a s pl -> m (SafeTensor Value a s pl)
safeRender (SafeTensor t1) = do
t2 <- render t1
return $ SafeTensor t2
Making a Placeholder
Now we can write our safePlaceholder
function. We’ll add a KnownSymbol
as a type constraint. Then we’ll take a SafeShape
to give ourselves the type information for the shape. The result is a new tensor that maps the symbol and the shape in the placeholder list.
safePlaceholder :: (MonadBuild m, TensorType a, KnownSymbol sym) =>
SafeShape s -> m (SafeTensor Value a s '[ '(sym, s)])
safePlaceholder shp = do
pl <- placeholder (toShape shp)
return $ SafeTensor pl
This looks a little crazy, and it kind’ve is! But we’ve now created a tensor that stores its own placeholder information at the type level!
Updating Old Code
Now that we’ve done this, we’re also going to have to update some of our older code. The first part of this is pretty straightforward. We’ll need to change safeConstant
so that it has the type information. It will have an empty list for the placeholders.
safeConstant :: (TensorType a, ShapeProduct s ~ n) =>
Vector n a -> SafeShape s -> SafeTensor Build a s '[]
safeConstant elems shp = SafeTensor (constant (toShape shp) (toList elems))
Our mathematical operations will be a bit more tricky though. Consider adding two arbitrary tensors. They may share placeholder dependencies but may not. What should be the placeholder type for the resulting tensor? Obviously the union of the two placeholder maps of the input tensors! Luckily for us, we can use Union
from the type-list
library to represent this concept.
safeAdd :: (TensorType a, a /= Bool, TensorKind v)
=> SafeTensor v a s p1
-> SafeTensor v a s p2
-> SafeTensor Build a s (Union p1 p2)
safeAdd (SafeTensor t1) (SafeTensor t2) = SafeTensor (t1 `add` t2)
We’ll make the same update with matrix multiplication:
safeMatMul :: (TensorType a, a /= Bool, a /= Int8, a /= Int16,
a /= Int64, a /= Word8, a /= ByteString, TensorKind v)
=> SafeTensor v a '[i,n] p1 -> SafeTensor v a '[n,o] p2 -> SafeTensor Build a '[i,o] (Union p1 p2)
safeMatMul (SafeTensor t1) (SafeTensor t2) = SafeTensor (t1 `matMul` t2)
Running with Placeholders
Now we have all the information we need to write our safeRun
function. This will take a SafeTensor
, and it will also take a FeedList
with the same placeholder type. Remember, a FeedList
contains a series of SafeTensorData
items. They must match up symbol-for-symbol and shape-for-shape with the placeholders within the SafeTensor
. Let’s look at the type signature:
safeRun :: (TensorType a, Fetchable (Tensor v a) r) =>
FeedList pl -> SafeTensor v a s pl -> Session r
The Fetchable
constraint enforces that we can actually get the “result” r
out of our tensor. For instance, we can "fetch" a vector of floats out of a tensor that uses Float
as its underlying value.
We’ll next define a tail-recursive helper function to build the vanilla “list of feeds” out of our FeedList
. Through pattern matching, we can pick out the tensor to substitute for and the data we’re using. We can combine these into a feed and append to the growing list:
safeRun = ...
buildFeedList :: FeedList ss -> [Feed] -> [Feed]
buildFeedList EmptyFeedList accum = accum
buildFeedList ((SafeTensor tensor_, SafeTensorData data_) :--: rest) accum =
buildFeedList rest ((feed tensor_ data_) : accum)
Now all we have to do to finish up is call the normal runWithFeeds
function with the list we’ve created!
safeRun :: (TensorType a, Fetchable (Tensor v a) r) =>
FeedList pl -> SafeTensor v a s pl -> Session r
safeRun feeds (SafeTensor finalTensor) = runWithFeeds (buildFeedList feeds []) finalTensor
And here’s what it looks like to use this in practice with our simple example. Notice the type signatures do get a little cumbersome. The signatures we place on the initial placeholder tensors are necessary. Otherwise the compiler wouldn't know what label we're giving them! The signature containing the union of the types is unnecessary. We can remove it if we want and let type inference do its work.
