Eff to the Rescue!
In the last couple weeks, we’ve seen quite a flurry of typeclasses. We used MonadDatabase
and MonadCache
to abstract the different effects within our API. This brought with it some benefits, but also some drawbacks. With these concepts abstracted, we could distill the API code into its simpler tasks. We didn't need to worry about connection configurations or lifting through different monads.
As we’ve seen though, there was a lot of boilerplate code involved. And there would be more if we wanted the freedom to have different parts of our app use different monad stacks. Free Monads are one solution to this problem. They allow you to compose your program so that the order in which you specify your effects does not matter. We’ll still have to write “interpretations” as we did before. But now they’ll be a lot more composable.
You can follow along the code for this by checking out the effects-3 branch on Github. Also, I do have to give a shoutout to Sandy Maguire for his talk on Eff and Free monads from BayHac. Most of what I know about free monads comes from that talk. You should also check out his blog as well.
Typeclass Boilerplate
Let’s review the main drawback of our type class approach. Recall our original definition of the AppMonad
, and some of the instances we had to write for it:
newtype AppMonad a = AppMonad (ReaderT RedisInfo (SqlPersistT (LoggingT IO)) a)
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad)
instance MonadDatabase AppMonad where
fetchUserDB = liftSqlPersistT . fetchUserDB
createUserDB = liftSqlPersistT . createUserDB
deleteUserDB = liftSqlPersistT . deleteUserDB
fetchArticleDB = liftSqlPersistT . fetchArticleDB
createArticleDB = liftSqlPersistT . createArticleDB
deleteArticleDB = liftSqlPersistT . deleteArticleDB
fetchArticlesByAuthor = liftSqlPersistT . fetchArticlesByAuthor
fetchRecentArticles = liftSqlPersistT fetchRecentArticles
liftSqlPersistT :: SqlPersistT (LoggingT IO) a -> AppMonad a
liftSqlPersistT action = AppMonad $ ReaderT (const action)
instance (MonadIO m, MonadLogger m) => MonadDatabase (SqlPersistT m) where
But suppose another part of our application wants to use a different monad stack. Perhaps it uses different configuration information and tracks different state. But it still needs to be able to connect to the database. As a result, we’ll need to write more instances. Each of these will need a new definition for all the different effect functions. Most all these will be repetitive and involve some combination of lifts. This isn’t great. Further, suppose we want arbitrary reordering of the monad stack. The number of instances you’ll have to write scales quadratically. Once you get to six or seven layers, this is a real pain.
Main Ideas of Eff
We can get much better composability by using free monads. I’m not going to get into the conceptual details of free monads. Instead I’ll show how to implement them using the Eff
monad from the Freer Effects library. Let's first think back to how we define constraints on monads in our handler functions.
fetchUsersHandler :: (MonadDatabase m, MonadCache m) => Int64 -> m User
We take some generic monad, and constrain it to implement our type classes. With Eff, we’ll specify constraints in a different way. We have only one monad, the Eff
monad. This monad is parameterized by a type-level list of other monads that it carries on its stack.
type JustIO a = Eff ‘[IO] a
type ReaderWithIO a = Eff ‘[Reader RedisInfo, IO] a
With this in mind, we can specify constraints on what monads are part of our stack using Member
. Here’s how we’ll re-write the type signature from above:
fetchUsersHandler :: (Member Database r, Member Cache r) => Int64 -> Eff r User
We’ll specify exactly what Database
and Cache
are in the next section. But in essence, we’re stating that we have these two kinds of effects that live somewhere on our monad stack r
. It doesn’t matter what order they’re in! This gives us a lot of flexibility. But before we see why, let’s examine how we actually write these effects.