main3 :: IO (VN.Vector Float)
main3 = runSession $ do
let (shape1 :: SafeShape '[2,2]) = fromJust $ fromShape (Shape [2,2])
(a :: SafeTensor Value Float '[2,2] '[ '("a", '[2,2])]) <- safePlaceholder shape1
(b :: SafeTensor Value Float '[2,2] '[ '("b", '[2,2])] ) <- safePlaceholder shape1
let result = a `safeAdd` b
(result_ :: SafeTensor Value Float '[2,2] '[ '("b", '[2,2]), '("a", '[2,2])]) <- safeRender result
let (feedA :: Vector 4 Float) = fromJust $ fromList [1,2,3,4]
let (feedB :: Vector 4 Float) = fromJust $ fromList [5,6,7,8]
let fullFeedList = (b, safeEncodeTensorData shape1 feedB) :--:
(a, safeEncodeTensorData shape1 feedA) :--:
safeRun fullFeedList result_
{- It runs!
Now suppose we make some mistakes with our types. Here we’ll take out the “A” feed from our feed list:
-- Let’s take out Feed A!
main = …
let fullFeedList = (b, safeEncodeTensorData shape1 feedB) :--:
safeRun fullFeedList result_
{- Compiler Error!
• Couldn't match type ‘'['("a", '[2, 2])]’ with ‘'[]’
Expected type: SafeTensor Value Float '[2, 2] '['("b", '[2, 2])]
Actual type: SafeTensor
Value Float '[2, 2] '['("b", '[2, 2]), '("a", '[2, 2])]
Here’s what happens when we try to substitute a vector with the wrong size. It will identify that we have the wrong number of elements!
main = …
-- Wrong Size!
let (feedA :: Vector 8 Float) = fromJust $ fromList [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
let (feedB :: Vector 4 Float) = fromJust $ fromList [5,6,7,8]
let fullFeedList = (b, safeEncodeTensorData shape1 feedB) :--:
(a, safeEncodeTensorData shape1 feedA) :--:
safeRun fullFeedList result_
{- Compiler Error!
Couldn't match type ‘4’ with ‘8’
arising from a use of ‘safeEncodeTensorData’
Conclusion: Pros and Cons
So let’s take a step back and look at what we’ve constructed here. We’ve managed to provide ourselves with some pretty cool compile time guarantees. We’ve also added de-facto documentation to our code. Anyone familiar with the codebase can tell at a glance what placeholders we need for each tensor. It’s a lot harder now to write incorrect code. There are still error conditions of course. But if we’re smart we can write our code to deal with these all upfront. That way we can fail gracefully instead of throwing a random run-time crash somewhere.
But there are drawbacks. Imagine being a Haskell novice and walking into this codebase. You’ll have no real clue what’s going on (I wouldn’t have 2 months ago). The types are very cumbersome after a while, so continuing to write them down gets very tedious. Though as I mentioned, type inference can deal with a lot of that. But if you don’t track them, the type union can be finicky about the ordering of your placeholders. We could fix this with another type family though.
All these factors could present a real drag on development. But then again, tracking down run-time errors can also do this. Tensor Flow’s error messages can still be a little cryptic. This can make it hard to find root causes.
Since I’m still a novice with dependent types, this code was a little messy. Next week we’ll take a look at a more polished library that uses dependent types for neural networks. We’ll see how the Grenade library allows us to specify a learning system in just a few lines of code!
If you’re new to Haskell, I hope none of this dependent type madness scared you! The language is much easier than these last couple posts make it seem! Try it out, and download our Getting Started Checklist. It'll give you some instructions and tools to help you learn!
If you’re an experienced Haskeller and want to try out Tensor Flow, download our Tensor Flow Guide! It will walk you through incorporating the library into a Stack project!
Appendix: Compiler Extensions and Imports
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Int (Int64, Int8, Int16)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..))
import Data.Type.List (Union)
import qualified Data.Vector as VN
import Data.Vector.Sized (Vector, toList, fromList)
import Data.Word (Word8)
import GHC.TypeLits (Nat, KnownNat, natVal)
import GHC.TypeLits
import TensorFlow.Core
import TensorFlow.Core (Shape(..), TensorType, Tensor, Build)
import TensorFlow.Ops (constant, add, matMul, placeholder)
import TensorFlow.Session (runSession, run)
import TensorFlow.Tensor (TensorKind)