Coding Up Effects
The first thing we’ll do is represent our effects as data types, rather than type classes. Starting with our database functionality, we’ll make a type Database a
. This type will have one constructor for each function from our MonadDatabase
typeclass. We’ll capitalize the names since they’re constructors instead of functions names. Then we’ll use GADT syntax, so that the result will be of type Database
instead of a function in a particular monad. To start, here’s what our FetchUserDB
constructor looks like:
data Database a where
FetchUserDB :: Int64 -> Database (Maybe User)
Our previous definition looked like Int64 -> m (Maybe User)
. But we’re now constructing a Database
action. Here’s the rest of the definition:
data Database a where
FetchUserDB :: Int64 -> Database (Maybe User)
CreateUserDB :: User -> Database Int64
DeleteUserDB :: Int64 -> Database ()
FetchArticleDB :: Int64 -> Database (Maybe Article)
CreateArticleDB :: Article -> Database Int64
DeleteArticleDB :: Int64 -> Database ()
FetchArticlesByAuthor :: Int64 -> Database [KeyVal Article]
FetchRecentArticles :: Database [(KeyVal User, KeyVal Article)]
Now we can also do the same thing with a Cache
type instead of our MonadCache
data Cache a where
CacheUser :: Int64 -> User -> Cache ()
FetchCachedUser :: Int64 -> Cache (Maybe User)
DeleteCachedUser :: Int64 -> Cache ()
Now, unfortunately, we do need some boilerplate with Eff. For each of constructor we create, we’ll need a function to run that item within the Eff
monad. For these, we’ll use the send
function from the Eff
library. Each function states that our effect type is a member of our monad set. Then it will otherwise match the type of that constructor, only within the Eff
monad. Here are the three examples for our Cache
cacheUser :: (Member Cache r) => Int64 -> User -> Eff r ()
cacheUser uid user = send $ CacheUser uid user
fetchCachedUser :: (Member Cache r) => Int64 -> Eff r (Maybe User)
fetchCachedUser = send . FetchCachedUser
deleteCachedUser :: (Member Cache r) => Int64 -> Eff r ()
deleteCachedUser = send . DeleteCachedUser
But wait! You might be asking, aren’t we trying to avoid boilerplate? Well, it’s hard to avoid all boilerplate. But the real gain we’ll get is that our boilerplate will scale in a linear fashion. We only need this code once per effect type we create. Remember, the alternative is quadratic growth.
Interpreting our Effects
To write "interpretations" of our effects in the type class system, we wrote instances. Here, we can do it with functions that we'll prefix with run
. These will assume we have an action where our effect is on "top" of the monad stack. The result will be a new action with that layer peeled off.
runDatabase :: Eff (Database ': r) a -> Eff r a
runDatabase = ...
Now, we have to consider, what would be necessary to run our database effects? For our production application, we need to know that SqlPersistT
lives in the monad stack. So we’ll add (SqlPersistT (LoggingT IO))
as a constraint on the rest of the r
for our monad.
runDatabase :: (Member (SqlPersistT (LoggingT IO)) r) => Eff (Database ': r) a -> Eff r a
So we are in effect constraining the ordering of our monad, but doing it in a logical way. It wouldn’t make sense for us to ever run our database effects without knowing about the database itself.
To write this function, we specify a transformation between this Member
of the rest of our stack and our Database
type. We can run this transformation with runNat
runDatabase :: (Member (SqlPersistT (LoggingT IO)) r) => Eff (Database ': r) a -> Eff r a
runDatabase = runNat databaseToSql
databaseToSql :: Database a -> SqlPersistT (LoggingT IO) a
Now we need a conversion between a Database
object and a SqlPersistT
action. For this, we plug in all the different function definitions we’ve been using all along. For instance, here’s what our fetchUserDB
and createDB
definitions look like:
databaseToSql (FetchUserDB uid) = get (toSqlKey uid)
databaseToSql (CreateUserDB user) = fromSqlKey <$> insert user
Our other constructors will follow this pattern as well.
Now, we’ll also want a way to interpret SqlPersistT
effects within Eff
. We’ll depend on only having IO
as a deeper member within the stack here, though we also need the PGInfo
parameter. Then we use runNat
and convert between our SqlPersistT
action and a normal IO
action. We’ve done this before with runPGAction
runSqlPersist :: (Member IO r) => PGInfo -> Eff ((SqlPersistT (LoggingT IO)) ': r) a -> Eff r a
runSqlPersist pgInfo = runNat $ runPGAction pgInfo
We go through this same process with Redis
and our cache. To run a Redis
action from our monad stack, we have to take the RedisInfo
as a parameter and then also have IO
on our stack:
runRedisAction :: (Member IO r) => RedisInfo -> Eff (Redis ': r) a -> Eff r a
runRedisAction redisInfo = runNat redisToIO
redisToIO :: Redis a -> IO a
redisToIO action = do
connection <- connect redisInfo
runRedis connection action
Once we have this transformation, we can use the dependency on Redis
to run Cache
runCache :: (Member Redis r) => Eff (Cache ': r) a -> Eff r a
runCache = runNat cacheToRedis
cacheToRedis :: Cache a -> Redis a
cacheToRedis (CacheUser uid user) = void $ setex (pack . show $ uid) 3600 (pack . show $ user)
cacheToRedis (FetchCachedUser uid) = do
result <- get (pack . show $ uid)
case result of
Right (Just userString) -> return $ Just (read . unpack $ userString)
_ -> return Nothing
cacheToRedis (DeleteCachedUser uid) = void $ del [pack . show $ uid]
And now we're done with our interpretations!
A Final Natural Transformation
Since we’re using Servant, we’ll still have to pick a final ordering. We need a natural transformation from Eff
to Handler
. Thus we'll specify a specific order so we have a specific Eff
. We’ll put our cache effects on the top of our stack, then database operations, and finally, plain old IO
transformEffToHandler ::
PGInfo ->
RedisInfo ->
(Eff '[Cache, Redis, Database, SqlPersistT (LoggingT IO), IO]) :~> Handler
So how do we define this transformation? As always, we’ll want to create an IO
action that exposes an Either
value so we can catch errors. First, we can use our different run
functions to peel off all the layers on our stack until all we have is IO
transformEffToHandler ::
PGInfo ->
RedisInfo ->
(Eff '[Cache, Redis, Database, SqlPersistT (LoggingT IO), IO]) :~> Handler
transformEffToHandler pgInfo redisInfo = NT $ \action -> do
-- ioAct :: Err ‘[IO] a
let ioAct = (runSqlPersist pgInfo . runDatabase . runRedisAction redisInfo . runCache) action
When we only have a single monad on our stack, we can use runM
to get an action in that monad. So we need to apply that to our action, handle errors, and return the result as a Handler
transformEffToHandler ::
PGInfo ->
RedisInfo ->
(Eff '[Cache, Redis, Database, SqlPersistT (LoggingT IO), IO]) :~> Handler
transformEffToHandler pgInfo redisInfo = NT $ \action -> do
let ioAct = (runSqlPersist pgInfo . runDatabase . runRedisAction redisInfo . runCache) action
result <- liftIO (runWithServantHandler (runM ioAct))
Handler $ either throwError return result
And with that we’re done! Here’s the big win with Eff
. It’s quite easy for us to write a different transformation on a different ordering of the Stack. We just change the order in which we apply our run
-- Put Database on top instead of Cache
transformEffToHandler ::
PGInfo ->
RedisInfo ->
(Eff '[Database, SqlPersistT (LoggingT IO), Cache, Redis, IO]) :~> Handler
transformEffToHandler pgInfo redisInfo = NT $ \action -> do
let ioAct = (runRedisAction redisInfo . runCache . runSqlPersist pgInfo . runDatabase) action
result <- liftIO (runWithServantHandler (runM ioAct))
Handler $ either throwError return result
Can we avoid outside services with this approach? Sure! We can specify test interpretations of our effects that don’t use SqlPersistT
or Redis
. We’ll still have IO
for reasons mentioned last week, but it’s still an easy change. We'll define separate runTestDatabase
and runTestCache
functions that use the same effects we saw last week. They’ll depend on using the State
over our in-memory maps.
runTestDatabase ::
(Member (StateT (UserMap, ArticleMap, UserMap) IO) r) =>
Eff (Database ': r) a ->
Eff r a
runTestDatabase = runNat databaseToState
databaseToState :: Database a -> StateT (UserMap, ArticleMap, UserMap) IO a
runTestCache ::
(Member (StateT (UserMap, ArticleMap, UserMap) IO) r) =>
Eff (Cache ': r) a ->
Eff r a
runTestCache = runNat cacheToState
cacheToState :: Cache a -> StateT (UserMap, ArticleMap, UserMap) IO a
Then we fill in the definitions with the same functions we used when writing our TestMonad
. After that, we define another natural transformation, in the same pattern:
transformTestEffToHandler ::
MVar (UserMap, ArticleMap, UserMap) ->
Eff '[Cache, Database, StateT (UserMap, ArticleMap, UserMap) IO] :~> Handler
transformTestEffToHandler sharedMap = NT $ \action -> do
let stateAct = (runTestDatabase . runTestCache) action
result <- liftIO (runWithServantHandler (runEff stateAct))
Handler $ either throwError return result
runEff :: Eff '[StateT (UserMap, ArticleMap, UserMap) IO] a -> IO a
runEff action = do
let stateAction = runM action
runStateTWithPointer stateAction sharedMap
Incorporating our Interpretations
The final step we’ll take is to change a couple different type signatures within our API code. We’ll pass a new natural transformation to our Server function:
fullAPIServer ::
((Eff '[Cache, Redis, Database, SqlPersistT (LoggingT IO), IO]) :~> Handler) ->
Server FullAPI
fullAPIServer nt = ...
And then we’ll change all our handlers to use Eff
with the proper members, instead of AppMonad
fetchUsersHandler :: (Member Database r, Member Cache r) => Int64 -> Eff r User
createUserHandler :: (Member Database r) => User -> Eff r Int64
fetchArticleHandler :: (Member Database r) => Int64 -> Eff r Article
createArticleHandler :: (Member Database r) => Article -> Eff r Int64
fetchArticlesByAuthorHandler :: (Member Database r) => Int64 -> Eff r [KeyVal Article]
fetchRecentArticlesHandler :: (Member Database r) => Eff r [(KeyVal User, KeyVal Article)]
We’ve come a long way with our small application. It doesn’t do much. But it has served as a great launchpad for learning many interesting libraries and techniques. In particular, we’ve seen in these last few weeks how to organize effects within our application. With the Eff library, we can represent our effects with data types that we can re-order with ease.
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